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OSDC 2019: This is where the magic happens!

Once again the renowned Open Source Data Center Conference (OSDC) will take place in Berlin, May 14 – 15, 2019.  Presentations can now be submitted via the conference website. This is your next chance to continue or start your career as conference speaker:

Take it!

Covering the entire range of Open Source software, the event’s objective is to outline state-of-the-art solutions and pioneering concepts to manage complex IT infrastructures.
As a speaker you can choose between three lecture formats:

  • Ignite talk: 5 minutes accompanied by 20 slides, 15 seconds each
  • Medium talk: 30 minutes talk including a Q&A session
  • Full talk: 45 minutes talk including a Q&A session

This is where the magic happens!

This is the chance to get on stage again and present your latest developments, best practices or research to your fellow colleagues! Haven’t spoken at a stage to more than 100 people before? No problem! Everything has a first time. Start with OSDC! Submit your talk on:
We also have some news for attendees: Until December 31, 2018, you can get your Early Bird ticket. Tickets are available with or without accommodation on:
OSDC gives developers, decision-makers, administrators and IT managers the chance to catch up on latest news and initiate future-oriented projects. Speakers and attendees will be invited to a casual evening event, where they can engage with each other in a relaxed atmosphere. More on:

#OSDC | May 14 – 15, 2019 | Berlin

Monthly Snap July – Sommermeeting & Grillfeier | Icinga Releases | Neuerungen, Updates, #lifeatnetways

Während der Monat Juli zu Ende geht, klettern die Temperaturen auf ihren diesjährigen Höchststand: Dienstag, 31. Juli | 36 Grad! Jeder geht mit der Hitze ja anders um. In einem solchen Monat lernt man seine Kollegen nochmal ganz anders kennen – und schätzen! Mit Nicole und Markus etwa werden Stieleis-Kindheitsträume wahr ?
Sommer, Sonne, Sommermeeting

Highlight des Monats ist der 20. Juli: Sommermeeting und Grillfeier! Vormittags versammelt sich die gesamte NETWAYS Familie im Kesselhaus, wo die Teamleads das Abteilungsgeschehen präsentieren und CEO Bernd eine motivierende Rede hält, wie sie nur Bernd halten kann und einen Ausblick auf große Veränderungen gibt: Wir werden umziehen – physisch in neue Räumlichkeiten, virtuell auf eine neue Webseite. Das muss natürlich gefeiert werden: Am späten Nachmittag ziehen immer mehr Kollegen auf die Dachterrasse zu BBQ, DJ Alexander und Gin&Tonic-Bar.
Gefeiert hat die NETWAYS Familie im Juli so einiges  – auch den #SysadminDay, zu dem es ein großes Frühstücksbuffet gab.
Neuerungen und Updates
Aber wir waren auch abseits der Tanzfläche fleißig! Eine ganze Reihe NWS | Neuerungen und Updates stellt Marius in seinem Blogpost vor. Alexander hat SSL geknackt! Naja, fast. Markus sieht sich ReaR mal anders an und Georg erklärt, wie man einen verschlüsselten File-Container mittels cryptsetup und LUKS erstellen kann. Consultant Markus verrät, wie wir dienstlich Reisen. Marius hat einen anderen Ansatz gefunden: Let’s Encrypt HTTP Proxy: Another approach und Webinar-Meister Christian präsentiert die NETWAYS Webinare: Icinga 2 Serie.
Überhaupt Icinga! Hier hagelts Releases
Mitte Juli präsentieren die Icinga Entwickler ihr Icinga 2.9.0 Release! 2.9.0 bringt Neuerungen wie Elasticsearch 6-Unterstützung, eine einfachere Client-Installation und Bugfixes in punkto Windows-Reload, Speicherprobleme, geplante Downtimes und Benachrichtigungsreihenfolge. Kurz darauf folgt das Release von Icinga Web 2 2.6.0 mit zusätzlichen Dashboard-Widgets, einer neuen Hostgruppen-Übersicht und erweitertem Audit-Logging. Dank aufmerksamer Community Mitglieder, die einen weiteren Bug melden, kann die Icinga Crew letzte Woche gleich noch eins drauf setzen: Icinga 2.9.1.
Auch unsere Buchautoren Lennart und Thomas setzen eins drauf: Icinga 2 Buch, 2nd Edition. Dank Gunnar gibt es in unserem Blog einen Überblick über den Icinga Config Compiler. (Und dank @noledge eine lustige Icinga-Integration. ;))
Let it grow!
Am 1. August wird der erste von 7 (!) neuen Azubis in diesem Jahr kommen. Ja, auch deswegen werden wir umziehen: Wir wachsen! Unsere derzeitigen Auszubildenden kennt ihr ja schon. Afeef hat sich im Juli aber noch einmal genauer vorgestellt (Serie: NETWAYS stellt sich vor). Und worüber zerbrechen sich die anderen so den Kopf? Philipp beschäftigt sich mit der i-doit API, Killian mit AI – Artificial Intelligence (Was ist das? Ist das Gefährlich?) und Nicole gibt einen Einblick in ihre Projektwoche in der Berufsschule.
Und sonst so?
Nach dem einen Event, ist vor dem anderen: Von der OSDC gibt es Fotos, Slides und Videos im Archiv, für die OSBConf steht das Programm. Check it out! Niemals zuvor hatten wir so vielen Anfragen von Menschen, die unser Kesselhaus mieten wollen. Nie zuvor so früh im Jahr so viele Anmeldungen für die OSMC und so viele neue Speaker. Freut euch auf den Herbst! Dann gibt’s auch wieder viele interessante und lehrreiche Schulungen. Guckt doch mal in unseren Kalender: Die Zeit ist reif!
In diesem Sinne: Schönen Sommer!

OSDC 2018 Recap: The Archive is online

Open Source Data Conference| JUNE 12 – 13, 2018 | BERLIN
Hello Open Source Lovers,
as we know all of you are most of the time focused on the things to come: An upcoming release or a future-oriented project you are working on. But as Plato said, „twice and thrice over, as they say, good is it to repeat and review what is good.“

OSDC Archive is online, giving us the occasion to do so.

OSDC 2018 was a blast! Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic and the USA: 130 participants from all over the world came to Berlin to exchange thoughts and discuss the future of open source data center solutions.
„Extending Terraform“, „Monitoring Kubernetes at scale“, „Puppet on the Road to Pervasive Automation“ and „Migrating to the Cloud“ were just a few of many, trailblazing topics: We are overwhelmed by the content and quality of speakers, who presented a really interesting range of technologies and use cases, experience reports and different approaches. No matter what topic, all of the 27 high-level speakers had one goal: Explain why and how and share their lessons learned. And by doing so they all contributed to Simplifying Complex Infrastructures with Open Source.
Besides the lectures the attendees joined in thrilling discussions and a phenomenal evening event with a mesmerizing view over the city of Berlin.
A big thank you to our speakers and sponsors and to all participants, who made the event special. We are already excited about next year’s event – OSDC 2019, on May 14 to 15 in Berlin. Save the date!
And now, take a moment, get yourself a cup of coffee, lean back and recap the 2018 conference. Have a look at videos and slides and photos.

Monthly Snap June

June kept everyone busy with and excited about the Open Source Data Conference in Berlin. Eleven days before OSDC Keya started the „OSDC 2018 Countdown“. Second week of June the NETWAYS headquarter in Nuremberg was quite quiet. Everyone flew off to Berlin. Everyone? Well, not entirely… One small group of NETWAY-ers kept the NETWAYS flag flying in Nuremberg. Thankfully they had sent a great conference reporter out: Every evening Dirk summed up what had happened in „The Future of Open Source Data Center Solutions – OSDC 2018 – Day 1“ and „… 2“. He also wrote about the „Open Source Camp Issue #1“ . OSCamp will give Open Source projects a platform to present themselves to the Community. This year it started with Foreman and Graylog.
Berlin Events are over for this year, but other great events cast their shadows ahead: „Now is the time to register“ for the upcoming Open Source Monitoring Conference. OSMC takes place in Nuremberg, November 5 to 8.
There is this German saying: „Alles neu macht der Mai“ – for NETWAYS it was June: For OSMC we have created new presentations formats, learn more in „OSMC 2018: Choose what suits you!“ And: Julia is new. She just started this month as Marketing Manager and introduced herself in our blogseries „NETWAYS stellt sich vor“. Also new: We have published a „Ceph Training “, as Tim is happy to announce.
At times of DSVGO for Christoph it’s time to reconsider data protection of monitoring servers. In „Einfaches verschlüsseltes Backup“ he explains how one can use GPG to encrypt an icinga2 backup. Nicole shared her thoughts on the „Microsoft and GitHub – merge conflict?“ and recommends to get your own GitLab instance, whereas Michael explains „Continuous Integration with Golang and GitLab“. „Wie überwache ich eine Cluster-Applikation in Icinga 2?“, asked Daniel being at a customer – solving the problem with a little help from his friends. Eric explains „Filter for Multiple Group Memberships in SQL“, that will become even more powerful with the upcoming Icinga Web 2 release. In „Fresh from the shelfDavid reports about command-lines with Ranger, Progress and fzf, and Dirk inspired the Open Source Community about „Contributing as a Non-Developer“. One month, so much going on… Stay tuned!

OSDC 2018 – Backstage Stories

Hello awesome people!
Curious to hear what happened behind the scenes of #OSDC? I am here to share some insights from the NETWAYS Event Team with you.
Let me start with
pre-OSDC Day – 0
June 11, 2018, Monday

A motivated and full of energy OSDC-team from NETWAYS headquarter in Nuremberg arrives at MOA Hotel in Berlin. First of all we start the preparations for welcoming our OSDC speakers and attendees. Lukas and I have a great time welcoming everyone and Markus makes sure everything is in flow!
7 p.m., MOA Hotel Bar, meet and greet: All participants and speakers meet to have delicious food and a couple of drinks together. What a fantastic pre-conference warm-up!

OSDC Day – 1
June 12, 2018, Tuesday
The conference program begins with Bernd’s kick-start to #OSDC Day 1, followed by interesting and amazing talks. We in the OSDC-team attend the lectures and update everyone who doesn’t have the chance to be at OSDC on our social media channels. It is fun to see how many people react to what happens at the conference.

In between the stunning presentations everyone enjoys the delightful coffee breaks and yummy lunch.

7 PM @ PURO Sky Lounge: The evening event surprises with a great show. The view over Berlin from 20th floor  at PURO Sky Lounge is just amazing, with sun lights breaking through the clouds, later the illuminated skyline. Everyone is mesmerised by this beautiful view of Berlin, all enjoy the outstanding food, drinks and desserts.
There could have been no better setting for the open source community to socialize.

OSDC Day – 2
June 13, 2018, Wednesday
After spending an awesome evening the day before everyone enjoys the second day with wonderful talks.
We are thankful to our sponsoring partners Thomas Krenn, Linux Magazin and Admin Magazine for their support and all the NETWAYers for making it happen. And here ends OSDC 2018… See you again in 2019! Save the date!

Keya Kher
Keya Kher
Marketing Specialist

Keya ist seit Oktober 2017 in unserem Marketing Team. Nach ihrer Elternzeit ist sie seit Februar 2024 wieder zurück, um sich speziell um Icinga-Themen zu kümmern. Wenn sie sich nicht kreativ auslebt, entdeckt sie andere Städte oder schmökert in einem Buch. Ihr Favorit ist “The Shiva Trilogy”.