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Monthly Snap January > Starface, Monitoring, Icinga Camp, OSDC, Logstash, Atom, Foreman, SMS Eagle

January began with a Starface and telephone firmware update by Tim.
Then Blerim told us about Monitoring Plugins in Go, while Dirk presented a new Foreman plugin.
On events, Markus N. announced the first Icinga Camp talks, whereas Julia H.  wrote about the Call for Papers for the OSDC in Berlin and the Open Nebula TechDay in Nuremberg.
Noah gave an insight in Atom – an “hackable” Github editor, while Nicole and Fabian presented themselves.
Our shop queen Isabel told us some news about the SMS Gateway as well as the new software version for the SMS Eagle and Eric informed about how to activate a name resolution for LXC in Ubuntu 16.04.
Towards the end of January, Bernd continued with the second part of comparing various monitoring software and finally, Lennart published “Icinga best practices part 3“.

Monthly Snap December > OSMC, Nicolaus poem, Icinga 2.6, Robocop, Clustershell and Foreman-API, Icinga 2, OSDC, Ceph, Linux, Ansible, OMSA

In the beginning of December Dirk gave us a detailed summary of the first, second and third OSMC days, while Julia gave an account of the evening event at the Indabahn.
On the 6th of December, the St. Nicolaus day, we read Julias version of a Nicolaus poem. A couple of days later Gunnar gave us an insight into Icinga 2.6.
Then Markus Frosch introduced the Robocop, and Marius informed us about Clustershell and Foreman-API.
In parts 1 and 2 Lennart wrote about the organisation of Icinga 2 host- and service objects, whereas Julia informed us about the Early Bird phase and the Call for papers for the Open Source Data Center Conference.
Martin wrote about S3 and Swift with the Ceph object, and Alexander about Black Magic for GNU/Linux-Nerds.
At the end of the month Julia reminded us of the Ansible training, and Tim reported on OMSA issues, solutions and xkcd.

Lukas Stegmeier
Lukas Stegmeier
Event Specialist

Lukas ist seit September 2016 bei NETWAYS und hat seine Ausbildung zum Veranstaltungskaufmann bei uns erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nachdem er alle Bereiche des Eventmanagements kennen gelernt hat, kümmert er sich nun verstärkt um die Schulungsorganisation, unterstützt aber auch bei den Konferenzen. Sportlich verausgabt sich Lukas seit über 10 Jahren intensiv beim Fußball. Seit 2019 trainiert er die C-Jugend des SK Heuchling bei Lauf.

Monthly Snap August > Foreman, Request Tracker, OSMC, NodeJS, TestKitchen, Git, Online Store, Trainings, MesosCon

Snsp August started with Dirk’s review on our Foreman Birthday Event.
Michael followed with our new Request Tracker features.
Julia told us about the finalised OSMC program while Enrico went on with his reports about NodeJS.
Blerim explained how to do Chef Cookbook Integration Tests with TestKitchen and Michael shared some tricks with Git.
Furthermore Isabel celebrated our new Online Store and Daniela announced the trainings in 2017.
Finally Achim told us about his trip to listen to MesosCon in Amsterdam.

Monthly Snap July > Icinga 2, OSMC, OSBConf, Python, SMS Server Tools 3, Teamweekends, Time Management, Automazor Actions

In July, ChristiSnspan explained how easy and useful it is to switch to Icinga 2, while Marius Hein gave us an insight into the Mac firewall “Little Snitch“.
Then Julia disclosed the program for this year’s OSBConf and Dirk told us about minimal rights and personal accounts for administration.
Johannes showed us options on how to bring Python-services to an end and Isabel presented the beta-version of the SMS Server Tools 3 (3.1.16.).
After announcing the first Speakers for the OSMC 2016, Tim, Markus Waldmüller and Julia told the fabulous stories about three different and exciting NETWAYS-Teamweekends.
Towards the end of July, Bernd wrote about how to enhance time management on one’s own while Florian exposed some possibilities on how to lock a Mac with Automator Actions.

Monthly Snap January: Dev Tools, Clusters & Events and Trainings

January offered tips for cluster admins, programmers and technophiles, plus news on the events front. weekly snap
Pamela counted 13 weeks to the OSDC and introduced the thematic focuse of the conference. She went on to announce our participation and sponsorship of the OpenNebula TechDay in June. Daniela, meanwhile, explained how to become a Puppet expert in just 5 days.
Micheal shared tips to work with the git subtree and MarkusW then showed how to generate pdf´s with Showoff.
On clusters, Blerim looked at distributed containers with CoreOS, while Johannes introduced Bottle, a web-framework for Python.
Lastly, MariusH presented building automation systems as Cornelius presented the Raspberry Pi Touch Display.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.