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Monitoring & Observability Solutions

Together we will monitor real-time data and achieve comprehensive observability to act proactively, discover hidden potential and stay one step ahead in the digital world.

Your Challenges

Enterprises need sophisticated monitoring and observability solutions that are able to monitor infrastructure complexity, analyze data in real-time to quickly identify problems, and provide deep insights into performance, security, and compliance.

Diversity of infrastructure

Operators of larger environments usually have a heterogeneous infrastructure with a large number of servers, operating systems, network components and storage solutions. Each of these components requires specific monitoring and observation techniques. The challenge is to provide a comprehensive solution that covers all aspects of the infrastructure and provides a holistic view of the operational status.

Security and Compliance

It must be ensured that the infrastructure is secure and meets applicable compliance requirements. Monitoring and observability play an important role in detecting security breaches, controlling access rights, and adhering to compliance policies. The challenge is to implement a robust monitoring system that detects threats early and ensures compliance with security and compliance standards.

Complexity of the Applications

Companies often run complex applications with many components and dependencies. Monitoring and observing these applications requires monitoring metrics, logs and log files at various levels including operating systems, databases, web servers and application frameworks. The task of monitoring tools is to collect and correlate data from various sources to get a comprehensive view of the performance and health of the applications.


Data centers are designed for the operation of large server farms and data volumes. Here it is particularly important to provide a monitoring and monitoring system that can scale with growth. It should be able to monitor large numbers of servers and devices and handle the increasing data load without sacrificing performance.

Dive into the world of monitoring & observability with us

NETWAYS takes you by the hand and accompanies you in the planning, implementation and operation of monitoring & observability solutions. We have been using open source software for over 25 years. For us, open source isn’t just a term, it’s firmly in our DNA. We help you with the engineering of your platform and lead your IT infrastructure to success. We always focus on current trends and regularly educate ourselves. For mutual success with you! Contact us and let us advise you without obligation on exactly how we can help you.

Holistic View

A central monitoring solution offers a comprehensive and holistic view of the entire IT infrastructure. This allows all relevant aspects such as networks, servers, applications, databases and other components to be monitored from a single platform.

Compliance with SLAs

Companies can use central monitoring to ensure that they are complying with the agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs). By recognizing impending violations at an early stage, measures can be taken to comply with the SLAs.

Reporting and Analysis

Central monitoring solutions offer extensive reporting functions and analysis tools. It allows IT managers to easily track and visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends.


Simply monitor everything


Icinga is an open source network and system monitoring solution that lets you monitor the availability of hosts and services on the network, as well as the performance of systems. With Icinga you have an overview of your entire IT environment at all times. Create and customize your own checks, dashboards and notifications. Subdivide your monitoring for different teams, work areas and customers. Just monitor everything – in just one tool. With Icinga you understand your IT. Learn more


Analyze metrics quickly and easily


A key aspect of Prometheus is the multi-dimensional data model, which makes it possible to provide measured values with flexible labels. This allows metrics to be organized and queried in a very granular manner, allowing for precise analysis and monitoring. Learn more


The Timeseries database for developers


InfluxDB is an open source time series database, which is ideally designed for high write and read rates. The ideal solution for fast storage and evaluation of large amounts of data. InfluxDB is purpose-built to process the massive amounts of Time Series data from myriad sources, generated by sensors, applications, and infrastructure. Learn more


State of the art Data analysis und Visualization


Grafana allows users to create custom dashboards to visualize and analyze data from various sources such as databases, cloud platforms, time-series databases and other monitoring systems. It offers a wide range of chart types and widgets that allow data to be presented in an intuitive and attractive way. Learn more


Turn your logs into solutions


Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics server, which is the heart of the Elastic Stack as a central storage location. Elasticsearch’s strengths are speed, scalability, relevance, and resilience, especially when it comes to storing and using your datasets of different types. Learn more


Open Source Search, Analysis und Observability


OpenSearch is a powerful search and analytics engine. It processes complex queries in real time and enables efficient searches of large amounts of data. OpenSearch supports structured and unstructured data, is flexible and adapts to different data sources. With real-time data processing, companies can react quickly to current events. Learn more


Open Source Distributed End-to-End Tracing


Jaeger enables developers and system administrators to trace the flow of a request across all involved components and to monitor an application’s performance and behavior. It is based on distributed trace technology and collects information about each individual request, including the associated processes and interactions, to create a comprehensive picture.

Learn more

Monitoring & Observability Consulting

We will help you with the design, installation and integration of your monitoring & Observability requirements – for more power, know-how, peace of mind!

Years of Experience

We have been supporting our customers in operating their IT infrastructures for many years. Industries, tools, operating systems – we’ve seen, operated and built everything. We know the best practices in the field of cloud native with and around open source software.

Full Understanding

We not only understand your IT systems and services, but the big picture and the countless aspects of operating complex IT infrastructures. There is often a lack of time and personnel with increasing complexity and a rapidly changing IT world.

Targeted Reinforcement

As Linux generalists and open source experts, we have a broad base and are well integrated into the open source communities. With us you are never alone! Whether as an IT consultant, engineer, support or architect – we strengthen your team and relieve you of work.

Other services at a glance

IT Outsourcing

As an external IT department, we take over the complete operation of entire IT environments. We take care of all the necessary systems from the open source world and work with you.


With us you get quick help from your personal systems engineer. Whether by phone, chat, email or ticket: we are always there for you! Is your IT not doing what it should? Get in touch with us!


We are happy to pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge to you in our training courses and workshops. Of course as face-to-face and of course also online training.

Use our Web Services to operate your platform

As a German, GDPR-compliant alternative to large cloud providers and hyperscalers, we focus on innovation and help you to get the best out of your IT. We live for open standards, fairness and transparency – for you this means that you can host your applications and services with us without hesitation.

The NETWAYS Monitoring & Observability training for your know-how

Get the basics for the basic use and configuration of Icinga in combination with the Icinga Director and everything that belongs to a monitoring system in our training.

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Do you know the basics of Icinga and now want to focus on distributed monitoring and automation? Then our advanced training is the right place for you. Learn more

Familiarize yourself with the extensive basics of Prometheus and get a whole new, metrics-based view of your IT infrastructure. Learn more

In our InfluxDB & Grafana training you will learn everything important for successful performance monitoring of larger and more complex IT environments. Learn more

More know-how about our Monitoring & Observability Technologies

You have questions about Monitoring & Observability?

Whether building a new monitoring environment or expanding the existing stack with new tools. Our Monitoring & Observability experts are at your disposal.

Stefan Schneider
Stefan Schneider
Account Manager
Irene Hahn
Irene Hahn
Junior Account Manager
Christian Stein
Manager Sales

Just contact us. We look forward to seeing you!