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IT Automation Solutions

From applying the right methods to continuous testing, integration and deployment. We help you with the successful introduction of IT automation.

Your Challenges

The use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for IT automation must be well planned and organized. Thorough training of team members, clear processes for version control and security, and a comprehensive testing strategy are crucial for a smooth and successful deployment of IT automation. Open source tools and we, as an experienced service provider, make it easier to get started and help with the operation of the environment.

Complexity and Learning curve

Automation requires writing and understanding extensive scripts or configuration files to automate the infrastructure. This can present a steep learning curve for team members initially, especially for those who have no prior experience with infrastructure as code. The complexity of Infrastructure as Code tools and languages can delay adoption and make it difficult to adapt to new processes.

Version control and Synchronization

Automation files must be under version control to track changes and provide a consistent infrastructure. However, managing version control and synchronization can be complex, especially when multiple team members are working on the scripts at the same time. The risk of conflicts and inconsistencies between the actual infrastructure and the automation scripts increases.

Security & Compliance

Improper use of automation can lead to infrastructure security vulnerabilities. It must be ensured that sensitive information such as access data or secrets in automation scripts are adequately protected. In addition, security and compliance guidelines must be considered to ensure that the automated infrastructure meets the required standards.

Testing and Validation

Testing and validation processes for IT automation are critical to ensure infrastructure is functioning properly after deployment. It can be challenging to create testbeds to validate automations before moving them to production. In addition, regular testing must be performed to ensure that updates or changes do not have unexpected effects.

Dive into the world of IT automation with us

NETWAYS takes you by the hand and accompanies you in the planning, implementation and operation of IT automation solutions. We have been using open source software for over 25 years. For us, open source isn’t just a term, it’s firmly in our DNA.

We help you with the engineering of your platform and lead your IT infrastructure to success. We always focus on current trends and regularly educate ourselves. For joint success with you!

Contact us and let us advise you without obligation on exactly how we can help you.


IaC encourages collaboration between developers, operations teams and other stakeholders. Everyone can work together and develop and improve the infrastructure configuration together.


By using IaC, security policies and configurations can be built directly into the environments. This ensures that security standards are taken into account from the start and that no security-related configuration errors occur.

Cost savings

Through automation and increased efficiencies, organizations can reduce costs by spending less time on manual administrative tasks and making the most of their resources.


State of the art Infrastructure as Code


With Terraform by HashiCorp you can create, change and improve infrastructures safely and traceably. Terraform abstracts the APIs of different providers with so-called providers. In this way, the configuration of your infrastructure can be documented in an audit-proof manner and shared and edited by all team members.

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Simple Open Source IT automation


Ansible is the easiest solution to automate applications, entire systems and your IT infrastructure. Ansible makes everyday tasks in your Unix and Linux environment a breeze. Each problem only has to be solved once and then rolled out to many systems as a playbook. Learn more


Regular tasks abstractly automate


Even in large environments, servers, networks and applications are often still automated manually, uneconomically and inefficiently. A solution to this problem is called Puppet: Regularly recurring tasks such as installations and configuration changes are only described centrally and then rolled out.

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GitOps Continous Delivery for modern IT infrastructure


GitLab enables the mapping of a complete software life cycle in one application. GitLab offers unmatched visibility, increased efficiency, and comprehensive governance. This accelerates the software life cycle by 200% and of course the speed of your company. Learn more


Modern IT Lifecycle Management


Foreman is a full server lifecycle management tool that empowers system administrators to easily automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications quickly, and proactively manage servers on-premises or in the cloud. Learn more

IT Automation Consulting

We help you with the conception, installation and integration of your IT automation requirements – for more power, know-how, peace of mind!

Years of Experience

We have been supporting our customers in operating their IT infrastructures for many years. Industries, tools, operating systems – we’ve seen, operated and built everything. We know the best practices in the field of cloud native with and around open source software.

Full Understanding

We not only understand your IT systems and services, but the big picture and the countless aspects of operating complex IT infrastructures. There is often a lack of time and personnel with increasing complexity and a rapidly changing IT world.

Targeted Reinforcement

As Linux generalists and open source experts, we have a broad base and are well integrated into the open source communities. With us you are never alone! Whether as an IT consultant, engineer, support or architect – we strengthen your team and relieve you of work.

Other services at a glance

IT Outsourcing

As an external IT department, we take over the complete operation of entire IT environments. We take care of all the necessary systems from the open source world and work with you.


With us you get quick help from your personal systems engineer. Whether by phone, chat, email or ticket: we are always there for you! Is your IT not doing what it should? Get in touch with us!


We are happy to pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge to you in our training courses and workshops. Of course as face-to-face and of course also online training.

Use our Web Services to operate your platform

As a German, GDPR-compliant alternative to large cloud providers and hyperscalers, we focus on innovation and help you to get the best out of your IT. We live for open standards, fairness and transparency – for you this means that you can host your applications and services with us without hesitation.

The NETWAYS IT automation training courses for your know-how

Learn the basics of Ansible, your tool for even better configuration management, in our Ansible Fundamentals training! Learn more

You already know the basics of Ansible and are ready for the deep dive? You can get it from us in our Ansible Advanced training. Learn more

Get all the necessary basics about Terraform and understand how private, hybrid and public cloud infrastructures are automated.

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Take our training and make Foreman your tool for even better lifecycle management. The “foreman” of your IT environment.

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More know-how about our IT automation technologies

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Foreman Birthday Event 2024 – Recap

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You have questions about IT automation?

Whether setting up IT automation for private or hybrid infrastructure or using a public cloud with the help of Terraform or Ansible. Our experts for IT automation are at your disposal.

Stefan Schneider
Stefan Schneider
Account Manager
Christian Stein
Manager Sales
Leonie Pehle
Leonie Pehle
Account Manager

Just contact us. We look forward to seeing you!