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Icinga Plugins in Golang

Golang ist an sich noch eine relativ junge Programmiersprache, ist jedoch bei vielen Entwicklern und Firmen gut angekommen und ist die Basis von vielen modernen Software Tools, von Docker bis Kubernetes.

Für die Entwicklung von Icinga Plugins bringt die Sprache einige hilfreiche Konzepte mit. Golang baut fertige Binaries, Plugins können also zentral kompiliert und ohne große Abhängigkeiten verteilt werden. Alle Abhängigkeiten werden im Rahmen vom Bauprozess abgedeckt, die einzige Unterscheidung liegt in der Ziel Architektur, also Linux, Windows, Mac oder ähnliches, sowie ob 32 oder 64 bit.

Viele Funktionen und Packages (vergleichbar mit Libraries) kommen entweder direkt mit Golang mit oder können leicht aus der Open Source Community verwendet werden. Mit dem Package go-check von uns haben wir eine kleine Basis geschaffen, um leichter Plugins schreiben zu können, ohne sich zu sehr im Code wiederholen zu müssen.

Als ganz einfaches Go Plugin hier ein Beispiel eine “main.go” Datei:

package main

import (

func main() {
	config := check.NewConfig()
	config.Name = "check_test"
	config.Readme = `Test Plugin`
	config.Version = "1.0.0"

	_ = config.FlagSet.StringP("hostname", "H", "localhost", "Hostname to check")


	// Some checking should be done here, when --help is not passed

	check.Exitf(check.OK, "Everything is fine - answer=%d", 42)

Alles was man noch tun muss, ist das Plugin zu kompilieren oder direkt auszuführen:

go build -o check_test main.go && ./check_test --help
go run main.go

Ein guter Einstieg in Go findet man über die Dokumentation, die Tour und vor allem in dem man sich umschaut, was die Community an Packages zu bieten hat.

Natürlich bleibt die Frage, wie überwache ich das Ding was mir wichtig ist, wofür es aber noch kein Plugin gibt. Gerade dort helfen wir von NETWAYS mit unseren Consulting und Entwicklungsleistungen.  Beispiele unserer Go Plugins findet man auf GitHub unter der NETWAYS Organisation.


Recap of the Foreman Birthday event 2021 – It was a great experience

Last week on Thursday we had the Foreman Birthday event and I can proudly say it was a big success. So lets talk about two things in the blogpost, first about the event itself and second about the organization of the event.

A Foreman Birthday event traditionally consists of multiple talks including a Q&A and the social part which is a great coming together by beer and pizza and usually there is also some cake involved! For organizing the event we teamed up with ATIX, so we share responsibility hosting the event every other year and support each other while doing so. With them doing a great job moving the event online last year because of the pandemic, it was clear to me the event had to happen this year, too. The idea of an hybrid event was also dismissed quickly so also all social activities had to be online only.

So to get the talks together I did the typical mix of asking former speakers, making a public announcement, asking others I hoped they would perhaps give a great talk, asked Melanie and Bernhard to ask internally at Red Hat and ATIX, thinking about doing a talk myself, considering a kettle prod to motivate colleagues and this resulted in a great diversity of ideas. So choosing the actual talks had nothing to with finding the best one, but with picking a good mixture of relevant topics for Foreman and Katello users, addressing users and developers, having something likely new to many and updates on topics that matter most.

Now our NETWAYS Events team had some experience with online events with stackconf, a three day conference on open source infrastructure, being the biggest one. So when asked for recommendations one was to have the talks pre-recorded which I happily followed, but for more community interaction I still wanted to do live Q&A in addition to the included web chat. Thanks to my colleague Christian I had some nice guide to give to those speakers who never did a recording before. And all speakers delivered, one early, one in time, three after a reminder last minute and one with a delay, but having all except one allowed me to publish a schedule. I included some small breaks and an intro and outro, but as I was the only moderator it kept it rather short.

For the actual event Christian helped me to setup everything in OBS and map it to a stream deck, so I only had to push buttons, but it was still pushing the correct button at the correct time! So with every message I got more and more excited but also nervous as I recognized I will have a big, excited audience and everything was so well prepared that I was the only one who could mess up.

Stream of the Foreman Birthday event 2021

If you watch the recorded event at youtube, you will know what I mean. But you can also directly jump into the first talk from Manisha Singhal “Deploying servers in an Application Centric Way” where she introduces the Foreman plugin Application Centric Deployment which allows to deploy all the systems required for one application using Ansible. If you want to dive deeper into it also her example deploying an Elastic Stack and official documentation is available.

The second talk was by Matthias Dellweg of the Pulp project who gave “Pulp 3 introduction for Katello users – exploring the backend and tracing issues” which will hopefully help many Katello users in the future. The cli got directly packaged and included in the repositories on the event so you can directly try Matthias tips.

The third one is a great example for the community involvement in the project as Maria Agaphontzev did a “Demo and Feedback session for the new Job invocation wizard”, so there was directly the option to influence the future of this part of Foreman. If you still have some feedback for her, you can comment on her pull-requests or in the community forum.

In “Katello for Debian based systems: Update and Outlook” by Quirin Pamp you can learn about the state for Debian support, why development was slowed down and how they will get it going in the future. It looks like some small steps are still needed for feature parity to RPM support, but there are already plans to not stop there like adding support for source packages! If you are interested you can even join the discussion.

An always welcome talk is the “Red Hat Product manager update”. This time it was done by Dana Singleterry who told us about the plans Red Hat has for future development and as everything of this has to happen in Foreman, Katello and Pulp the community will directly benefit from this. And for the live Q&A Dana joined from the co-driver’s seat while traveling! This is some great commitment!

And last but not least Lukáš Zapletal told us “The story of webhooks plugin” which was a great mix of story telling and technical talk ending by him playing Happy Birthday on the piano. So watch this talk even if you are not using the Foreman plugin hooks at the moment and not thinking about using webhooks and shellhooks in the future! And if you already think answering questions from the co-driver’s seat is great commitment, then Lukáš is also over the top here because he had a garden party including a live stream of the event to celebrate Foreman’s Birthday and was answering questions from there!

Lukáš Zapletal live on the Foreman Birthday event 2021

But as I said having great talks is only one aspect and depending on your preferences even not the most important which brings me to the social event. As I do not like online conferences very much, I wanted a social event as near as possible to a normal conference and when asked our Events team told me they have planned something called workadventure for stackconf. So after a look into, I committed myself to the solution and just wanted to get feedback how it worked out on the much bigger conference. Because of me waiting on the feedback and other time limiting factors it was not possible to build a new setup for the Birthday Event, so I asked about re-decorating the one from stackconf what our Webservices team did.

Workadventure on Foreman Birthday event 2021

So while I did the stream more and more people used workadventure to connect and I was told people really enjoyed it. There were message popping up like “Melanie is stalking people” or “It is like a really conference I am missing out on talks”, so I think I reached my goal! And when I joined after the livestream I could still talk to people about 2 hours long until the last one left.

So from all the feedback I got the event was a great success and as I was only the one who brought all the pieces together my thanks goes to our Events team and Christian for their support and help, our Webservices team for the technical parts like the chat instance and workadventure, the speakers for their talks, Melanie and Bernhard who helped me with getting speakers, also Melanie, our and ATIX Marketing team for promoting the event and of course every one attending the event and making it such a great experience.

So I hope in-person events will be a thing in the near future and the Foreman community can come together next year on FOSDEM and Config Management Camp like we did before the pandemic and I am looking forward to next year’s Foreman Birthday event which will be hosted by ATIX again!

Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

Foreman Birthday Event: Let’s celebrate!

On July 1, 2021 we have the pleasure to celebrate the birthday of one great open source solution: the Foreman is turning 12!

Happy anniversary!

Together with our friends from the Foreman Project and ATIX we organize a one-day event to celebrate and dive into the latest Foreman topics and news. This year, the party will be online – streamed in the Foreman Youtube Channel: – Start: 3 pm

Presentations will be on until approx. 6.30 pm and afterwards a special social event will take place and give you the opportunity to continue the discussion and catch up with each other. And this is the top-class program awaiting you:

  • “Deploying servers in an Application Centric Way” – Manisha Singhal
  • “Pulp 3 introduction for Katello users – exploring the backend and tracing issues” – Matthias Dellweg
  • “Demo and Feedback session for the new Job invocation wizard” – Maria Agaphontzev
  • “Katello for Debian based systems: Update and Outlook” – Quirin Pamp
  • “Red Hat Product manager update” – Dana Singleterry
  • “The story of webhooks plugin” – Lukáš Zapletal

The event is for free. For more information about it have a look at

Learn more about Foreman

And if you want to learn more about the helpful open source tool I highly recommend you to book a seat in one the NETWAYS Foreman Trainings at

The next Foreman training is scheduled for June 29 – 30, 9 am – 5 pm and will take place in Nuremberg.

Foreman is a lifecycle management system for servers. It supports administrators in the provisioning of virtual and physical systems and the subsequent configuration management. In addition to the graphical interface, Foreman provides both a command line and an API for integration into other applications. The software can be extended in its range of functions by plug-ins and thus forms the basis of the Red Hat Network Satellite, among other things.

Variablen mergen mit Ansible

Ansible kann Variable standardmäßig nicht mergen (miteinander vereinen, ineinander übergeben), sondern nur an verschiedenen Stellen überschreiben. Dies ist  bei manchen Anwendungsfällen unpraktisch, unübersichtlich und fehleranfällig wie z. B. beim ausrollen von SSH-Keys, Usern oder Firewall-Regeln. Angenommen wir wollen sowohl allgemeine SSH-Keys auf alle Server ausrollen, als auch extra Schlüssel zu bestimmten Servern zuordnen. In diesem Fall können wir unter group_vars/all  die allgemeinen Keys in einem Array oder in einem Dictonary definieren und unter group_vars/group_name oder host_vars/hostname die vorherigen Keys plus die Extras eintragen. Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, dass wir die SSH-Keys (allgemeine und spezifische) in unterschiedlichen Variablen packen, die jeweils mit einem Task behandelt werden können. Die oben erwähnte Möglichkeiten machen besonders bei großen Umgebungen kein Spaß und ergibt am Ende entweder unübersichtliche Variablen-Definition oder statische Rollen.

In diesem Zuge wäre hiera im Kombination mit dem hiera lookup plugin eine gute Lösung. hiera ist ein hierarchisch durchsuchbarer key => value Store. In diesem Blogpost werde ich anhand eines Beispiels demonstrieren, wie hiera mit Ansible eingesetzt werden kann. Dieses Beispiel befasst die Verteilung der Konfigurationen für Gruppen, Benutzers und SSH-Keys auf zwei Server.  Bei allen Linux-Distrubtionen gibt es in unserem Fall keine Unterschiede. Alle Schritte erfolgen auf dem Ansible Controller.  Ich fange mal mit der hiera Installation an.

# yum install ruby -y
# gem install hiera

Unter /etc/hiera.yaml liegt die hiera-Konfiguration.

- yaml
- "%{groups}"
- "%{hosts}"
- common

:datadir: /etc/hieradata

:merge_behavior: deeper

Unter hierarchy definieren wir die Stufen aufsteigend/absteigend, bei denen hiera nach einem Schlüssel suchen soll. hiera fängt mit groups an zu suchen und endet mit common. common trifft immer zu und gilt in unserem Fall für alle Server. groups und hosts sind Facts, die wir später dem Ansible playbook übergeben wollen. Der Pfad zu suchenden Daten bzw. Schlüsseln kann man beliebig ändern. Außerdem kann man bei :merge_behavior: eine der drei folgenden Optionen einstellen: native, deep, deeper. Um die Unterschiede zu erfahren, könnt ihr das hier nachlesen.

In der Ansible-Inentory stehen zwei Hosts jweils unter einer Gruppe.



Unter /etc/hieradata/common.yaml liegen die SSH-Keys, die auf alle Server ausgerollt werden müssen, da common.yaml als unser Default für alle Hosts gilt, wie schon vorher erwähnt wurde.

  - name: 'sergio'
    comment: ''
    key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDjuyGPTdo17ATAu69v2Bqui/f38e1uqOLvObiMw+uS9+Raxy5sO12pagVJeN9BTQaL09Sp9Dw+ozozg67WXfgTo+yoC5wy5a3d3Ihl4XJ/68SFUmEO2qo8Zg3914teL+FQMw5BE52LyqJjjBulGQ+jloGaldqxBfvjrmGMnz3mafCLtix+/UO1W+51gkea925XAOQ+KR1u1WFbEM3E6TfAoMv5Ev41e3jIcS+O+dnBqiZLsSIF3h72ni4eGr6h6x51itoFGQhN1jRcK9J5QfJG4O8OciReUCU5gETLi8RgFuBlQqDztZT1jGPbpkH2/swt3WGBUGOv+GizQg8iK9F"
    authorize_to: 'root'
    state: present

  - name: 'david'
    key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRsAZ3DKxisCchDBd1dqtM9kPEgq+8MXbkClYVAoAlidx6qLz8Z6zBeSZ8ob+ae0dEegoN31mXv9ITaFhIdgIUxP0s54Mb4kgc9FE4njNRlb7xkTwsU3C6G7JUN9pJ64ucEqLI2iJ1JLI+zh0u5sWZS0tMoyEy73ZaAE6O32XyywIw5X+Uw7ISwqeeFsnWc4faKoWVgjt/s1MsuEOGsD1ocUxVPG7PKMEy8LQtQ7WL+RybV/TYH56hxBMi5H4BfC61Wm6Fn7pck5pCMzZOwstYikHoTWhJ16UYoJ6MubddoAOq/JyTimC/559U3lYgdHBXGJyCyW2xcGF7blmh0U97"
    authorize_to: 'root'
    state: absent

Unter /etc/hieradata/monitoring.yaml steht extra Konfiguration für die Hosts, die der monitoring-Gruppe zugeordnet sind.

  - name: 'nagios'
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'icinga'
    shell: '/bin/bash'
    groups: 'nagios'
    append: yes
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'alex'
    comment: ''
    key: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCu5vAfoePg8Z5Tc3uOfua+RvxpA/WyDNKtHJze/pogssAtA+RZ6wdmvwuBGVFILgVKrpHItsUWZwWwsrNF0rjXV4MsPZzS8TbUNISoV7sETOk6pM1vg8ldy5XEszCokFsHmYLfovlqaICneKwiZ4SfQo21WjgzNXeVSND/1W5BZNAptobH6HC9oASRgeidwbDjDEux8//zvjjcIQlj9HXGmsKT5/r2+LR5Wo8rRkhdC+sbDJcDfN9OFg2Wo+PmwX6ArMfZ3oqh4xEGS3hN4Yo8lAVK8APPKNojtKv53qnFNTkfNrHRw9MbiXpPiYMFmKtGZztc9vPNKB6kBF1DFL/'
    authorize_to: 'icinga'
    state: present

Die Konfigurationen unter /etc/hieradata/web1.shared.yaml werden nur dem web1.shared angeordnet.

  - name: 'web-group'
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'admins'
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'web-user'
    shell: '/bin/bash'
    groups: 'web-group, admins'
    append: yes
    state: 'present'

  - name: 'mueller'
    comment: ''
    key: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCg6fvX0UIN22fPHHbSxPZQCyeqa8j2AEeqF7TlX3TSkJ17Q7Rz3g4B1RG8L+WfI+eb11bmESPTQ5Pym27qmNvfYl6dJynSdrRihnNj4Id1fKEzoW6J835rtRmaKD0V7KJ1JJvip0m24oIlFJIYSfShWSrOuvUgP3TpYUsU3KA2AQhoNtXWhgUM+wwFfCF3qZ4AX5zhQFy+bdqyYudmW99DasuZjaCq3djoMh9Ocm9lRPdDTpGS/Yb1yAqKU7rizrwlS3EmNcbQddRd2ZXFQnustfSX+ejo7PcEpimAPpcC2jbbS38pFbYdIvdm7BXsRMpsOXEuEZLrrbZMsPpEQ8FJ'
    authorize_to: 'web-user'
    state: present

Unser playbook kann so aussehen.

- hosts: all
  remote_user: root
  become: true
    - name: Set facts
        ssh_users: "{{ lookup('hiera', 'ssh_users --array hosts={{ inventory_hostname }}  groups={{ item }} --format yaml')|from_yaml }}"
        user_groups: "{{ lookup('hiera', 'user_groups --array hosts={{ inventory_hostname }}  groups={{ item }} --format yaml')|from_yaml }}"
        users: "{{ lookup('hiera', 'users --array hosts={{ inventory_hostname }}  groups={{ item }} --format yaml')|from_yaml }}"
      loop: "{{ group_names }}"
    - name: Create groups
        name: "{{ }}"
        state: "{{ item.state }}"
      loop: "{{ user_groups | default ([]) }}"
  - name: Create users
        name: "{{ }}"
        shell: "{{ | default (omit) }}"
        state: "{{ item.state }}"
        append: "{{ item.append }}"
      loop: "{{ users | default ([]) }}"

    - name: Set ssh-keys
        user: "{{ item.authorize_to }}"
        state: "{{ item.state }}"
        key: "{{ item.key }}"
      loop: "{{ ssh_users | default ([]) }}"

Das lookup-Plugin nutzt hiera um auf Daten bzw. Schlüssel zugreifen zu können. Wir geben die zu suchenden Schlüssel mit, z. B. ssh-users. Wir übermitteln auch die Facts die hiera erwartet, nämlich hosts und groups. Man kann anstatt “inventory_hostname” “ansible_hostname” oder “ansible_fqdn” verwenden. Allerdings muss man die Datein unter /etc/hieradata entsprechend benennen. Groupe-Fact geben wir durch einen Loop über den Ansible-Fact group_names an die hiera weiter, in dem alle Gruppen der Inventory aufgelistet sind. Die Rückgabe ist in unserem Fall ein array, man kann auch einen hash auswählen. Die standardmäßige Format bei hiera is ruby, allerdings stellen wir das auf yaml um, damit Ansible die Format verarbeiten kann.

# ansible-playbook hiera-playbook.yml -i inventory

PLAY [all] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [web1.shared]
ok: [icinga-master1.shared]

TASK [Set facts] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item=monitoring)
ok: [web1.shared] => (item=webserver)

TASK [Create groups] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item={u'state': u'present', u'name': u'nagios'})
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'state': u'present', u'name': u'web-group'})
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'state': u'present', u'name': u'admins'})

TASK [Create users] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'groups': u'web-group, admins', u'state': u'present', u'shell': u'/bin/bash', u'name': u'web-user', u'append': True})
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item={u'groups': u'nagios', u'state': u'present', u'shell': u'/bin/bash', u'name': u'icinga', u'append': True})

TASK [Set ssh-keys] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item={u'comment': u'', u'state': u'present', u'authorize_to': u'icinga', u'name': u'alex', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCu5vAfoePg8Z5Tc3uOfua+RvxpA/WyDNKtHJze/pogssAtA+RZ6wdmvwuBGVFILgVKrpHItsUWZwWwsrNF0rjXV4MsPZzS8TbUNISoV7sETOk6pM1vg8ldy5XEszCokFsHmYLfovlqaICneKwiZ4SfQo21WjgzNXeVSND/1W5BZNAptobH6HC9oASRgeidwbDjDEux8//zvjjcIQlj9HXGmsKT5/r2+LR5Wo8rRkhdC+sbDJcDfN9OFg2Wo+PmwX6ArMfZ3oqh4xEGS3hN4Yo8lAVK8APPKNojtKv53qnFNTkfNrHRw9MbiXpPiYMFmKtGZztc9vPNKB6kBF1DFL/'})
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'comment': u'', u'state': u'present', u'authorize_to': u'web-user', u'name': u'mueller', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCg6fvX0UIN22fPHHbSxPZQCyeqa8j2AEeqF7TlX3TSkJ17Q7Rz3g4B1RG8L+WfI+eb11bmESPTQ5Pym27qmNvfYl6dJynSdrRihnNj4Id1fKEzoW6J835rtRmaKD0V7KJ1JJvip0m24oIlFJIYSfShWSrOuvUgP3TpYUsU3KA2AQhoNtXWhgUM+wwFfCF3qZ4AX5zhQFy+bdqyYudmW99DasuZjaCq3djoMh9Ocm9lRPdDTpGS/Yb1yAqKU7rizrwlS3EmNcbQddRd2ZXFQnustfSX+ejo7PcEpimAPpcC2jbbS38pFbYdIvdm7BXsRMpsOXEuEZLrrbZMsPpEQ8FJ'})
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'comment': u'', u'state': u'present', u'authorize_to': u'root', u'name': u'sergio', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDjuyGPTdo17ATAu69v2Bqui/f38e1uqOLvObiMw+uS9+Raxy5sO12pagVJeN9BTQaL09Sp9Dw+ozozg67WXfgTo+yoC5wy5a3d3Ihl4XJ/68SFUmEO2qo8Zg3914teL+FQMw5BE52LyqJjjBulGQ+jloGaldqxBfvjrmGMnz3mafCLtix+/UO1W+51gkea925XAOQ+KR1u1WFbEM3E6TfAoMv5Ev41e3jIcS+O+dnBqiZLsSIF3h72ni4eGr6h6x51itoFGQhN1jRcK9J5QfJG4O8OciReUCU5gETLi8RgFuBlQqDztZT1jGPbpkH2/swt3WGBUGOv+GizQg8iK9F'})
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item={u'comment': u'', u'state': u'present', u'authorize_to': u'root', u'name': u'sergio', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDjuyGPTdo17ATAu69v2Bqui/f38e1uqOLvObiMw+uS9+Raxy5sO12pagVJeN9BTQaL09Sp9Dw+ozozg67WXfgTo+yoC5wy5a3d3Ihl4XJ/68SFUmEO2qo8Zg3914teL+FQMw5BE52LyqJjjBulGQ+jloGaldqxBfvjrmGMnz3mafCLtix+/UO1W+51gkea925XAOQ+KR1u1WFbEM3E6TfAoMv5Ev41e3jIcS+O+dnBqiZLsSIF3h72ni4eGr6h6x51itoFGQhN1jRcK9J5QfJG4O8OciReUCU5gETLi8RgFuBlQqDztZT1jGPbpkH2/swt3WGBUGOv+GizQg8iK9F'})
ok: [icinga-master1.shared] => (item={u'state': u'absent', u'authorize_to': u'root', u'name': u'david', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRsAZ3DKxisCchDBd1dqtM9kPEgq+8MXbkClYVAoAlidx6qLz8Z6zBeSZ8ob+ae0dEegoN31mXv9ITaFhIdgIUxP0s54Mb4kgc9FE4njNRlb7xkTwsU3C6G7JUN9pJ64ucEqLI2iJ1JLI+zh0u5sWZS0tMoyEy73ZaAE6O32XyywIw5X+Uw7ISwqeeFsnWc4faKoWVgjt/s1MsuEOGsD1ocUxVPG7PKMEy8LQtQ7WL+RybV/TYH56hxBMi5H4BfC61Wm6Fn7pck5pCMzZOwstYikHoTWhJ16UYoJ6MubddoAOq/JyTimC/559U3lYgdHBXGJyCyW2xcGF7blmh0U97'})
ok: [web1.shared] => (item={u'state': u'absent', u'authorize_to': u'root', u'name': u'david', u'key': u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRsAZ3DKxisCchDBd1dqtM9kPEgq+8MXbkClYVAoAlidx6qLz8Z6zBeSZ8ob+ae0dEegoN31mXv9ITaFhIdgIUxP0s54Mb4kgc9FE4njNRlb7xkTwsU3C6G7JUN9pJ64ucEqLI2iJ1JLI+zh0u5sWZS0tMoyEy73ZaAE6O32XyywIw5X+Uw7ISwqeeFsnWc4faKoWVgjt/s1MsuEOGsD1ocUxVPG7PKMEy8LQtQ7WL+RybV/TYH56hxBMi5H4BfC61Wm6Fn7pck5pCMzZOwstYikHoTWhJ16UYoJ6MubddoAOq/JyTimC/559U3lYgdHBXGJyCyW2xcGF7blmh0U97'})

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
icinga-master1.shared      : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
web1.shared                : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0


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Afeef Ghannam
Afeef Ghannam
Systems Engineer

Afeef hat seine Ausbildung Als Fachinformatiker in Richtung Systemintegration im Juli 2020 bei NETWAYS absolviert, seitdem unterstützt er die Kolleg:innen im Operations Team der NETWAYS Professional Services bei der Betriebsunterstützung. Nach der Arbeit macht er gerne Sport, trifft Freunde oder mag es Filme zu schauen.

Foreman’s 12 birthday – we will have a virtual party

Beginning with Foreman’s 7th birthday in the year 2016 we are organizing an annual party to celebrate with the awesome community. As we partnered up with ATIX for organizing this event, it was their turn last year and with Covid19 they had the additional challenge to move a social event from meeting in person to online. While they did great, I had high hopes I could return back to normal in this year, but unfortunately also this year we have to stay virtual.

Nevertheless I can announce we will have another Foreman Birthday event on July 1st, 15:00 (CEST). We plan to have 5 to 6 30 minute talks with moderation by me accompanied and some kind of chat for live discussion and Q&A followed by a social event.

As we are still in the planing phase I can not go into detail about the social event or the chat solution but I can already confirm the first two talks.

  • Lukáš Zapletal will tell us “The story of webhooks plugin” as a mixture of technical talk and community success story.
  • Dana Singleterry will give as a “Red Hat Product manager update” so we will hear what Red Hat is planing for the next releases.

If you like to give a talk please get in touch with via email. We aim for a wide variety of talks, be it a new plugin or some new tricks for an old one, a case study showing your environment, about Foreman itself, Katello/Satellite/Orcharhino, Pulp, Candlepin or even Puppet and Ansible or the Community. Everything related to Foreman will be considered. We plan to have all talks pre-recorded and will provide guidance for doing so. After the talk we want to give everyone the chance to ask questions, so the speaker can answer them live.

So save the date and watch this thread in the Foreman Community for always up-to-date information. I hope to meet you all at the event! My plan is you will miss nothing of our normal program except the cake from this virtual event! 😉

Foreman Birthday Cake

Graphics used “Happy Birthday” by Hendrike under CC BY-SA 3.0 and “Foreman Logo” by Red Hat Inc. under CC BY-SA 3.0
Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.