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Remember one month ago? The first talks were about to start soon, you had your first coffee, enjoyed the rich Holiday Inn breakfast, took your journal, in which you had your plan for the day scetched, you were happy to meet an old friend in the hallway on your way to Saal Jacobi, where Bernd Erk was preparing to kick-off OSMC. …
OSMC – good times! Take some of its spirit with you into the cold and dark december days and let it warm your heart like a cup of hot Christkindlesmarkt mullet wine.

Form OSMC to Open Infrastructure

How? Make yourself a cup of hot wine and read through OSMC 2018 – Day 1 and OSMC 2018 – Day 2 by Dirk, or OSMC 2018 – or: The Thirteen-Star Conference, in which our attendees share their experiences. Read Michi’s Hackathon stories and Dirk’s report about OSCAMP on Puppet. You’re more of a visual type?  Browse through our OSMC Archive and find all the videos, pics and slides.
Right after OSMC our NWS-Team hit the road to Berlin for OpenStack Summit. Check out their managed Open Infrastructure service at – now with MyEngineer support!

Icinga Seminar & Berlin Camp

Lennart Betz continues his blogpost-seminar Icinga 2 – Monitoring automatisiert mit Puppet Teil 9: Profile and Teil 10: Profile Part II. Join the Icinga community in 2019: Icinga Camp Berlin: Call for Papers is running until Decemeber 31! Find all November Icinga updates here.

For the tech hearts

Achim tell you to Get your RadosGW metrics into Ceilometer. Loei explains the use and functionality of RFID & NFC. Niko shares Neuheiten beim IntelliJ-Update. Tim knows Ceph Mimic | Using loop devices as OSD
In git gud! Henrik tells the story of: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Code. Noah introduces you with GitKraken to a nearly perfect Git-Client, while Johannes shares another useful tool: PDF manipulieren mit pdftk.


In November Silke announced Black Friday mal ganz in Orange – Es darf gespart werden und Die neue Generation der SMSEagle NXS-97xx Linie stellt sich vor. It‘s always a good idea to check our Shop for special offers. Especially if you are looking for Christmas presents. In that sense: Entschleunigung vom Weihnachtsstress bei Netways!
Have a wonderful December and Christmas season! Stay tuned!


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Foreman Birthday Event 2024 – Recap

On Monday, 15.07.2024, I met early with my colleagues Lennart and Matthias to travel to Garching for the Foreman Birthday Event. This year it was again hosted by ATIX at a conference room next to their office, so thanks to all of them for having as there, especially...

OSMC 2024 | Workshop Update!

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