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Deploy Peanutbutter:Jelly or: First stackconf speakers online!

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Events, stackconf

stackconf is the Open Source Infrastructure Conference within the spectrum of agile methods, continuous integration, container, hybrid and cloud technologies. We proudly present to you our first speakers line-up!


Kendall Nelson – The OpenStack Foundation


OpenStack and k8s are often pitted against one another as if they were incompatible and you had to choose between them which simply isn’t true. But there are numerous use cases where Ops run Kubernetes on top of OpenStack, they run Kubernetes supplemented with OpenStack services, or a containerized OpenStack. Companies ARE using Kubernetes with OpenStack, says Kendall Nelson, Upstream Developer Advocate at the OpenStack Foundation.



Xander Grzywinski – HashiCorp

Continuously Delivering Infrastructure

Application delivery pipelines can make it a lot easier to quickly iterate on applications. But what about infrastructure? Explore some strategies for continuously delivering your on-premise infrastructure using an open source CI tool to build an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline.

Xander Grzywinski, Developer Advocate at HashiCorp, who previously worked as an SRE at companies including Microsoft, Starbucks, and Target, will guide you through. Because he loves messing with infrastructure code and automating all kinds of things.



Anton Babenko – Betajob AS

Design, Draw, Deploy your AWS Infrastructure from Inception to Production

Once the infrastructure is designed you should be able to deploy it effortlessly. This has long been the goal and can now become reality! What if there would be a way to draw an architecture online and get the infrastructure for it implemented as code automatically? Anton Babenko, AWS Community Hero, helps companies around the globe build solutions using AWS and specializing in infrastructure as code. He will demo and show it all in action. Attention: This talk will be interactive and involve the audience!



Monika Khanna – IBM

How to get Customer Retention

A high level of customer satisfaction is a business goal for every brand and a key to success. Easy to say, much more difficult to maintain! Monika Khanna, an empathetic problem solver at IBM, will share her over a decade of experience and hands-on expertise in user research and usability analysis, project planning and interactive solutions for various industry domains. Learn how to make your customers happy!


Find out More & Stay Tuned

Find all confirmed speakers at There are more outstanding infrastructure experts to come. We are currently crafting a mind-blowing program for you, full of inspirations and insights. Stay tuned! Call for Papers is still open until February 15, 2020. Share your insights and experiences. Submit your paper now!

See you at stackconf, June 17 & 18, 2020, in Berlin! Proposals, tickets and much more at


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