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Weihnachtsmenu by NETWAYS

Unsere NETWAYS Weihnachtsfeier führte uns in diesem Jahr mal ganz abenteuerlich in die Nachbargemeinde Fürth. Dort trafen wir uns – nach einem kleinen Glühwein-Warming-Up im Büro – zu einem gemeinsamen Kochevent in der ADKK (Akademie Der Kochenden Künste). Empfangen wurden wir hier formvollendet mit einem Aperitif und inspizierten erst einmal ausgiebig die Lokation, der eine exquisite Weinhandlung angeschlossen ist und die somit einiges zu erkunden bot. Im Anschluss ließen wir uns, sozusagen als „Begrüßungshäppchen“ und kleine Stärkung für die kommenden Herausforderungen, den ersten Gang unseres vier Gänge Menus munden: American-Beef-Tartar an Avocadochutney mit Purple Curry Häubchen.
Sodann machte sich die erste Hälfte des Teams ans Werk und bereitete mit voller Hingabe ein Apfelsüppchen mit rotem Curry und kandiertem Rettich zu. Dies schmeckte – man vermochte es kaum zu glauben: vorzüglich!
Nach einer kurzen Verschnauf-, Palaver- und Pinkelpause war dann die zweite Teamhälfte mit der Zubereitung des Hauptgangs – Barbarie-Entenbrust auf Kürbisragout mit Parmesanschaum und selbstgemachten Gnocchi an der Reihe. Auch hierbei hat man sich wunderbar amüsiert, was dem Gelingen jedoch keinen Abbruch tat, denn auch der Vogel entsprach ganz und gar dem weihnachtlichen Anlass und war wirklich köstlich.
Nun schloss sich der gemütliche Teil unserer Weihnachtsfeier an – wir wurden nun nur noch vom Chef de Cuisine persönlich bekocht – und konnten so gänzlich heiter und entspannt unseren vierten Gang: Crème Brûlée mit frischer Mango, genießen. Die ausgelassene Stimmung war nach der Übergabe der diesjährigen Weihnachtsgeschenke auf dem Siedepunkt.
Begleitet wurde das ganze durch eine schöne Auswahl an Rot- und Weißweinen, bzw. wahlweise Bier oder Antialkoholischem.
Fazit: War mal was ganz anderes – gediegen, elegant mit ganz viel Spaß bei der Arbeit… 😉
Hier eine kleine Auswahl an Eindrücken von Weihnachten by NETWAYS 2011:

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

Weekly Snap: OSDC Specials, Printing & VirtualBox Tips for Xmas

20 – 24 December embraced the spirit of Christmas, giving OSDC specials, printing tips and VirtualBox hints, not to mention the warmest festive wishes from the entire team at NETWAYS.
Manuela reminded early birds to get their tickets to the OSDC 2011 coming up on 6 -7 April in Nuremberg. She gave a sneak peek into the program, featuring ‘Puppet Advanced’ and ‘ITSM Reporting with Jasper’ workshops and speeches on: ‘Automatic Natwork Documentation with NetDot & RANCID’,‘Email Marketing, Spam, Email Filtering & Data Protection-What‘s Allowed & What’s Not?’, ‘Icinga – Enterprise Monitoring’, ‘High Availability Virtualization Clusters with iSCSI, Cluster LVM & Xen/KVM’, ‘NoSQL in the Cloud: Patterns, Architecture & Experiences’, and ‘FAI – Fully Automatic Installation’. Interested speakers a still welcome to submit their ideas to the Call for Papers and registrations before 28 February will enjoy early bird specials. For an impression of the event format and style, Manuela shared two speeches from the recent monitoring conference courtesy of Linux Magazine: ‘Monitoring with Icinga’, ‘Java Monitoring & Troubleshooting’.
Marcus then taught us how to send print jobs to two printers simultaneously, using a combination of Foxit-PDF reader, CutePDF and an AutoIT 3 script. Referencing the AutoIT forum which offered example code, he recommended it as an alternative to PrintMulti (also available for free) for its relative configuration simplicity. First the document to be printed is exported in PDF format and saved in a specific place with CutePDF. Once the AutoIT script registers the new file, it is moved to an archive and renamed (date and time) to finally be sent off to the printers with FoxitPDF.
Lastly, Bernd shared his own tip by taking a peek under the VirtualBox 4.0 hood. The recently released major version of the virtualization solution features a refurbished interface and changes to the architecture. With certain features migrated to expansion packs, he couldn’t quite say whether they are a precursor to commercialized packages or just more freedom combining features. The expansion pack currently available offers ISB 2.0, PXE-Boot and VirtualBox RDP support. Bernd’s favourite feature was its support of Async-IO and local disk resource limitations for guests. Through VBoxManage, resource groups are created and individual disks are assigned to optimize resource use and meet the configured limits. More on the new release can be found in VirtualBox’s changelog, and Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris suitable versions are also available for free download.

Weekly Snap: MySQL 5.5 GA, Nagios Training 2011 and Xmas Office Fun

13-17 December introduced a new year of Nagios training workshops and celebrated the release of MySQL 5.5 alongside the office Xmas party.
Rebecca gave us the heads up on Nagios training courses for 2011. Starting on 11-14 January, with classes in March, June and September to follow, the Nagios Availability Monitoring workshops equip Nagios newbies with all they need to know to head off into their first implementation. The 4 day training package covers accommodation with wlan access, catering, notebook rental and training materials to take home. Register for the course right away or get more information on the training courses offered at
Bernd got excited about the general availability release of MySQL 5.5, the product of an efficient development process which we’ve previously admired. For him, Oracle’s purchase of SUN Microsystems was no signal of MySQL’s downfall, rather one that signalled the mother company’s new ability to compete against the many small databases such as PostgreSQL, Sybase or MSSQL-Server. The enhanced 5.5 is now proof enough. With an array of optimisations, including the performance of the windows version and 15 fold performance improvement n read/write and Bernd’s favourite – a considerably stable semi-synchronous replication. For more on the latest release, check out the Oracle blog.
Manuela celebrated the arrival of Christmas and the NETWAYS party that accompanied it. Held for the first time before the New Year and for the first time with a Christmas Olympics, the party started under the office tree with a race between a jet, a monster truck, a racing car and a turtle to name a few. Once warmed by Karo’s special ginger lime punch, the then crew headed into the city for a tasty Italian feed with a snowball battle on the way. The party ended with a few karaoke songs and the Olympic runners sent off with the UPS Santa for children in need.

Weekly Snap: Xmas in January, Jasper in LTR

weekly snapFeb 1-5 kicked off the month with Christmas in January, new firmware, a Jasper appearance in the Linux Technical Review and more NSClient++.
To begin the week, hardware man Martin announced another new firmware release, this time for AKCP securityProbe to support SMS messaging alerts via the Teltonika Modem USB / G10 GSM Modem.
Meanwhile Michael rolled out part 3 of his NSClient++ series with a look at Windows monitoring fundamentals. Beginning with a CPU capacity utilisation check, he gave the command lines for disk and memory utilisation checks, uptime and service state checks. All of which are carried out through the check_nrpe plugin.
Bernd shared his recent article contribution to the Linux Technical Review on Jasper Reporting, covering everything from the reporting framework structure to iReport tips and tricks and data selection.
Finally, just as the last, NETWAYS celebrated Christmas closer to the end of January than December with a good dose of mulled wine, confused senses at the Tower of Senses, XXL double beef burgers at the Skybar, topped off with karaoke. Should the tradition proceed, one year we may be donning the Santa hat in a beer garden soaking up some sunshine.