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Introducing the First Set of Speakers for OSMC 2024

Meet the first batch of Open Source Monitoring Conference 2024 speakers! Get ready for an inspiring conference with the brightest minds in open-source monitoring.


Meet the Experts

Coming from different backgrounds, our speakers are distinguished leaders and innovators in open-source monitoring, ready to share their vast experience. Here are a few of the speakers you’ll see at OSMC:


Highlights of Our Speakers Line-up

Soumaya Erradi | Cypress, Playwright or Selenium: choosing the right testing tool

In software development, ensuring application quality and reliability is crucial, with test automation being essential. Choosing the right tool can be overwhelming, with Cypress, Playwright, and Selenium being popular options. The decision depends on your project’s needs and preferred programming language. Soumaya’s OSMC session will demonstrate how these tools work, their pros and cons, and what to consider for specific project requirements.


Christopher Cooney | Observability is Too Expensive!

A decade ago, Observability was hardly recognized. Now, it accounts for 10-30% of operational budgets and is a significant barrier to scaling DevOps strategies. Christopher’s talk will examine the reasons behind the high costs of Observability and the factors leading to this financial challenge. In the second part, he will look at common pitfalls in cost optimization and explore architectural and technical strategies that teams can use to lower their observability expenses.


Dave McAllister | The Subtle Art of Lying with Statistics

Let’s examine how statistics can mislead us into believing falsehoods, often unintentionally. By focusing on recent events, selectively choosing data, and making incorrect assumptions about group sizes, we can draw erroneous conclusions. Dave will demonstrate how graphs and numbers can be used deceptively. His presentation aims to teach you to critically analyze statistics, understand their limitations, and avoid being misled by numbers.


Vanessa Martini | Is Building an Observability Platform with Open Source the Right Choice?

Observability is vital for application health and performance in modern software development. Vanessa’s talk explores using open-source solutions, like Prometheus and Jaeger, for robust observability. She will discuss their business impact, common pitfalls, and how to avoid them. Attendees will learn to build their own observability platform and gain insights into future trends and the role of open source in driving growth and innovation.


And this is just the beginning! We have many more esteemed speakers whose profiles and presentations you can now explore on our website.


Join Us

Whatever your level of experience with open source monitoring, the OSMC is a great place to learn, share and be part of a supportive community.

Register now on the OSMC website to grab your conference ticket and secure your workshop spot. Stay up to date with all the latest information by following us on social media!

We can’t wait to see you there! OSMC 2024 | November 19 – 21, 2024 | Nuremberg, Germany

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

OSMC 2024 | Workshop Update!

Earlier, we announced the first set of workshops for this year’s Open Source Monitoring Conference. Now, we’re excited to announce two additional workshop topics that will be available on November 19.


OpenTelemetry Fundamentals

This workshop, held by Markus Opolka, focuses on OpenTelemetry, a vendor-neutral open-source observability framework for instrumenting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. Since its inception, it has rapidly gained adoption by industry leaders in the observability space.

In this workshop, you will delve into the core concepts and the ecosystem of OpenTelemetry. There will be hands-on demonstrations and small sessions where you will transition from theory to practice. The goal is to gradually build a functioning system instrumented with OpenTelemetry. Participants are required to have basic knowledge of Linux and very rudimentary programming skills.

Discover all the details about Markus’ OpenTelemetry workshop!


Developing Icinga Web 2 Modules

Learn from Nicolas Schneider how to extend Icinga Web 2 and its modules. You’ll become familiar with the basic structure of a module and understand common pitfalls. From there, the workshop will focus on your specific needs. What’s missing in your monitoring environment? Do you need to implement missing CLI actions? Would you like to provide user documentation within Icinga Web 2? Are you missing a previously removed feature? Let’s optimize monitoring together and deliver the specific features your environment requires.

Attendee Requirements: Participants should be proficient in at least one scripting language. PHP knowledge and a basic understanding of HTML and CSS would be great.

Get the scoop on Nicolas’ Icinga workshop!


For more detailed information on our previously announced workshops about Kubernetes and GitLab, have a look at our blog post or visit our website.


Get your Ticket!

To ensure a high-quality, interactive workshop experience, we are offering a limited number of tickets. Keep in mind that these workshops are only accessible with an OSMC conference ticket. Grab your chance – secure your spot before they fill up!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

Submit Your Talk for OSMC 2024!

Attention all tech enthusiasts, developers, and IT professionals!
The Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) 2024 is fast approaching, and this is your reminder call to submit your talks! If you have deep technical insights, innovative solutions, or groundbreaking ideas in the field of open source monitoring, we want to hear from you.


Why Submit a Talk?

The OSMC is renowned for its in-depth technical sessions and hands-on tutorials, attracting a global community of experts and enthusiasts. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise, share your knowledge, and engage with like-minded professionals.


What We Are Looking For

We are seeking talks that provide deep technical insights and practical solutions in the realm of open source monitoring. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced monitoring techniques and best practices
  • Innovative tools and frameworks in the monitoring ecosystem
  • Case studies and real-world implementations
  • Integrations with other systems and tools
  • Performance tuning and optimization
  • Future trends and emerging technologies in open source monitoring


Important Dates

The deadline for the Call for Papers is approaching rapidly. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this great monitoring community event:

  • Submission Deadline: August 15, 2024
  • Conference Dates: November 19 – 21, 2024


How to Submit

To submit your talk, visit our Call for Papers page. Please ensure your submission includes a detailed abstract of your presentation, highlighting the key takeaways and technical depth. Submissions will be reviewed by our committee of experts, and selected speakers will be notified by mid-July.


Benefits of Speaking at OSMC

  • Exposure: Share your work with a highly engaged audience of open source monitoring professionals.
  • Networking: Connect with industry leaders, potential collaborators, and peers.
  • Contribution: Contribute to the open source community by sharing your knowledge and experience.
  • Learning: Gain insights from other speakers and attendees, enhancing your own expertise.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Submit your talk today and join us at OSMC 2024 for an unforgettable experience filled with learning, networking, and inspiration. For more details, visit OSMC 2024.

We look forward to your innovative submissions and seeing you at the conference!

For further information, feel free to reach out to us via our contact page. Follow us on social media for the latest updates and announcements.


Stay Connected

See you at OSMC 2024!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

OSMC 2023 – Making your Kubernetes-based log collection reliable & durable with Vector

Last year’s OSMC offered a great program of talks. It was a pleasure to see old and new people and hear some new things about monitoring and the surrounding ecosystem. Maksim Nabokikh gave the talk “Making your Kubernetes-based log collection reliable & durable with Vector”, which we will have a closer look at today. Many thanks to Maksim for this insight and his talk.


Why is a reliable and permanent Logging Solution important?

Nowadays, more and more digital processes need to be tracked. Not only in the event of an error, but often also for legal reasons. A solution for implementing permanent and reliable log management is therefore becoming increasingly important. This challenge can be solved with Vector in Kubernetes.


What is it all about?

Vector is an efficient open source tool to build log collection pipelines. It collects the logs, transforms them and can then send them.
In his talk, Maksim showed how Vector can be used to collect and process pod logs and node service logs.

LOGS IN KUBERNETES What we can collect? Source Pod logs Files Node services logs Files Events Kubernetes API

The data can be collected from various sources such as files, K8s, sockets and many more. They are then transformed using remap, filter and aggregation. Permanent storage is then possible in over 50 different applications.

VECTOR’S ARCHITECTURE Remap Filter Aggregate Collect Transform Send File K8s Socket 9 in total 40 in total 52 in total …


Maksim gave many insights into everyday problems and how they can be solved with Vector.
Real life examples are included with possible solutions.

Just in case I’ve piqued your interest, be sure to watch his great talk in full length on YouTube.

Stay tuned for this year’s edition of OSMC. Mark your calendars for November 19 – 21 and join us in Nuremberg. The Call for Papers is already open. Be sure to submit your proposal until August 15.

Marc Zimmermann
Marc Zimmermann
Manager SaaS

Marc ist bei NETWAYS 2021 vorbeigekommen und wurde eingezogen. Sein Einstieg in die Welt der EDV begann schon in seiner Jugend. Anfangs noch mehr mit Windows und DOS bis er von einen Freund von diesen "Linux" hörte. Wie sollen wir sagen, Marc beschäftigt sich heute mit Linux und allerlei anderen Sachen aus der IT Welt beruflich als auch Privat. Nebenbei werkelt er an Modellflugzeugen und versucht diese auch nach dem fliegen wieder ganz mit nach Hause zu nehmen.

OSMC 2024 | Discover our First Workshops

Enhance your conference experience at OSMC with our pre-conference training courses, scheduled for the first day, November 19. With a limited number of participants, these sessions provide individual support and effective training. Check out our first confirmed conference workshops.


Observing and Securing Kubernetes Workloads

Kubernetes is becoming very common, and companies everywhere are trying to start using it quickly. However, security is often ignored or delayed, which can seriously threaten the applications running on Kubernetes.

In this workshop, Daniel Bodky will look at common ways Kubernetes can be attacked and how to prevent or fix these issues from the beginning. We will use Cilium, a popular tool for managing container networks, along with Hubble and Tetragon, to secure our clusters’ networks and runtime environments. Through easy, hands-on sessions, we will learn to secure internal traffic and manage file access and process lifecycles. This workshop is suitable for people with basic Kubernetes knowledge and an interest in cloud-native security.

Find out more about Daniel’s Kubernetes workshop!


Unlock the Full Potential of Git and GitLab in One Day!

Are you ready to improve your development workflow with Git and GitLab? Join our one-day workshop to learn best practices and advanced features for efficient project management.

Feu Mourek will cover Git fundamentals, including working directory, staging area, repository, and advanced branching strategies. You’ll learn to write effective commit messages, handle remotes, and resolve merge conflicts. They’ll also explore GitLab’s Web IDE, issue boards, and graphs to manage your workflow, track progress, and handle releases smoothly. You’ll master CI/CD by creating pipelines, using templates, and incorporating variables for flexible workflows.
This workshop is ideal for developers and administrators with basic Linux knowledge. By the end, you’ll confidently use GitLab’s powerful features and tackle any Git challenges.

Find out more about Feu’s GitLab workshop!


Save your Seat!

To ensure a personal and interactive workshop experience, we have limited the number of tickets available. Please note that our workshops can only be booked in addition to an OSMC conference ticket. Be sure to reserve your seat before they’re all taken!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.