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stackconf 2022 – The Count Down is Running!

Only one week to go until it’s stackconf time!

Get new impulses and upgrade your infrastructure to what’s currently going on and coming up in the future. Think outside the box! At stackconf, you will learn how to design and build your technology stack exactly according to the needs of your business – throughout the whole lifecycle:




stackconf Core Value – Get Together, Learn & Exchange

This social aspect is really important to us at our conference. That’s why we provide a lot of space and opportunities for discussion and exchange. Learn from other IT engineers and architects. Get feedback on your own approaches and plans for the future.

Socializing & Networking At Its Best!

The stackconf evening event will take you to the “Capitol Yard Golf Lounge”. Located in the historic Spreespeicher in the heart of Berlin this great site will provide an absolute amazing athmosphere for creating new contacts, catching up with familiar faces and engaging in extensive exchanges with other participants and expert speakers. Expect the best and be pleasantly surprised!

Not yet registered? Then it’s time to get fast & furious!

Check out the amazing speakers line up stackconf has to offer! With over 30 international infrastructure experts from top companies such as Spotify, IBM, Red Hat, Elastic, VMware, Intel, and many more.
Ceate your personal conference agenda and enjoy the great opportunity to engage with a bunch of like-minded people for 2 days of open source community feeling at its finest!

So hurry up and get your ticket now!

We are counting down the days to see you in Berlin!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

Sommerhitze & Powershell 3 kleine Tipps

Hallo Netways Follower,

Ich melde mich dies mal mit einem kurzen aber meist vergessenen Thema nämlich wie kriegt man unter Windows diese vermaledeiten Powershell Skripts korrekt zum laufen.

Wenn man bei einem normalen Icinga2 Windows Agenten diese in ‚Betrieb‘ nehmen will benötigt es etwas Handarbeit und Schweiß bei diesen Sommertagen um dies zu bewerkstelligen.

Trotzdem hier ein paar Tipps:

1) Tipp „Powershell Skripte sollten ausführbar sein“

Nachdem der Windows Agent installiert und funktional ist sollte man sich auf der Windows Maschine wo man das Powershell Skript ausführen möchte in die Powershell (nicht vergessen mit Administrativer Berechtigung) begeben.

Um Powershell Skripts ausführen zu können muss dies erst aktiviert werden dazu gibt es das folgende Kommando

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

Hier sollte zumeist RemoteSigned ausreichend sein, aber es kommt wie immer auf den Anwendungsfall an. More Info here.

Nach der Aktivierung kann man nun überprüfen ob man Powershell Skripts ausführen kann.
Hierzu verwende ich meist das Notepad um folgendes zu schreiben um anschließend zu prüfen ob das oben aktivierte auch klappt.

Also ein leeres Windows Notepad mit dem folgenden befüllen:

Write-Host "Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. "

Das ganze dann als ‚test.ps1‘ speichern.

Nun wieder in die Powershell zurück und an dem Platz wo man das Powershell Skript gespeichert hat es mit dem folgenden Kommando aufrufen.
PS C:\Users\dave\Desktop> & .\test.ps1
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

Sollte als Ergebnis angezeigt werden damit Powershell Skripts ausführbar sind.

2) Tipp „Das Icinga2 Agent Plugin Verzeichnis“

In der Windows Version unseres Icinga2 Agents ist das standard Plugin Verzeichnis folgendes:
PS C:\Program Files\ICINGA2\sbin>

Hier liegen auch die Windows Check Executables.. und ‚.ps1‘ Skripte welche auf dem Host ausgeführt werden sollten/müssen auch hier liegen.

3) Tipp „Powershell 32Bit & 64Bit“

Wenn ein Skript relevante 64Bit Sachen erledigen muss kann auch die 64er Version explizit verwendet werden in den Check aufrufen.

Das heißt wenn man den object CheckCommand „Mein Toller Check“ definiert kann man in dem Setting:

command = [ "C:\\Windows\\sysnative\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" ] //als 64 Bit angeben und
command = [ "C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" ] // als 32Bit.

Hoffe die drei kleinen Tipps erleichtern das Windows Monitoring mit Powershell Skripts.
Wenn hierzu noch Fragen aufkommen kann ich unser Community Forum empfehlen und den ‚kleinen‘ Guide von unserem Kollegen Michael. Icinga Community Forums

Ich sag Ciao bis zum nächsten Mal.

David Okon
David Okon
Senior Systems Engineer

Weltenbummler David hat aus Berlin fast den direkten Weg zu uns nach Nürnberg genommen. Bevor er hier anheuerte, gab es einen kleinen Schlenker nach Irland, England, Frankreich und in die Niederlande. Alles nur, damit er sein Know How als IHK Geprüfter DOSenöffner so sehr vertiefen konnte, dass er vom Apple Consultant den Sprung in unser Professional Services-Team wagen konnte. Er ist stolzer Papa eines Sohnemanns und bei uns mit der Mission unterwegs, unsere Kunden zu glücklichen Menschen zu machen.

Open Source Camp Issue #1 – Foreman & Graylog

Open Source Camp Issue #1Right after OSDC we help to organize the Open Source Camp, a brand new serie of events which will give Open Source projects a platform for presenting to the Community. So the event started with a small introduction of the projects covered in the first issue, Foreman and Graylog. For the Foreman part it was Sebastian Gräßl a long term developer who did gave a short overview of Foreman and the community so also people attending for Graylog just know what the other talks are about. Lennart Koopmann who founded Graylog did the same for the other half including upcoming version 3 and all new features.
Tanya Tereshchenko one of the Pulp developers started the sessions with „Manage Your Packages & Create Reproducible Environments using Pulp“ giving an update about Pulp 3. To illustrate the workflows covered by Pulp she used the Ansible plugin which will allow to mirror Ansible Galaxy locally and stage the content. Of course Pulp also allows to add your own content to your local version of the Galaxy and serve it to your systems. The other plugins a beta version is already available for Pulp 3 are python to mirror pypi and file for content of any kind, but more are in different development stages.
„An Introduction to Graylog for Security Use Cases“ by Lennart Koopmann was about taking the idea of Threadhunting to Graylog by having a plugin providing lookup tables and processing pipeline. In his demo he showed all of this based on eventlogs collected by their honey pot domain controller and I can really recommend the insides you can get with it. I still remember how much work it was getting such things up and running 10 years ago at my former employer with tools like rsyslog and I am very happy about having tools like Graylog nowadays which provide this out of box.
From Sweden came Alexander Olofsson and Magnus Svensson to talk about „Orchestrating Windows deployment with Foreman and WDS“. They being Linux Administrators wanted to give their Windows colleagues a similar experience on a shared infrastructure and shared their journey to reach this goal. They have created a small Foreman Plugin for WDS integration into the provisioning process which got released in its first version. Also being a rather short presentation it started a very interesting discussion as audience were also mostly Linux Administrators but nearly everyone had at least to deal in one way with Windows, too.
My colleague Daniel Neuberger was introducing into Graylog with „Catch your information right! Three ways of filling your Graylog with life.“ His talk covered topics from Graylogs architecture, what types of logs exists and how you can get at least the common ones into Graylog. Some very helpful tips from practical experience spiced up the talk like never ever run Graylog as root for being able to get syslog traffic on port 514, if the client can not change the port, your iptables rules can do so. Another one showed fallback configuration for Rsyslog using execOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended action. And like me Daniel prefers to not only talk about things but also show them live in a demo, one thing I recommend to people giving a talk as audience will always honor, but keep in mind to always have a fallback.
Timo Goebel started the afternoon sessions with „Foreman: Unboxing“ and like in a traditional unboxing he showed all the plugins Filiadata has added to their highly customized Foreman installation. This covered integration of omaha (the update management of coreos), rescue mode for systems, VMware status checking, distributed lock management to help with automatic updates in cluster setups, Spacewalk integration they use for SUSE Manager managed systems, host expiration which helps to keep your environment tidy, monitoring integration and the one he is currently working on which provides cloud-init templates during cloning virtual machines in VMware from templates.
Jan Doberstein did exactly what you can expect from a talk called „Graylog Processing Pipelines Deep Dive“. Being Support engineer at Graylog for several years now his advice is coming from experience in many different customer environments and while statements like „keep it simple and stupid“ are made often they stay true but also unheard by many. Those pipelines are really powerful especially when done in a good way, even more when they can be included and shared via content packs with Version 3.
Matthias Dellweg one of those guys from AITX who brought Debian support to Pulp and Katello talked about errata support for it in his talk „Errare Humanum Est“. He started by explaining the state of errata in RPM and differences in the DEB world. Afterwards he showed the state of their proof of concept which looks like a big improvement bringing DEB support in Katello to the same level like RPM.
„How to manage Windows Eventlogs“ was brought to the audience by Rico Spiesberger with support by Daniel. The diversity of the environment brought some challenges to them which they wanted to solve with monitoring the logs for events that history proved to be problematic. Collecting the events from over 120 Active Directory Servers in over 40 countries generates now over 46 billion documents in Graylog a day and good idea about what is going on. No such big numbers but even more detailed dashboards were created for the Certificate Authority. Expect all their work to be available as content pack when it is able to export them with Graylog 3.
Last but not least Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden told us the story about software going the way „From git repo to package“ in the Foreman Project. Seeing all the work for covering different operating systems and software versions for Foreman and the big amount of plugins or even more for Katello and all the dependencies is great and explains why sometimes things take longer, but always show a high quality.
I think it was a really great event which not only I enjoyed from the feedback I got. I really like about the format that talks are diving deeper into the projects than most other events can do and looking forward for the next issue. Thanks to all the speakers and attendees, safe travels home to everyone.

Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

Be a speaker at the OS Monitoring Conference this year!

We have some strong points for you to be a speaker at the Open Source Monitoring Conference 2018.

  1. Add new research to your list – Talk about your newest findings in development at the OSMC.
  2. Increase your productivity –  Writing a paper with your findings, tips, tricks and skills increases your number of activities.
  3. Be the OS Monitoring Agent of Change! – Do you think your ideas and thoughts can bring positive change to the OS community? If you do, the Open Source Monitoring Conference is the perfect platform for you to share your ideas with the community.
  4. Monitor your social life – Meet up with fellow experts and enjoy the opportunity to exchange and reflect with other OS monitoring enthusiasts.

Let’s do this! Submit your talk here. 

Keya Kher
Keya Kher
Marketing Specialist

Keya ist seit Oktober 2017 in unserem Marketing Team. Nach ihrer Elternzeit ist sie seit Februar 2024 wieder zurück, um sich speziell um Icinga-Themen zu kümmern. Wenn sie sich nicht kreativ auslebt, entdeckt sie andere Städte oder schmökert in einem Buch. Ihr Favorit ist “The Shiva Trilogy”.  

Modern open source community platforms with Discourse

Investing into open source communities is key here at NETWAYS. We do a lot of things in the open, encourage users with open source trainings and also be part of many communities with help and code, be it Icinga, Puppet, Elastic, Graylog, etc.
Open source with additional business services as we love and do only works if the community is strong, and pushes your project to the next level. Then it is totally ok to say „I don’t have the time to investigate on your problem now, how about some remote support from professionals?“. Still, this requires a civil discussion platform where such conversations can evolve.
One key factor of an open source community is to encourage users to learn from you. Show them your appreciation and they will like it and start helping others as you do. Be a role model and help others on a technical level, that’s my definition of a community manager. Add ideas and propose changes and new things. Invest time and make things easier for your community.
I’ve been building a new platform for based on Discourse in the last couple of days. The old platform based on Woltlab was old-fashioned, hard to maintain, and it wasn’t easy to help everyone. It also was closed source with an extra license, so feature requests were hard for an open source guy like me.
Discourse on the other hand is 100% open source, has ~24k Github stars and a helping community. It has been created by the inventors of StackOverflow, building a conversation platform for the next decade. Is is fast, modern, beautiful and both easy to install and use.

Setup as Container

Discourse only supports running inside Docker. The simplest approach is to build everything into one container, but one can split this up too. Since I am just a beginner, I decided to go for the simple all-in-one solution. Last week I was already using the 1.9.0beta17, running really stable. Today they released 1.9.0, I’ll share some of the fancy things below already 🙂
Start on a fresh VM where no applications are listening on port 80/443. You’ll also need to have a mail server around which accepts mails via SMTP. Docker must be installed in the latest version from the Docker repos, don’t use what the distribution provides (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS here).

mkdir /var/discourse
git clone /var/discourse
cd /var/discourse

The setup wizard ask several questions to configure the basic setup. I’ve chosen to use as hostname, and provided my SMTP server host and credentials. I’ve also set my personal mail address as contact. Once everything succeeds, the configuration is stored in /var/discourse/container/app.yml.

Nginx Proxy

My requirement was to not only serve Discourse at /, but also have redirects for other web applications (the old Woltlab based forum for example). Furthermore I want to configure the SSL certificates in a central place. Therefore I’ve been following the instructions to connect Discourse to a unix socket via Nginx.

apt-get install nginx
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/proxy.conf
server {
    listen 443 ssl;  listen [::]:443 ssl;
    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate      /etc/nginx/ssl/;
    ssl_certificate_key  /etc/nginx/ssl/;
    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1 TLSv1;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
    # openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 4096
    ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem;
    # OCSP Stapling ---
    # fetch OCSP records from URL in ssl_certificate and cache them
    ssl_stapling on;
    ssl_stapling_verify on;
    location / {
        error_page 502 =502 /errorpages/discourse_offline.html;
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        # Requires containers/app.yml to use websockets
        proxy_pass http://unix:/var/discourse/shared/standalone/nginx.http.sock:;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/proxy.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/proxy.conf
service nginx restart

Another bonus of such a proxy is to have a maintenance page without an ugly gateway error.
The full configuration can be found here.


Installation is a breeze – just add the installation calls into the app.yml file and rebuild the container.

# egrep -v "^$|#" /var/discourse/containers/app.yml
  - "templates/postgres.template.yml"
  - "templates/redis.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ratelimited.template.yml"
  db_default_text_search_config: "pg_catalog.english"
  LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/standalone
      guest: /shared
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/var-log
      guest: /var/log
    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
  - exec: echo "Beginning of custom commands"
  - exec: echo "End of custom commands"
./launcher rebuild app

Akismet checks against spam posts as you know it from WordPress. We’ve learned that spammers easily crack reCaptcha, and the only reliable way is filtering the actual posts.
The second useful plugin is for accepting an answer in a topic, marking it as solved. This is really useful if your platform is primarily used for Q&A topics.

Getting Started

Once everything is up and running, navigate to your domain in your browser. The simple setup wizard greets you with some basic questions. Proceed as you like, and then you are ready to build the platform for your own needs.
The admin interface has lots of options. Don’t fear it – many of the default settings are from best practices, and you can always restore them if you made a mistake. There’s also a filter to only list overridden options 🙂

Categories and Tags

Some organisation and structure is needed. The old-fashioned way of choosing a sub forum and adding a topic in there is gone. Still Discourse offers you to require a category from users. Think of monitoring – a question on the Icinga Director should be highlighted in a specific category to allow others to catch up.
By the way – you can subscribe to notifications for a specific category. This helps to keep track only for Icinga related categories for example.
In addition to that, tags help to refine the topics and make them easier to search for.

Communication matters

There are so many goodies. First off, you can start a new topic just from the start page. An overlay page which saves the session (!) is here for you to edit. Start typing Markdown, and see it pre-rendered live on the right side.
You can upload images, or paste an URL. Discourse will trigger a job to download this later and use a local cache. This avoids broken images in the future. If you paste a web link, Discourse tries to render a preview in „onebox“. This also renders Github URLs with code preview.
Add emotions to your discussion, appreciate posts by others and like them, enjoy the conversation and share it online. You can even save your draft and edit it amongst different sessions, e.g. after going home.


Tutorials, Trust Level and Rewards

Once you register a new account (you can add oauth apps from Twitter, Github, etc.!), a learning bot greets you. This interactive tutorial helps you learning the basics with likes, quotes, urls, uploads, and rewards you with a nice certificate in the end.
New users don’t start with full permissions, they need to earn their trust. Once they proceed with engaging with the community, their trust level is raised. The idea behind this is not to have moderators and admins regulating the conversation, but let experienced members to it. Sort of self healing if something goes wrong.
Users who really engage and help are able to earn so-called badges. These nifty rewards are highlighted on their profile page, e.g. for likes, number of replies, shared topics, even accepted solutions for questions. A pure motivation plaything built into this nice piece of open source software.


Wiki and Solved Topics

You can change topics to wiki entries. Everyone can edit them, this way you’ll combine the easiness of writing things in Markdown with a full-blown documentation wiki.
Accepting a replay as solution marks a topic as „solved“. This is incredibly helpful for others who had the same problem.



As an administrator, you’ll get automated page profiling for free. This includes explained SQL queries, measured page load time, and even flame graphs.
If you ever need to reschedule a job, e.g. for daily badge creation, admins can access the Sidekiq web UI which really is just awesome.
Plugin development seems also easy if you know Ruby and EmberJS. There are many official plugins around which tested before each release.

Discourse also has a rich REST API. Even a monitoring endpoint.


You can create backups on-demand in addition to regular intervals. You can even restore an old backup directly from the UI.



Discourse is used by many communities all over the world – Graylog, Elastic, Gitlab, Docker, Grafana, … have chosen to use the power of a great discussion platform. So does as a #monitoringlove community. A huge thank you to the Discourse team, your software is pure magic and just awesome 🙂
My journey in building a new community forum from scratch in just 5 days can be read here 🙂 running Discourse is fully hosted at NETWAYS, including SSL certificates, Puppet deployment and Icinga for monitoring. Everything I need to build an awesome community platform. You too?