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Submit Your Talk for OSMC 2024!

Attention all tech enthusiasts, developers, and IT professionals!
The Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) 2024 is fast approaching, and this is your reminder call to submit your talks! If you have deep technical insights, innovative solutions, or groundbreaking ideas in the field of open source monitoring, we want to hear from you.


Why Submit a Talk?

The OSMC is renowned for its in-depth technical sessions and hands-on tutorials, attracting a global community of experts and enthusiasts. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise, share your knowledge, and engage with like-minded professionals.


What We Are Looking For

We are seeking talks that provide deep technical insights and practical solutions in the realm of open source monitoring. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced monitoring techniques and best practices
  • Innovative tools and frameworks in the monitoring ecosystem
  • Case studies and real-world implementations
  • Integrations with other systems and tools
  • Performance tuning and optimization
  • Future trends and emerging technologies in open source monitoring


Important Dates

The deadline for the Call for Papers is approaching rapidly. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this great monitoring community event:

  • Submission Deadline: August 15, 2024
  • Conference Dates: November 19 – 21, 2024


How to Submit

To submit your talk, visit our Call for Papers page. Please ensure your submission includes a detailed abstract of your presentation, highlighting the key takeaways and technical depth. Submissions will be reviewed by our committee of experts, and selected speakers will be notified by mid-July.


Benefits of Speaking at OSMC

  • Exposure: Share your work with a highly engaged audience of open source monitoring professionals.
  • Networking: Connect with industry leaders, potential collaborators, and peers.
  • Contribution: Contribute to the open source community by sharing your knowledge and experience.
  • Learning: Gain insights from other speakers and attendees, enhancing your own expertise.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Submit your talk today and join us at OSMC 2024 for an unforgettable experience filled with learning, networking, and inspiration. For more details, visit OSMC 2024.

We look forward to your innovative submissions and seeing you at the conference!

For further information, feel free to reach out to us via our contact page. Follow us on social media for the latest updates and announcements.


Stay Connected

See you at OSMC 2024!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

Grab One of the Last Tickets to stackconf 2024!

The clock is ticking, and if you haven’t secured your spot at stackconf 2024 yet, now is the time! This premier conference, held in Berlin on June 18-19, is a must-attend event for anyone involved in IT infrastructure, cloud native solutions, and DevOps. With a line-up of expert speakers, cutting-edge topics, and numerous networking opportunities, stackconf 2024 offers unparalleled value for its attendees.

Why You Should Attend

Attending stackconf 2024 means immersing yourself in a collaborative environment where you can:

  • Stay Ahead of Industry Trends: Learn about the latest innovations in cloud native infrastructure and how to implement them effectively in your organization.
  • Gain Practical Knowledge: From handling complex compliance issues to optimizing data strategies for AI, stackconf sessions offer actionable insights you can apply immediately.
  • Expand Your Network: Engage with like-minded professionals, including CTOs, SREs, system administrators, and cloud engineers, fostering valuable connections and potential collaborations​.

What to Expect at stackconf 2024

1. Expert Talks: stackconf 2024 features an impressive roster of speakers who are leaders in their fields. Some highlights include:

  • Alex Pshe | JetBrains: Renowned for her expertise in test automation and building a limitless career in tech
  • Arnold Bechtoldt | RTL Deutschland: Sharing insights on designing scalable IT platforms
  • Vishwa Krishnakumar | Zenduty: Focusing on observability and reliability in DevOps
  • Natalie Serebryakova | Discussing the automation of development tools and CI/CD systems​

2. In-Depth Sessions on Modern IT Challenges: The conference will cover essential topics such as:

  • Confidential Containers: Magnus Kulke from Microsoft will delve into handling sensitive data in cloud native environments, discussing technologies like TPM, AMD SEV, and Intel TDX, along with a practical demo on confidential container deployment​​
  • Data Strategy for Generative AI: Manuel Heinkel & Puria Izady from AWS will explore how modern data strategies can leverage AI to transform industries​​
  • Streamlining Compliance: Anton Babenko, Betajob, will provide insights into using open-source Terraform AWS modules to navigate compliance frameworks like SOC2 and HIPAA​​

3. Networking and Socializing: stackconf is not just about learning; it’s also about connecting with peers. The evening event on the first conference day promises a relaxed atmosphere for socializing, complete with dinner and drinks. This is the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with fellow IT professionals from around the globe​.

4. Comprehensive Ticket Benefits: By purchasing a ticket, you gain access to all presentations, and the evening social event. For an enhanced experience, the “PLUS” ticket option includes two nights of accommodation and an additional dinner on the evening before the conference starts​​.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of a transformative event that bridges the gap between development, testing, and operations in the modern IT landscape.
Grab your ticket to stackconf 2024 now and prepare to elevate your expertise and network in Berlin this June!

For more details and insights of past events, visit

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

stackconf 2022 – The Count Down is Running!

Only one week to go until it’s stackconf time!

Get new impulses and upgrade your infrastructure to what’s currently going on and coming up in the future. Think outside the box! At stackconf, you will learn how to design and build your technology stack exactly according to the needs of your business – throughout the whole lifecycle:




stackconf Core Value – Get Together, Learn & Exchange

This social aspect is really important to us at our conference. That’s why we provide a lot of space and opportunities for discussion and exchange. Learn from other IT engineers and architects. Get feedback on your own approaches and plans for the future.

Socializing & Networking At Its Best!

The stackconf evening event will take you to the “Capitol Yard Golf Lounge”. Located in the historic Spreespeicher in the heart of Berlin this great site will provide an absolute amazing athmosphere for creating new contacts, catching up with familiar faces and engaging in extensive exchanges with other participants and expert speakers. Expect the best and be pleasantly surprised!

Not yet registered? Then it’s time to get fast & furious!

Check out the amazing speakers line up stackconf has to offer! With over 30 international infrastructure experts from top companies such as Spotify, IBM, Red Hat, Elastic, VMware, Intel, and many more.
Ceate your personal conference agenda and enjoy the great opportunity to engage with a bunch of like-minded people for 2 days of open source community feeling at its finest!

So hurry up and get your ticket now!

We are counting down the days to see you in Berlin!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

stackconf online 2021 – Speakers Line-Up & Latest News

Speakers Line-Up

We are approaching stackconf 2021 with big steps and our online event is enjoying a great response of outstanding talks. The program is taking more and more shape and we can already present a top-class, international speakers line-up.


3 days of open source expertise

As technology continues to advance despite the fact that most IT professionals work from home these days, stackconf organizer NETWAYS has already responded with the online version of its event in 2020. The infrastructure conference provides the online meeting platform for all cloud, IT operations and IT management professionals to learn about the latest technologies, innovations and trends in open source IT infrastructure solutions. Stay up to date and learn new ways to modernize and optimize your IT infrastructure.

Due to the large number of submitted talks, we proudly announce that the conference agenda is extended to 3 days again this year! So look forward to a brilliant program that awaits you online from June 15 to 17, 2021! Clear space in your calendar on June 15 – 17, 2021 and join us! Register for free at


Contribute & Benefit

You want to support us and benefit from the opportunities stackconf offers you? Present your company to a highly specialized field of IT experts. Meet your customers and give them first-hand advice. Network with promising IT talents to boost your workforce.

Want to learn more about the possibilities you have as a stackconf partner? Check out our sponsorship opportunities!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

NETWAYS ist offizieller Nextcloud-Partner

Nextcloud bietet die branchenführende lokale Plattform für Zusammenarbeit.

„Nextcloud – a safe home for all your data“, das Unternehmensmotto von Nextcloud, überzeugte uns bei NETWAYS Web Services von Anfang an, sodass wir stolz sind, unsere bisher schon sehr gute Zusammenarbeit ab sofort als offizieller Nextcloud-Partner fortführen zu dürfen.

Mit seiner Technologie kombiniert Nextcloud den Komfort und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Consumer-Lösungen wie Dropbox und Google Drive mit den im geschäftlichen Bereich unerlässlichen Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Kontrolle. Keine andere Zusammenarbeitsplattform kommt an die Zahl der auf mehr als 250.000 geschätzten Nextcloud-Installationen im Netz heran.

NETWAYS Web Services bietet als offizieller Service Provider für Nextcloud ein zuverlässiges und GDPR-konformes Hosting in ISO 27001-zertifizierten Rechenzentren in Deutschland an. Mit unserem MyEngineer bieten wir darüber hinaus einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner, der unsere Kunden bei Ihrer IT unterstützt. Für den Zugang zu einer breiten Palette von Nextcloud-Anwendungen sowie zuverlässige Updates und Backups: NETWAYS Web Services ist der kompetente und persönliche Ansprechpartner, wenn es um den sicheren Betrieb von Nextcloud geht.

Als Gegenstück zu zentralen Cloud-Diensten bietet Nextcloud Software für dezentrale und föderierte Clouds. Viel Wert legt das Unternehmen dabei unter anderem auf Prinzipien wie Open Source, Community, Privatsphäre und Sicherheit, benutzerzentriertes Design und Barrierefreiheit.

Mit mittlerweile über 40 Mitarbeitern hat Frank Karlitschek in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Dutzend erfahrener Open-Source-Unternehmer und Ingenieuren ein Unternehmen ins Leben gerufen, das den Usern die Möglichkeit bietet, die Kontrolle über ihre Daten und Kommunikation zurückzugewinnen.

Mehr zu den Nextcloud-Produkten und Standards auf der offiziellen Nextcloud-Webseite.

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!