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Log- and Eventmanagement Solutions

The collection and analysis of log and event data are fundamental for reliable and secure IT. We help you with the design, installation and operation of your environment.

Your Challenges

Log and event management as well as security information and event management (SIEM) play an important role in detecting and responding to security incidents, especially those related to critical infrastructure (KRITIS). These challenges underscore the need for a robust log and event management strategy, as well as a SIEM solution specifically tailored to the needs of KRITIS systems. It is important to employ the right tools, technologies and resources to ensure effective monitoring and response to security incidents in these critical infrastructures.

Infrastructure Complexity

Log and event management as well as security information and event management (SIEM) play an important role in detecting and responding to security incidents, especially those related to critical infrastructure (KRITIS). These challenges underscore the need for a robust log and event management strategy, as well as a SIEM solution specifically tailored to the needs of KRITIS systems. It is important to employ the right tools, technologies and resources to ensure effective monitoring and response to security incidents in these critical infrastructures.

Complexity of Events

In KRITIS environments, security-related incidents and events can take different forms and degrees of severity. Log and event management must be able to differentiate between normal operational events and potentially dangerous incidents and initiate appropriate measures. This includes the ability to recognize and analyze complex event patterns to identify security threats.

Compliance Requirements

KRITIS systems are often subject to strict regulatory requirements and must meet certain compliance standards. Log and event management must be able to capture and store relevant event data to demonstrate compliance with these standards. This requires accurate logging and monitoring of security events

Real-time Monitoring

KRITIS systems require continuous real-time monitoring to immediately detect anomalies and potential security incidents. Log and event management should be able to analyze data streams in real-time, perform complex event correlations, and trigger alerts to enable rapid intervention.

Big data

Real-time monitoringa KRITIS environments generate large amounts of log and event data. The task of log and event management is to collect, store and analyze this data in real time in order to be able to quickly identify and react to security incidents. The efficient processing of large amounts of data requires powerful hardware and suitable database and analysis technologies.

Time-consuming analysis

Implementing and maintaining a comprehensive log and event management system and SIEM solution requires well-trained personnel with knowledge of security monitoring and event analysis. The lack of skilled workers in this area can be challenging and hamper the effectiveness of security operations.

Dive into the world of Log and Event management with us

NETWAYS takes you by the hand and accompanies you in the planning, implementation and operation of log and event management solutions. We have been using open source software for over 25 years. For us, open source isn’t just a term, it’s firmly in our DNA.

We help you with the engineering of your platform and lead your IT infrastructure to success. We always focus on current trends and regularly educate ourselves. For joint success with you!

Contact us and let us advise you without obligation on exactly how we can help you.


A central log management system enables the collection and consolidation of logs from different sources and systems. This facilitates cross-platform analysis and reporting.


Log management systems help monitor security events and help ensure compliance regulations. By collecting and evaluating logs, companies can demonstrate compliance with data protection and security guidelines.


Our solutions provide dashboards and reporting capabilities to visually present log and event data and generate meaningful reports. This makes it easier for those responsible to gain insights and make informed decisions.


Turn your logs into solutions


Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics server, which is the heart of the Elastic Stack as a central storage location. Elasticsearch’s strengths are speed, scalability, relevance, and resilience, especially when it comes to storing and using your datasets of different types. Learn more


Data analysis for Security and Operation


Graylog focuses on security and compliance, but also log management in modern IT operations and DevOps environments. All log and event data are available in one central location. In this way, errors and problems are discovered and rectified more quickly.

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Open Source Log- and Event management


OpenSearch is a powerful search and analytics engine. It processes complex queries in real time and enables efficient searches of large amounts of data. OpenSearch supports structured and unstructured data, is flexible and adapts to different data sources.

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Open Source Distributed Event Streaming


Kafka is a powerful event streaming platform specifically designed for sharing streams of data in real-time. It enables applications to process large amounts of data efficiently and reliably to ensure fast and seamless communication between different services.

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log analysis a
nd visualization



Grafana Loki is a powerful and efficient log management solution, ideal for quick queries and easy data visualization. Ideal for troubleshooting, system monitoring and gaining a comprehensive insight into your data. Loki scales effortlessly as your data grows, without compromising on performance.

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Master IT challenges with smart data analysis


The efficient management and analysis of log data and events is indispensable in today’s IT. Simplify these processes with advanced features in an open source solution. Gain insights into your IT environment, optimize operations and strengthen your decision-making with Wazuh.

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Log and Event management consulting

We help you with the conception, installation and integration of your log and event management requirements – for more power, know-how, peace of mind!

Years of Experience

We have been supporting our customers in operating their IT infrastructures for many years. Industries, tools, operating systems – we’ve seen, operated and built everything. We know the best practices in the field of cloud native with and around open source software.

Full Understanding

We not only understand your IT systems and services, but the big picture and the countless aspects of operating complex IT infrastructures. There is often a lack of time and personnel with increasing complexity and a rapidly changing IT world.

Targeted Reinforcement

As Linux generalists and open source experts, we have a broad base and are well integrated into the open source communities. With us you are never alone! Whether as an IT consultant, engineer, support or architect – we strengthen your team and relieve you of work.

Other services at a glance

IT Outsourcing

As an external IT department, we take over the complete operation of entire IT environments. We take care of all the necessary systems from the open source world and work with you.


With us you get quick help from your personal systems engineer. Whether by phone, chat, email or ticket: we are always there for you! Is your IT not doing what it should? Get in touch with us!


We are happy to pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge to you in our training courses and workshops. Of course as face-to-face and of course also online training.

Use our Web Services to operate your platform

As a German, GDPR-compliant alternative to large cloud providers and hyperscalers, we focus on innovation and help you to get the best out of your IT. We live for open standards, fairness and transparency – for you this means that you can host your applications and services with us without hesitation.

The NETWAYS log and event management training courses for your know-how

Get an introduction to the Elastic Stack in our Elastic Stack training and learn the basic techniques of log transfer, processing, storage and analysis!

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Get valuable knowledge about the installation and configuration of all platform components in our Graylog training. We will show you how to collect and process log events. Learn more

More know-how about our Log and Event management technologies

OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI

OSMC 2023 | Experiments with OpenSearch and AI

Last year's Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) was a great experience. It was a pleasure to meet attendees from around the world and participate in interesting talks about the current and future state of the monitoring field. Personally, this was my first time...

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You have questions about Log and Event management?

Whether building a new log and event management environment or expanding the existing stack with new tools. Our log and event management experts are at your disposal.

Leonie Pehle
Leonie Pehle
Account Manager
Christian Stein
Manager Sales
Tatevik Amirzadyan
Tatevik Amirzadyan
Junior Account Manager

Just contact us. We look forward to seeing you!