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Monthly Snap October – NET News | Tips & Tricks | DevOps | Events & the WAYS we go

von | Nov 6, 2018 | Events, Apps, Team, Golang, OSMB, NETWAYS

Hey guys,
you might have noticed: OSMC is in full swing! In the month before you could for sure feel the excitement in the air. WHAT THE HACK?! October was full of preparations, writing talks, ordering roll-ups, coding, hacking, getting things done, spreading the #monitoringlove… In the blog we suggested: OSMC: Extend your stay / knowledge!
Some knowledge you could also gain in this month’s tips & tricks section in the NETWAYS blog! Ein paar vim tricks shared Christoph. Lokale Time Machine Snapshots blockieren Speicherplatz told you Georg. Not the pasta-kinda-thing, but Gnocchi: Metriken und Metadaten explained Achim. With Florian you could join an experiment in Wahrnehmungspsychologie im UI Design. And Jean thought On giving up and trying an IDE. While David might have sung With a little Help from my Chef …

Modems and monitors

In the shop too there was a lot going on, as Silke let us know: USB oder RS232? Das LTE Dualport Modem von ConiuGo hat beides! Besides: HW group STE2 – Netzwerk-Thermometer And anyway: Erst testen, dann durchstarten – Unser Netways Monitor! But: Nicht nur Schall und Rauch – Die neue Generation der AKCP Sensoren Wherever you are: Das Office ist nur einen Klick entfernt – Mit dem STARFACE Mobile Client 2.3 Thank you, Silke!
A report from his first team event delivered our new Azubi Tobias in Teamevent 2018: Professional Services. And Dirk shared what it is like to train our new colleagues in Ausbilder erzählt – Professional Services – 2018. Looking for new job opportunities? Visit !

The ways we go…

Is there a fair anywhere… IT, Start-Ups, Open Source: You might possibly be meeting Manfred! In October thanks to him: NETWAYS goes to the Dortmund “Initiale”. „Go geht einfach“. Hm, that‘s another thing – from Alexander. More in: The way to Go
The NWS team was happy to announce they started an exciting journey with OpenStack as a Service on Get to know more about it here: NWS OpenStack | The ultimate IaaS Platform! And here: NETWAYS Webinare – Jetzt mit OpenStack ! Interested? Pssssst. Apply this code for 45 days free hosted OpenStack: Ge1AL

And now: Back to OSMC!

See you at the conference and the Evening Event in the Loftwerk tonight!

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