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Monthly Snap September – NETWAYS News | Tips & Tricks | DevOps | Conferences & Trainings

Hellooooo Huuumans!!! 🙂
Autumn is here & I came to think of the most famous GOT quote “Winter is coming!!“. Well, Let’s move back to the current season – “Autumn”. Did you also have the feeling, that this was a very quick month? #Vacayisover

What happened in the NETWAYS Shop?

The New of AKCP: Battery Temp Sensor (BTTS) Time to celebrate! Our NETWAYS MonitorSilke. The brand new software version 3.32 of SMS Eagle is here! Callback URL, Autoreply, SMS forwarding, and more. Silke shared her best autumn- tips: “Wir haben aufgeräumt und aufgestockt! Neues Gude Sortiment steht im Shop zur Verfügung” (We have lots of new products from Gude in our online shop!)

What are they up to now? #Developers

#Monitoring: everything is regulated. But!! What Thomas said???  Jennifer reports on DevOpsDays Berlin 2018,  “Warum ist das jetzt wichtig und was hat das mit IT zu tun?“ Weg mit dem Schrott: Müll im Weltraum – says Marius. (Store the garbage in space?).  Michael released GitLab training v2.3.0 which includes bug fixes and new features. He also updated the material and tagged v2.3.0 .  Aleksander (our new trainee) has got some news on “Ubuntu 18.04 LTS“. Michael told us about the days away with his fellow developers at the “Franconian Alps” #DEV Retreat 2018 Recap 

How do they do this all the time? #superactive | The most awaited conference is coming soon! #OSMC 

Julia claimed that the workshops are the best place to learn and get inspired. #OSMC workshops (FYI: Prometheus and Icinga 2 / Puppet workshops are sold out. Get your Graylog and Ansible workshops tickets quickly, before it`s too late!). Preparing for the OSMC? A perfect way to get in the mood for the OSMC 2018 is by watching the recap from 2017!  Julia wrote about a great opportunity at this- years` #OSMCGoing to the OSMC? Join the OSCAMP #Puppet! Check out the speakers and their talks“.

Stay tuned for many more upcoming NETWAYS voices!! 🙂
Keya Kher
Keya Kher
Marketing Specialist

Keya ist seit Oktober 2017 in unserem Marketing Team. Nach ihrer Elternzeit ist sie seit Februar 2024 wieder zurück, um sich speziell um Icinga-Themen zu kümmern. Wenn sie sich nicht kreativ auslebt, entdeckt sie andere Städte oder schmökert in einem Buch. Ihr Favorit ist “The Shiva Trilogy”.  

Why you shouldn't miss OSBConf 2018 – #6

Being too busy to worry about backup, is like being too busy driving a car to put on the seatbelt. — T.E. Ronneberg
Don’t miss the latest Backup Solutions! This year’s conference program includes wellknown Backup specialists and their latest findings, such as:
Toshaan Bharvani (VanTosh): „Schroedingers Backup“
Gratien D’haese (IT3 Consultants): „Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing with Bareos“
Daniel Neuberger (NETWAYS): „Restore and Backup Elasticsearch Indices“
Maik Außendorf & Philipp Storz (Bareos): „What’s new in Bareos 18“
To see the whole conference program visit:
In 2017 Josef Weingand talked about why Tape is essential for your Backup environment!
Check out his talk!

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Why you shouldn't miss OSBConf 2018 – #4

Test your backups to make sure they will get you back up! Because a backup failing is just as bad as failing to backup! — T.E. Ronneberg
What are your benefits as a speaker? Speakers are offered free participation at the conference. Which means that speakers may attend all other presentations and tutorials. The first dinner is on us. Would you like a coke or a sprite with your lunch? Morning and afternoon refreshments are complimentary as well.
Dr. Stefan Vollmar, the head of IT group at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, Köln talked about Bareos, BEEGFS and GRAU OpenArchive.
Check out his talk!

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Final call for OSBConf: Grab your ticket!

Open Source Backup Conference | September 26, 2018 | Cologne
Final Call: Get one of our last tickets for OSBConf 2018 and be part of one enjoyable, inspiring day full of backup!
Backup and recovery are an integral part of any data center these days. With the current data explosion, the need for an efficient solution has become critical. The Open Source world offers its own answers to todays challenges. Whether you want to learn what fits best for your company or you already work with these tools and want to get updated on latest developments, OSBConf is the perfect event for you! Besides bringing you deeper into technical aspects OSBConf provides the ideal opportunity for IT professionals to meet, exchange thoughts and establish new connections.
Backup your seat! Register now!