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Logging & Security Trainings

We pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge in our logging & We would be happy to pass on security training to you. Stay up to date with modern log management and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)!


What is Logging?

In the IT environment, the term Logging describes the automatic logging of information relating to the operation of IT systems. Log entries are made on all monitored systems. During logging, these are collected centrally, processed and made searchable. Get an overview of the analysis options for your entire environment with the help of our logging training courses. Follow processes even more precisely and recognize connections even better! Thanks to logging, you know what’s going on and can intervene in a targeted manner in the event of specific incidents.
In this area, Security refers to supplementing log management in order to identify possible security incidents . A term frequently used in this context is also SIEM (Security Information and Event Management). A concept that is becoming more and more important and has become indispensable for the operative business of IT security.

That’s what we offer

Our Logging & Security Trainings

Elastic Stack

Get an introduction to the Elastic Stack in our Elastic Stack training and learn the basic techniques of log transmission, processing, storage, evaluation and analysis!


Get valuable knowledge about the installation and configuration of all platform components in our Graylog training. We’ll show you how to collect and process log events.


That’s why you need expert know-how

Check the Insights!

Get deep insights into the processes, procedures and the system status of your IT systems through log management!

Stay Clean!

Benefit from extensive analysis options for your log data and identify and fix IT problems even faster!

Stay Safe!

Increase the security of your IT systems by identifying, understanding and analyzing security incidents!

"The subject covers a huge spectrum and it is very easy to get lost. The training will provide you with a guide to get you off to a smooth start, from which you can then evolve your system as needed."

Thomas Widhalm, Trainer


You can do this after your logging & Security Training

  • Modern log management
  • The structure of logs and how to split them
  • Efficient collection and processing of data
  • In-depth analysis of log data, including grok patterns
  • Setting up your own logging stack
  • How to increase the performance and stability of your logging stack

You want more?

There’s still something going on

The data of your IT systems is already collected centrally and you are an absolute professional, what modern log management? Then focus on other important topics that will help you to work better, faster and, above all, more effectively! In addition to our logging & We also offer numerous other Open Source Trainings security training courses in the categories Cloud Native, IT Automation, IT Operations and Monitoring & Observability. Have a look and secure your ticket for your favorite tools!

Questions about our Training Offer?

Contact us and we will get back to you immediately with an individual offer.