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Results for "OSDC agenda"

Like meeting the family – OSDC 2017: Day 1

I was happy to join our conference crew for OSDC 2017 again because it is like meeting the family as one of our attendees said. Conference started for me already yesterday because I could join Gabriel‘s workshop on Mesos Marathon. It was a quite interesting introduction into this topic with examples and know how from building our Software-As-A-Service platform “Netways Web Services“. But it was also very nice to meet many customers and long-time attendees again as I already knew more than half of the people joining the workshops. So day zero ended with some nice conversation at the hotel’s restaurant.
As always the conference started with a warm welcome from Bernd before the actual talks (and the hard decision which talk to join) started. For the first session I joined Daniel Korn from Red Hat’s Container Management Team on “Automating your data-center with Ansible and ManageIQ“. He gave us an good look behind “one management solution to rule them all” like ManageIQ (the upstream version of Red Hat Cloudform) which is designed as an Open source management platform for Hybrid IT. So it integrates many different solutions like Openshift, Foreman or Ansible Tower in one interface. And as no one wants to configure such things manually today there are some Ansible modules to help with automating the setup. Another topic covered was Hawkular a time series database including triggers and alarming which could be used get alerts from Openshift to ManageIQ.
The second talk was Seth Vargo with “Taming the Modern Data Center” on how to handle the complexity of data centers today. He also covered the issues of life cycles shrinking from timeframes measured in days, weeks and month to seconds and minutes and budget moving from CapEx to OpEx by using cloud or service platforms. With Terraform he introduced one of HashiCorp’s solutions to help with solving these challenges by providing one abstraction layer to manage multiple solutions. Packer was another tool introduced to help with image creation for immutable infrastructure. The third tool shown was Consul providing Service Discovery (utilizing DNS or a HTTP API), Health Checking (and automatic removal from discovered services), Key/Value Store (as configuration backend for these services) and Multi-Datacenter (for delegating service request to nearest available system). In addition Seth gave some good look inside workflows and concepts inside HashCorp like they use their own software and test betas in production before releasing or trust developers of the integrated software to maintain the providers required for this integration.
Next was Mandi Walls on “Building Security Into Your Workflow with InSpec”. The problem she mentioned and is tried to be resolved by InSpec is security reviews can slow down development but moving security reviews to scanning a production environment is to late. So InSpec is giving the administrator a spec dialect to write human-readable compliance tests for Linux and Windows. It addresses being understandable for non-technical compliance officers by doing so and profiles give them a catalog to satisfy all their needs at once. If you want an example have a look at the chef cookbook os-hardening and the InSpec profile /dev-sec/linux-baseline working nicely together by checking compliance and running remediation.
James Shubin giving a big life demo of mgmt was entertaining and informative as always. I have already seen some of the demos on other events, but it is still exciting to see configuration management with parallelization (no unnecessary waiting for resources), event driven (instant recreation of resources), distributed topology (no single point of failure), automatic grouping of resource (no more running the package manager for every package), virtual machines as resources (including managing them from cockpit and hot plug cpus), remote execution (allowing to spread configuration management through SSH from one laptop over your data center). mgmt is not production ready for now, but its very promising. Future work includes a descriptive language, more resource types and more improvements. I can recommend watching the recording when it goes online in the next days.
“Do you trust your containers?” was the question asked by Erez Freiberger in his talk before he gave the audience some tools to increase the trust. After a short introduction into SCAP and OpenSCAP Erez spoke about Image inspector which is build on top of them and is utilized by OpenShift and ManageIQ to inspect container images. It is very good to see security getting nicely integrated into such tools and with the mentioned future work it will be even nicer to use.
For the last talk of today I joined Colin Charles from Percona who let us take part on “Lessons learned from database failures”. On his agenda were backups, replication and security. Without blaming and shaming Colin took many examples which failed and explained how it could be done better with current software and architecture. This remembers me to catch up on MySQL and MariaDB features before they hit enterprise distributions.
So this is it for today, after so many interesting talks I will have some food, drinks and conversation at the evening event taking place at Umspannwerk Ost. Tomorrow I will hand over the blog to Michael because I will give a talk about Foreman myself.

Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

OSDC 2010: Open Source Koryphäen garantieren spannendes und informatives Vortragsprogramm!

Wir freuen uns final das Programm der 2ten Open Source Data Center Conference 2010 (OSDC), welche vom 23. – 24. Juni in Nürnberg stattfinden wird, bekannt geben zu können!
Als Highlight der Konferenz konnten wir Baron Schwartz als Keynote zur Konferenz gewinnen. Baron ist eine der Open Source Größen unserer Zeit und wird die Konferenz mit seinem Fachwissen aus dem Bereich MySQL um einen spannenden und praxisorientierten Vortrag zum Thema “Optimizing MySQL and InnoDB Performance” bereichern. Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und Expertise als Director of Consulting bei Percona ist ein hochspannender und informativer Vortrag garantiert!
Die finale Programmagenda bietet jedem IT-Profi mit vielfältigen und hochwertige Vorträgen und Workshops ein breites Themenspektrum rund um Open Source Lösungen in Rechenzentren und großen IT-Umgebungen. Dabei ermöglichen die vorgestellten Best Practices, sich das aktuellste Know-how für die tägliche Praxis bestmöglich anzueignen.
Wir möchten es aber auch dieses Jahr nicht missen den optimalen Rahmen für einen persönlichen Austausch unter Profis fernab der Vorträge und Workshops zu bieten. Dazu lädt das bewährte Holiday Inn Hotel im Herzen Nürnbergs ein, in dem alle Teilnehmer gemeinsam untergebracht sein werden. Zudem schafft die gemeinsame Abendveranstaltung bei BBQ und fruchtigen Cocktails den optimalen Rahmen zum gemeinsamen Austauschen und Netzwerken, aber auch zum Innehalten und Nachdenken.
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren, treffen Sie internationale Open Source Profis und profitieren Sie von deren umfasssenden Erfahrung! Die Teilnehmerliste füllt sich stetig mit Open Source Freunden aus der ganzen Welt. Sichern Sie sich jetzt noch einen der wenigen Restplätze durch Anmeldung online unter und seien Sie dabei wenn es wieder heißt: Open Source thinking large!

Monthly Snap May 2020

In the beginning of the month almost all NETWAYS’ers were working from home. By the end of the month more and more came to work in the office, which was newly equipped with face masks and disinfectant dispensers. What else was on our minds in May?



Part two of the blog-series Kubernetes – so startest Du durch! is Achim’s So startest Du Dein Managed Kubernetes bei NWS, a thorough how-to for getting started with your cluster. Also read part three, in which your first steps with Kubernetes are described: Erste Schritte mit Kubernetes. In part four in the series Achim gave us further helpful tips. Read Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller – So gelingt Dein einfacher Start! Part five of the series is Sebastian’s blog Monitoring Kubernetes mit Prometheus, because whether we like it or not, monitoring is an important issue that should never be neglected.


CEOs point of view

Many of us order from Amazon automatically, without even considering other options. Bernd encourages us to rethink this behaviour for various reasons in Amazon ist nicht alternativlos.


Techie news

David started out with his blog Die Out of the Box Experience, in which he claims that some of the joy of unboxing your new pc or gaming console is lost in all the waiting and installing we have to go through to actually use the new item. What to do with preinstalled Python versions? Markus gave us an idea in: Virtual Environments in Python. Philipp talked about evaluating SNMP traps in Ein kleiner Exkurs zu SNMP. And Saeid tested the program Pretalx for us, an open source program for organizing events and conferences.


SHOPs corner

Nicole explained the advantages of one of Gude’s products GUDE Expert Net Control 2111-Serie: Schalten und Messen for medium-sized to large server-rooms and data-centers. What do you need for monitoring your data center this summer? Natalie suggests the HWg-Ares 12 in Der – vermutlich etwas andere – Sommer kommt! What’s new from AKCP? Nicole wrote NEU im Shop: AKCP LoRaWan Geräte für wireless Sensoren and explained how this technology works. In GUDE Expert Sensor Box 7213 und 7214-Serie im direkten Vergleich, Natalie compares two Gude Boxes, to help us decide which one meets our needs the best.


Upcoming Events

In Call for Papers: Become a Speaker at OSMC 2020, Julia invited all of us to become speakers at the Open Source Monitoring Conference in Nuremberg. Hand in your proposal and take part in the event of the year! Did you know that we now offer some of our trainings as online trainings? Julia gave us an overview of upcoming trainings in Alles neu macht der Mai: NETWAYS Trainings – Online und vor Ort. And Julia informed us that the agenda for the stackconf is set! Read about it in stackconf online: stream, chat, network

Julia also wrote about the importance of helpful apps while working from home. Suddenly „nice“ and „helpful“ apps became significant for our work, and we were so happy to have them and our MyEngineers! Read about it in Wie ich meine Open Source-Apps und MyEngineers zu schätzen gelernt habe.


OSDC Recap

In our blog series OSDC recap we present some of last years’ highlights. In 5 Steps to a DevOps Transformation by Dan Barker | OSDC 2019, Aleksander gave a summary of the talk and shared a link to its video. Did you miss Jan Martens’ talk? Alexander recapped it in Evolution of a Microservice-Infrastructure by Jan Martens | OSDC 2019 and he also shared a link to the video.



Working from home is different for everyone. Our apprentice Nathaniel shared his experiences in Arbeiten und Leben im Homeoffice in Zeiten von Corona


Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.

Monthly Snap April 2019

Springtime in Nuremberg! In this month of Easter-eggs and chocolate bunnies our colleagues wrote about various interesting subjects. You missed some of these? Just click the links below!

No Aprils fools at NETWAYS!

Nicole started the month with a post from the NETWAYS shop on the Expert Sensor Box von GUDE, with which you can monitor your infrastructure. Alerts are sent by E-Mail if the temperature, the humidity or the air pressure deviates from your set limits.
A week later Nicole presented the Expert Net Control von Gude. A bigger monitoring system which can also monitor water leaks and detect smoke.
The summer can really cause damage to your data center. Rising temperatures and higher humidity need to be reined in. Nicole explained how the NETWAYS Monitor alerts you if needed in her blog Der Sommer kommt!
Our apprentice Tobias visited our shop for a week and had a look at some of our products. In his blogpost Und der Sommer kommt immer noch! he presented the Ares 12 von HW group, with which you can monitor not only the usual temperature and humidity, but among others also wind strength! Last month Henrik wrote about testing Tinkerforge. Now Nicole offers it in the NETWAYS Shop: RackMonitoring Kits von TinkerForge! The brick-based system can be extended individually to meet your Needs.

Why should you attend a conference?

Julia keeps giving us reasons to attend the OSDC. In her Blog Series 17 reasons why you should join OSDC. In April reasons number 12-14 were quite convincing! But that was not all! Check out OSDC: DevOps Culture meets Technology for more information about talks on DevOps at the upcoming conference!
Meanwhile Keya keeps showing us highlights from last year’s OSMC in her series OSMC | Take a glance back… Whether you missed some of the talks or the entire conference, these highlights remind us why attending the OSMC is such a great idea! Which leads us to Julia’s call for papers for OSMC 2019.
Get on stage! Have you already gotten a ticket for the OSCamp on Ansible? Julia finally revealed: Agenda out now! And Pamela made sure we all knew what we would miss if we didn`t register for the OSCamp on Ansible in her post Sign up for ANSIBLE Automation

Developers developing!

Marius shared his experience on different tools which are helpful if working with Finder Mac Helper: Finder
Did you read Verschachtelte Listen mit Sortable.js? Johannes let us take part in his obstacle-filled journey. Michael wrote the most thorough blog of the month: Modern C++ programming: Coroutines with Boost.

Consultants consulting!

How To: Director Import #1 Max showed us how to import with the director using the Fileshipper CSV import. David took a look at the Terraform Changes, as version 0.12.0-beta 1 was due.

Junior consultants consulting!

Our apprentices Aleksander and Philipp were also busy consulting us!
Philipp taught us i-doit API Ruby-Scripting and Aleksander let us know basics on SSL/TLS certificates. SSL/TLS Zertifikate für die Nutzung im internen Netz (Apache)

NWS – Quick and dirty?

Gabriel showed how to easily set up a GitLab Runner VM per CLI in OpenStack Quick and Dirty: OpenStack + CoreOS + GitLab Runner

Stay tuned on

Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.

Monthly Snap March

March was a busy month at the NETWAYS HQ! The Icinga Camp in Berlin took place in the middle of the month, and at the end of the month we invited tech-interested girls to our office for the Girls day 2019. But we still found the time to share some knowledge in our blog, and to inform you about upcoming events!

In our Marketing team Julia keeps giving us reasons for attending the OSDC. Meanwhile Keya kept going down the memory lane, and showed us highlights from last years’ OSMC, which definitely was a conference worth remembering! OSMC: Take a glance back! We have a new training in our portfolio, PostgreSQL, as Julia let us know.

And, of course, celebrations were in order: Happy Birthday NWS! Julia reminded us of NETWAYS Web Services second birthday, two years of Software as a Service! Pamela finally revealed the OSDC speaker line up, which so many were waiting for! OSDC 2019- Agenda out now!

Eat well, be well!

Many of our colleagues are interested in a healthy lifestyle, and particularly in how to actually be healthy despite sitting in front of the PC most of the day. In that course we have already written a few articles on the right breathing and on the importance of drinking enough water in our Blog-Serie Wellbeing. In March our consultant Janina gave us loads of tips on how to eat healthy in the office, while it feels so much easier to order a pizza. Check it out: Ernährung im Büro

And the other consultants? What have they been contemplating about? Daniel took a closer look at Graylog v3.0. Dirk wrote about Verwaltung von SUSE Linux Paketen mit Katello, as a Foreman enthusiast he is always interested in new extensions and plugins. Another consultant shared thoughts in Wenn Agile, warum dann nicht richtig? Markus declared his opinion on how the Agile work- system might actually work.

What was new in the NETWAYS Shop in March?

Nicole shared a new release from the HW group, SensDesk v2. She also introduced a product in the NETWAYS online shop: Frisch im Shop, Cinterion. If you missed to read all about it at the time, here’s your second chance!

Apprentices’ experience

Loei built a reader and documented it for us in NFC-Leser mit einem Raspberry Pi. Aleksander showed us his experience on ncurses – TUI for Unix-Derivate.

Tinkerforge is making its way into our NETWAYS Shop, a great opportunity for Henrik to test some of it. Take a look at his first steps in Tinkerforge Basteln Teil 1. Have you ever wondered what PHP frameworks are for? Niko took a closer look for us. But not only our apprentices shared their…

…technical knowledge!

Johannes talked about every Sysadmins` reoccurring problem “Partition voll, Wo?” And showed us how to locate full partitions. Building a FM receiver with a Raspberry Pi 3 was Marius’ contribution in March. Infrastructure as Code mit Terraform und Openstack: Achim shared the advantages of Cloud vs data center.

Our developers’ latest findings

Eric gave an introduction into Redis Streams.  Interesting? Stay tuned for further Redis Streams Blogposts!

GitLab is usually a subject for Michael, and this is no exception! He published an article in the iX-Magazine on GitLab. He will be giving a GitLab Workshop at the OSMC, and here you can read about how the Git training was born, and about the power of the community.

And, last, but not least: Our very own CEO Bernd dabbled into psychology! Learn why nobody feels responsible for changing the empty roll of toilet paper in his series Bernd hilft!

Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.