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Monthly Snap May 2020

by | Jun 2, 2020 | NETWAYS, Hardware, Kubernetes

In the beginning of the month almost all NETWAYS’ers were working from home. By the end of the month more and more came to work in the office, which was newly equipped with face masks and disinfectant dispensers. What else was on our minds in May?



Part two of the blog-series Kubernetes – so startest Du durch! is Achim’s So startest Du Dein Managed Kubernetes bei NWS, a thorough how-to for getting started with your cluster. Also read part three, in which your first steps with Kubernetes are described: Erste Schritte mit Kubernetes. In part four in the series Achim gave us further helpful tips. Read Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller – So gelingt Dein einfacher Start! Part five of the series is Sebastian’s blog Monitoring Kubernetes mit Prometheus, because whether we like it or not, monitoring is an important issue that should never be neglected.


CEOs point of view

Many of us order from Amazon automatically, without even considering other options. Bernd encourages us to rethink this behaviour for various reasons in Amazon ist nicht alternativlos.


Techie news

David started out with his blog Die Out of the Box Experience, in which he claims that some of the joy of unboxing your new pc or gaming console is lost in all the waiting and installing we have to go through to actually use the new item. What to do with preinstalled Python versions? Markus gave us an idea in: Virtual Environments in Python. Philipp talked about evaluating SNMP traps in Ein kleiner Exkurs zu SNMP. And Saeid tested the program Pretalx for us, an open source program for organizing events and conferences.


SHOPs corner

Nicole explained the advantages of one of Gude’s products GUDE Expert Net Control 2111-Serie: Schalten und Messen for medium-sized to large server-rooms and data-centers. What do you need for monitoring your data center this summer? Natalie suggests the HWg-Ares 12 in Der – vermutlich etwas andere – Sommer kommt! What’s new from AKCP? Nicole wrote NEU im Shop: AKCP LoRaWan Geräte für wireless Sensoren and explained how this technology works. In GUDE Expert Sensor Box 7213 und 7214-Serie im direkten Vergleich, Natalie compares two Gude Boxes, to help us decide which one meets our needs the best.


Upcoming Events

In Call for Papers: Become a Speaker at OSMC 2020, Julia invited all of us to become speakers at the Open Source Monitoring Conference in Nuremberg. Hand in your proposal and take part in the event of the year! Did you know that we now offer some of our trainings as online trainings? Julia gave us an overview of upcoming trainings in Alles neu macht der Mai: NETWAYS Trainings – Online und vor Ort. And Julia informed us that the agenda for the stackconf is set! Read about it in stackconf online: stream, chat, network

Julia also wrote about the importance of helpful apps while working from home. Suddenly „nice“ and „helpful“ apps became significant for our work, and we were so happy to have them and our MyEngineers! Read about it in Wie ich meine Open Source-Apps und MyEngineers zu schätzen gelernt habe.


OSDC Recap

In our blog series OSDC recap we present some of last years’ highlights. In 5 Steps to a DevOps Transformation by Dan Barker | OSDC 2019, Aleksander gave a summary of the talk and shared a link to its video. Did you miss Jan Martens’ talk? Alexander recapped it in Evolution of a Microservice-Infrastructure by Jan Martens | OSDC 2019 and he also shared a link to the video.



Working from home is different for everyone. Our apprentice Nathaniel shared his experiences in Arbeiten und Leben im Homeoffice in Zeiten von Corona


Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.


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