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Monthly Snap November: OSMC, Icon Fonts & Jaspersoft Studio

November presented an exciting 10th OSMC, featured Jasper reporting and offered DevOps tips for sys admins, developer and tinkerer.weekly snap
Beginning with events, our 10th Open Source Monitoring Conference with many special guests took place and Daniela reported on day one and Dirk summarized the other days of the conference while Jean-Marcel gave us an overview of his two favorite presentations.
Eric then described how to create Icon-Fonts and Alexander explained how to upgrade python-driven servers.
Lastly, Christoph looked at Jaspersoft Studio and Kay shared a guide to control home automation components with Rasperry PI and a web interface.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.

Monthly Snap October: All news about Icinga, NodeJs, Events & Training Portfolio 2016

October was mainly characterized by Icinga – the release of the new webinterface Icinga Web 2.0.0, followed by the Icinga Camp in Portland and many tips and tricks how to use Icinga with Windows.
Tom announced the release of Icinga´s new web interface and Micheal reported from the Icinga Camp in Portland where it has been introduced.weekly snap
On events, Bernd counted 28 days to the OSMC with Jochen Lillich´s talk on “MonitoringLove with Sensu” while Bernd Ahlers, one of this year´s speaker at the conference, explained why we should pay more attention to logs on servers.
Lennart followed with a migration scenario to monitor windows with Icinga as Gunnar followed with a post to better understand commands on Icinga 2.
On clusters, Enrico looked at NodeJs as Micheal showed how to build packages with Icinga 2 on Windows.
Finally, Silke announced the new training portfolio for 2016.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.

Monthly Snap September: Tools for Graphite, OSMC and OSBConf, Poor man´s Cloud and much more

In September Markus W. told us about tools to use to generate metrics for Graphite.
The Open Source Monitoring Conference ist getting and Bernd counted 49 to the conference by sharing Florian Forster tweekly snapalk: “Introduction into collectd”. Michael Medin, our old stager at the OSMC, wrote a guest post where he explained why the OSMC is the best conference and Daniela gave us an insight into the OSBConf which took place in Cologne last month.
Alexander F. looked at the advantages of Perl over PHP and Python while Markus F. followed and showed us poor man´s Docker with own Cloud.
Jean-Marcel, one of our trainees, then explained why dynamic window manager is the best and Alexander K., also trainee,  told us what he learned new  at NETWAYS.
And last but not least, Marius G. reported on the first team event of the managed services guys.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.

Monthly Snap July: New Colleague, Upcoming Events and DevOps

Last month Gunnar started with a post about JSON-Streams with HTTP for realtime notifications. Achim was at the DockerCon in San Francisco and shared the latest news he heard there about docker-compose.


Eva started by counting 133, 126 , and 119 days to the OSMC  and introduces the online program while Bernd continued on events and announced that we are once again one of the organizers at the DevOpsDays Berlin 2015.
And Dirk showed what things are done wrong in user management and shared tips to make it better. Cornelius then explained how to improve log analysis through gltail while Markus W shared how to feed Graphite with Icinga data.
To the end of the month, our new colleague David introduced himself,  told us about his first Puppet Fundamental Training and last but not least about his first participation in our annual sporting event – the B2Run.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.

Monthly Snap June: NetApp FAS 3140; News about OSMC and OSBConf; Katello; Open-Stack-Tage

June started with Georg looking for a new home for a used NetApp FAS 3140 we received from a client. The beautiful device is in good condition and can be fetched at our office, if you make a camerasmall donation.
My humble self, told you all you need to know about the Hackathon at OSMC and started the OSMC countdown with the presentation “OSMC 2014: From monitoringsucks to monitoringlove, and back” by Kris Buytaert. I also introduced the complete speaker lineup of Open Source Backup Conference to you.
Dirk introduced you all to Katello, the Foreman Plugin for Softwaremanagement and reported on why you should have a look at it, if you don’t have a provisioning and Configuration Management yet.
And Bernd wrote about what happed at his visit of Open-Stack-Tage in Frakfurt.