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Monthly Snap March 2020

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Jitsi, NETWAYS, Nextcloud

As most of you have already noticed, the NETWAYS family is officially in home-office.
This is very strange experience for most of us, but we are adapting to the new situation and are grateful for being able to work from home. As Leonie wrote in her blog NETWAYS @home we have a great Internal Support department, that helps with any issue we may have, and of course Bernd sends us regular updates.
In case you missed it: our NWS team offers a #stayathome-special: Rocket Chat, Jitsi and Nextcloud for free for 30 days! Check it out! These tools are very helpful for teamwork, telephone conferences etc, and help us stay in touch and cooperate despite being apart. It might be just the thing for your team!
And although business might not be quite as usual, we are still there for our customers! You can write us, phone us, order shop-products etc.

So, let us see what else NETWAYS wrote about in March!


NEWS from our Shop

STARFACE im Home-Office! Read Natalie`s Blog on how to use Starface while working from home, and that Starface UCC premium licences are for free till the end of May! Further, Natalie provided information on the HW group STE2: Netzwerk-Thermometer Set zum kleinen Preis. Just the thing for your server-room. Also read her second blog on the subject: HW group STE2: Netzwerk-Thermometer Set – Teil 2. And Nicole shared the advantages of the STE und STE PoE for those of us who don`t need the extra features of the STE2.

DevOpsDays Berlin

Julia informed us of DevOpsDays Berlin: Call for Papers open. Get involved! There are three different formats for talks. Read about them and send us your proposal for a talk in Berlin in October!


Icinga for Windows

Despite the Home-office situation the webinars are still taking place! Christian gave us an overview on topics and dates in the new webinar series Icinga for Windows – Webinar Kalender. Which leads us to Alexanders blog on his part in creating Icinga for Windows with PowerShell in Was war, ist und wird sein – ein Azubi & PowerShell. He is truly impressed with Christians work, and has learnt a lot in the process.


Techie topics

Artur wrote about his first experiences with Docker – ein erster Eindruck! In Privat: Better Late than never – Graphite-Web-Installation unter Debian 10 – Part 1 David kept his promise to his blog-readers and shared a thorough how-to. Why should you test tmux? Christoph gave us some reasons in tmux – terminal multiplexer. And Daniel`s blog Jitsi Best Practice und Skalierung helps with installing and using Jitsi. Julia annonced that NWS now hosts Kubernetes in NETWAYS Managed Kubernetes. Auf in die Welt der Container! The next blog is hilarious and cool at the same time! Read Tobias` Icinga Web Themes coming soon – Bayerisch, Fränkisch, Österreichisch!



In our blog series NETWAYS stellt sich vor new colleagues share a bit about themselves. Read about our apprentices Natalie and Nathaniel

Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.


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