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Open Source Technologies

We rely on modern open source technologies to raise your IT to a top level.

Our open source technologies

NETWAYS helps you to choose the right technologies and tools. Benefit from our experience in countless infrastructure projects to implement your requirements. We have been using open source software for over 25 years. For us, open source isn’t just a term, it’s firmly in our DNA.

Contact us and let us advise you without obligation on exactly how we can help you.

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More know-how about our technologies

Webserver? Caddy bitte! Danke!

Webserver? Caddy bitte! Danke!

Hin und wieder gibt es einfach Software, die Probleme erschreckend gut löst: Der Webserver Caddy – eine in Go geschriebene Plattform, die mit ihrem HTTP-Server alle Standardfälle im täglichen Betrieb abdeckt – ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür.   Install Caddy auf...

You have questions about our technologies?

Our experts are happy to answer any questions & Suggestions for our solution portfolio aside. Contact us today.

Irene Hahn
Irene Hahn
Junior Account Manager
Tatevik Amirzadyan
Tatevik Amirzadyan
Junior Account Manager
Cecilia Eisenhöfer
Cecilia Eisenhöfer
Junior Account Manager
Christian Stein
Manager Sales

Just contact us. We look forward to seeing you!