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MyEngineer – Your IT Outsourcing Provider for Linux and Open Source

  • Flexible Support for Your Team
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • A Pool of Over 40 Specialists

Our Services

Linux Server Operations

We take care of you Linux servers on a daily basis, fully or partially, depending on your needs. Whether it’s RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES), Debian, or Ubuntu – we manage your systems. Further operating systems upon request.

Maintenance & Updates

We also help with regular maintenance tasks. When workloads are high, system engineers and administrators often delay updates, but they are essential to avoid “technical debt”. The bigger the leaps from update to update, the more work it takes. Together, we make sure your systems are always up to date.

System Architecture & Planning

The goal of a solid Linux infrastructure starts with a well-designed system architecture. We design solutions that are robust and flexible to meet future needs. With Infrastructure as Code, we streamline the deployment of servers and services, whether physical, cloud or containerized. This approach helps you achieve rapid, repeatable, and reliable deployments.

Support & Troubleshooting

We know your daily challenges:

  • “The server is really slow right now.”
  • “We can no longer access the system.”
  • “I cannot access the server”.

We can help you troubleshoot and analyze complex issues. Our team can help you identify and resolve performance bottlenecks. Our expertise ensures that your IT infrastructure is performing at its best.

Project Implementation

We have a proven track record of successful project delivery. We tackle tasks of any size – from short, multi-day assignments to large-scale projects. Our team has proven its ability to handle even the most complex challenges. Our expertise allows us to flexibly adapt our strategies to your specific needs.

Monitoring Your Environment

At NETWAYS, we are experts in monitoring IT infrastructure, and our MyEngineer IT outsourcing service is no exception. Using open source tools such as Icinga, Prometheus, Grafana, and Elastic, we offer comprehensive monitoring that detects potential problems early. Our goal is to keep your IT systems running smoothly and avoid disruptions.

Benefits of Collaborating with an IT Outsourcing Provider

Choosing MyEngineer IT Outsourcing offers much more than just the service itself. Our clients benefit from extensive expertise, flexible resources and direct contacts.


Extensive Expertise


With our IT outsourcing team, you benefit from the combined expertise of over 40 experienced systems engineers. At NETWAYS, we believe that there is strength in numbers, as our collective knowledge far exceeds the expertise of any one individual. This breadth of specialization is always available to our customers.


Flexible Resources


Whether you need a few hours of support per month or the full-time equivalent of several system engineers, we can flexibly schedule resources to meet your needs. As demand increases, we can scale our support to keep your servers running smoothly.


Direct Contacts


We do not have a multi-level support system, which means you get direct technical contacts who can help you quickly. You do not have to go through first or second level support. Your contacts know your infrastructure and your specific challenges, allowing for fast and targeted support.


We Are Team Players


The MyEngineer outsourcing team provides seamless support, even during absences due to vacation or illness. Our team approach ensures that additional system engineers are available to assist you in addition to your primary contact.

This is what we do as MyEngineer – IT outsourcing provider

A Selection of our Services

  • Linux daily operations for Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES)
  • Further operating systems upon request
  • Security updates
  • Monitoring with Icinga or Prometheus
  • Log management with Elastic or Graylog
  • Configuration management with Ansible or Puppet
  • Further development of your environment based on open source

Existing Hosting

  • On-Premise in your data center
  • Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS
  • Other providers upon request

Flexible Billing

  • One-time, monthly, or annual budgets
  • Processing via portals such as SAP Ariba
  • Variable payment terms
  • Payment by invoice
  • Pay-as-you-go – billing based on effort

Hosted by NETWAYS Web Services

  • Virtual Private Cloud
  • Kubernetes
  • Software-as-a-Service apps like Gitlab and Nextcloud

Billing by NETWAYS Webservices

  • Payment by invoice
  • Payment by credit card or PayPal
  • Pay-as-you-go – billing based on effort

As a German, GDPR-compliant alternative to large cloud providers and hyperscalers, we focus on innovation and helping you get the most out of your IT. We are committed to open standards, fairness and transparency – which means you can host your applications and services with confidence.

Learn More

Certified Engineer


Certified System Administrator


LPIC Certification

Application Developer

Do you have Questions about IT Outsourcing?

Whether it’s setting up a new infrastructure, taking over operations or project work.
Our MyEngineer team looks forward to help you out as your IT outsourcing provider.

Martin Krodel
Martin Krodel
Head of Sales
Christian Stein
Manager Sales
Irene Hahn
Irene Hahn
Junior Account Manager
Stefan Schneider
Stefan Schneider
Account Manager

Contact Us!

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