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Monthly Snap February 2020

by | Mar 4, 2020 | NETWAYS, Team, Bareos, OSCAMP

Start with a laugh!

In the beginning of the month Nicole asked some of us what we found the most annoying aspect of working in an office. Not at all surprising was the most common answer: the printers! Yes, sometimes they seemingly do as they please! Read Nicole`s humorous blog on aggression at work! [Eine nicht ganz ernste] Betrachtung von Aggression am Arbeitsplatz.


Christians news

What`s new in Graylog`s latest release? Christian filled us in in Graylog 3.2 – Jetzt verfügbar. What else was Christian up to? Well, as a matter of fact, he developed Icinga Monitoring for Windows! Read all about it in Icinga for Windows 1.0 – Eine neue Ära.


The Shops` corner

Isabel let us know that STARFACE has expanded their product-range for smaller companies in STARFACE erweitert den Compact Bereich. Why is this SMSEagle so popular? Nicole gave us several reasons in Wieder verfügbar! SMSEagle MHD-8100 – 8 Modems für parallelen SMS Versand. She also gave us loads of information about the SMSEagle, including a video of the unboxing! Unboxing a Beauty – SMSEagle MHD-8100.


Techie tipps…

Dirk attended the Configmgmt Camp for the fifth time in a row. What was new in Gent this year? Config Management Camp Ghent 2020 – Recap. Thilo shared some insider tricks in Ansible – should I use omit filter? Blerim gave us tips on photo sizes and meta tags for social media in Quick Tip: Vorschaubilder in sozialen Medien.


Upcoming events

Julia shared some news in Deploy Peanutbutter:Jelly or: First stackconf speakers online! And Julia also let us in on why it is perfect to Sponsor stackconf 2020.  Join us in Amsterdam in June! But first: listen to Julia and Get your Early Bird Tickets for IcingaConf! And then listen to her some more: The call for papers for the OSCamp on Bareos is still open! OSCamp on Bareos: Let’s talk about backups!


NETWAYS goes Business Cup 2020! Niko is looking forward to taking part with the NETWAYS-team and informs about this and other sports- events we will attend this year! Read about Aleksander in our blog-series NETWAYS stellt sich vor, where new members of the NETWAYS-family share a bit about themselves. How much can a company do for the environment? A group of colleagues worked on the subject and Catharina concluded with Umweltschutz a la NETWAYS.


Exclusion of NPD and AfD supporters from our events

The most important blog of the month was written by our very own CEO Bernd. He has changed our code of conduct to puplicly announce that we do not tolerate racism and that therefore no members or sympathizers of the AFD or NPD are welcome to any of our events. He informed the NETWAYS team in our annual meeting, and immediately got a roaring applause

Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.


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