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The Future of Open Source Data Center Solutions – OSDC 2018 – Day 2

The evening event was a great success. While some enjoyed the great view from the Puro Skybar, others liked the food and drinks even more and at least I preferred the networking. I joined some very interesting discussions about very specific Information Technology tools, work life balance, differences between countries and cultures and so on. So thanks to all starting with our event team to the attendees for a great evening.
But also a great evening and a short night did not keep me and many others from joining Walter Gildersleeve for the first talk about „Puppet and the Road to Pervasive Automation“. He introduced the new tools from Puppet to improve the Configuration management experience like Puppet Discovery, Pipelines and Tasks. What I liked about his demos about Tasks was that he was showing of course what the Enterprise version could do, but also what the Open Source version is capable of. Pipelines is Puppet’s CI/CD solution which can be used as SaaS or on premise and at least I have to commit it looks very nice and informative. If you want to give it a try, you can sign up for a free account and test it with a limited number of nodes.
Second one today was Matt Jarvis with his talk „From batch to pipelines – why Apache Mesos and DC/OS are a solution for emerging patterns in data processing“. Like several others he started with the history from mainframes via hardware partitioning and virtualization to microservices running in containers. After this introduction he started to dig deeper into Container Orchestration and changes in modern application design which add complexity which they wanted to solve with Mesos. Matt then has given a really good overview on different aspects of the Mesos ecosystem and DC/OS. This being quite a complex topic a list of all the topics covered would be quite exhaustive list, but just to mention some he covered Service Discovery or Load Balancing for example.
Michael Ströder who I know as great specialist for secure authentication by working with him at one customer in the past introduced „Æ-DIR — Authorized Entities Directory“ to the crowd. You already could see his experience when he was talking about goals and paradigms applied during development which resulted in the 2-tier architecture of Æ-DIR consisting of a writable provider and readable consumer with separated access based on roles. Installation is quite easy with a provided Ansible role and results in a very secure setup which I really like for central service like Authentication. The shown customer scenarios using features like SSH proxy authz and two factor authentication with Yuibkey make Æ-DIR sound like a really production ready solution. If you want to have a look into without installing it, a demo is provided on the projects webpage.
First talk after lunch was „Git Things Done With GitLab!“ by my colleagues Gabriel Hartmann and Nicole Lang about Gitlab and why it was chosen by NETWAYS for inclusion in our Webservices. Nicole gave a very good explanation about basic function which Gabriel showed live in a demo followed by a cherry pick of nice features provided by Gitlab. Also these features like Issue tracker and CI/CD were shown live. I was really excited by the beta of AutoDevops which allows you to get CI/CD up and running very easy.
Thomas Fricke’s talk „Three Years Running Containers with Kubernetes in Production“ was a very good talk about things you should know before moving container and container orchestration into production. But while it was a interesting talk I had to prepare for my own because I was giving the last talk of the day about „Katello: Adding content management to Foreman“ which was primarily demos showing all the basic parts.
It was a great conference again this year, I really want to thank all the speakers, attendees and sponsors who made this possible. I am looking forward for more interesting and even more technical talks at the Open Source Camp tomorrow, but wish save travels to all those leaving today and hope to see you next year on May 14-15.

Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

We are Ready, Are you Ready for the OSCamp?

Summer is approaching and so the OSCamp #1!
The 14 June 2018 is getting bit closer every day now! The agenda for the day of Open Source Camp is online now with power packed Foreman and Graylog talks!
Supercharge your mind with the talks as:
Manage Your Packages & Create Reproducible Environments using Pulp | Tanya Tereshchenko
An Introduction to Graylog for Security Use Cases | Lennart Koopmann
Orchestrating Windows deployment with Foreman and WDS | Alexander Olofsson & Magnus Svensson
Catch your information right! Three ways of filling your Graylog with life |Daniel Neuberger
Foreman: Unboxing and Review | Timo Goebel
Graylog Processing Pipelines Deep Dive | Jan Doberstein
Errare Humanum Est | Dr. Matthias Dellweg
How to manage Windows Eventlogs |Rico Spiesberger
From git repo to package |Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Sounds compelling to you? So Hurry up! and Get your Ticket.

Keya Kher
Keya Kher
Marketing Specialist

Keya ist seit Oktober 2017 in unserem Marketing Team. Nach ihrer Elternzeit ist sie seit Februar 2024 wieder zurück, um sich speziell um Icinga-Themen zu kümmern. Wenn sie sich nicht kreativ auslebt, entdeckt sie andere Städte oder schmökert in einem Buch. Ihr Favorit ist “The Shiva Trilogy”.  

Noob vs. Icinga 2

Nachdem unser Michael Friedrich letzte Woche einen Blog-Post zum 9. Icinga Geburtstag auf veröffentlicht hat, fängt man schon mal an, über die eigenen ersten Schritte mit dem Icinga 2 Stack nachzudenken. Vor allem, wenn man auf einem Live-System mal wieder über etwas aus der Anfangszeit stolpert.

Eines meiner ersten Aha!-Erlebnisse war recht klein, jedoch wurde mir dann versichert, dass da auch gestandene User bzw. Admins darüberstolpern. Kern der Frage war damals: „Warum geht dieser *biep* http-check nicht?!“ Als Symptom zeigte sich, dass unserem Check der Zugriff verweigert wurde – und das, obwohl doch alle Permissions korrekt gesetzt waren. Da grübelt und googlet der Junior System Engineer erstmal eine Zeit lang. Um das Verfahren hier abzukürzen – es gibt folgende Möglichkeiten, das Problem anzugehen:
Der Grund liegt darin, dass der Check durch den Parameter –expect einen String mit dem Returnwert 200 als Default erwartet. Von daher kann man

  • als Quick’n’Dirty Lösung ganz einfach eine leere Datei mit dem Namen index.html im entsprechenden Verzeichnis angelegt werden
  • den String nach –expect auf einen sicher zu erwartenden Wert setzen, z. B. 302.
  • mit –url einen Pfad angeben, der geprüft werden soll, z. B. /start/menu

Auch schön war der Punkt, an dem man verstanden hat, was es mit dem Parameter command_endpoint auf sich hat – und man plötzlich merkt, dass unterschiedliche Festplatten z. B. auch unterschiedliche Füllstände aufweisen. Genauso faszinierend ist es natürlich auch, dass man durch Apply Rules viele Services weitläufig ausrollen oder umgekehrt auch einschränken kann.
Um nun abschließend einen unserer NETWAYS Consultants zu zitieren: „Das Kommando icinga2 daemon -C sollte man jedem neuen User irgendwohin tätowieren!“
Als Fazit aus den letzten zwei Jahren mit Icinga 2 kann ich ziehen, dass einem der Einstieg recht gut und schnell gelingt – egal, ob es sich um das Aufsetzen, die Wartung oder die täglich Nutzung handelt. Wer sich vor allem von letzterem gerne selbst überzeugen möchte, kann bei den NETWAYS Web Services in unserem kostenfreien Testmonat sowohl einen Icinga 2 Master als auch Satellite starten. Wer sich gerne tiefer in die Materie einarbeiten möchte, kann sich auf schlau machen. Dort ist nicht nur die offizielle Dokumentation zu finden, sondern auch Termine zu Trainings und Events. Sehr zu empfehlen ist auch die überarbeitete Auflage des Buches Icinga 2: Ein praktischer Einstieg ins Monitoring von Lennart Betz und Thomas Widhalm.

OSCamp 2018 – Speakers Line-Up

We are overwhelmed with all the excellent proposals we received for the OSCamp #1. We are happy to announce the speakers line-up for the 2018 Camp.
Confirmed speakers are:
Lennart Koopmann | GRAYLOG
Jan Doberstein | GRAYLOG
Daniel Neuberger | NETWAYS
Rico Spiesberger | MANN+HUMMEL
Dr. Matthias Dellweg | ATIX AG
Tanya Tereshchenko | Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Timo Goebel | FILIADATA GmbH
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Alexander Olofsson & Magnus Svensson | Linköpings University
…look for the updated speakers-list and further details here.
Short overview of the Open Source Camp
The main idea behind the OSCamp is a day packed with expert talks on the newest research, developments and future trends. The 2018 issue is dedicated to the OS projects Foreman and Graylog. Designed for experienced administrators and architects, the Camp will reflect new influences and developments of the featured Open Source projects. Get in touch with like-minded people, share expertise and discover new grounds – go for OSCamp this summer!
Does it sound tempting? Get your tickets here.
We look forward to welcoming you @OSCamp on June 14, 2018 in Berlin!

Keya Kher
Keya Kher
Marketing Specialist

Keya ist seit Oktober 2017 in unserem Marketing Team. Nach ihrer Elternzeit ist sie seit Februar 2024 wieder zurück, um sich speziell um Icinga-Themen zu kümmern. Wenn sie sich nicht kreativ auslebt, entdeckt sie andere Städte oder schmökert in einem Buch. Ihr Favorit ist “The Shiva Trilogy”.  

Foreman's 8th birthday – How was the party?

Foreman logo
As you may remember we gave the Foreman Project another party to celebrate its 8th birthday, so now it is time for a small recap.
At 12:30 I welcomed a group of about 20 people for the event coming mostly from Southern Germany, but with Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden coming down from the Netherlands we had again at least one international guest. Afterwards we started with the hands-on session. This session was planned as a completely open session, so some discussions and hacking started while others played around with the demo systems I prepared. In addition to the basic setup containing several ways of provisioning, Puppet for configuration management and some plugins like OpenSCAP, Remote Execution and Expire Hosts one demo setup included the Monitoring Plugin, so Host provisioning included adding them to Icinga Web 2 Director and monitor them. Another one had added Docker integration, CoreOS provisioning and updating via Foreman’s Omaha Plugin. The third one was installed using nightly builds of Foreman and the plugins to demonstrate Puppet 5 and Ansible. The last demo was showing Katello and its Lifecyclemanagement. I think every system has created some interest but this year the most persons were interested in Ansible and Monitoring Integration, followed by Lifecyclemanagement and OpenSCAP.
Foreman Event 2017 - Start
I tried to get the talks in a reasoned order, so Michael Moll started with his talk „The last year in Foreman“ which gave a nice look inside last year’s development and changes and some hints on future improvements. The second speaker was Timo Goebel with „Foreman – Advanced Use Cases“ who had many ideas what he could talk about from his experience at dm/filiadata, but in the end he demonstrated how to deploy a CoreOS cluster including update management via the Omaha Plugin he created. Third talk was „Refactoring Katello Installer modules“ by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden who is constantly improving the quality of the Puppet modules used by the Foreman, Katello and the Kafo installer. I and probably many others will be really happy when he reaches his goal to allow a distributed setup of Katello and users being capable of upgrading Foreman to Katello. Last but not least Evgeni Golov explained some lessons learned and showed possible problems he come across while migrating a big environment to Red Hat Satellite 6 (the Red Hat branded version of Katello) in his talk „Mass-Migration of 5000 Servers to Foreman/Katello with“.
Foreman Event 2017 - Evening
The casual part started afterwards with beer and pizza but it did not stop nice and productive discussions from going on. From the feedback I got all attendees enjoyed the event like I did and everyone took some additional knowledge and ideas with him when I closed the door 3 hours later. So I think you can look forward for next year and Foreman’s 9th birthday. If you can not wait, our next Foreman training is already end of September.

Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.