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Frische NETWAYS Trainings 2019

Im NETWAYS Trainingsjahr 2019 stehen neueste Workshop-Entwicklungen und bewÀhrte Schulungs-Klassiker auf dem Programm. Gemeinsam mit Entwicklern und Consultants haben wir spannende Angebote neu konzipiert...
Zum Beispiel zum Icinga Director. Der Director ist ein Werkzeug zur Konfiguration der Monitoring-Software Icinga mit Fokus auf Automatisierung. Das benutzerfreundliche, grafische Web Interface verleiht dem Director einen ansprechenden optischen Character. Gerade erst wurde das jĂŒngsten Release – Version 1.6.0 – veröffentlicht. Alles Infos zum neuen Director gibt’s im Icinga Blog, alles zum Workshop auf unseren Trainingsseiten.
Icinga Web 2 ist beliebig mit Modulen erweiterbar. In unserem neuen Workshop Icinga Modul-Entwicklung lernen die TeilnehmerInnen die grundlegende Struktur eines Moduls kennen und erfahren, was ein Modul alles erweitern kann, bevor sie selbst ein eigenes Modul schreiben.
Zudem bieten wir in einer neuen dreitĂ€gigen Linux-Schulung noch mehr Basis-Wissen fĂŒr alle Open Source Fans. Als das am zweithĂ€ufigsten installierte Betriebssystem zĂ€hlt Linux lĂ€ngst zu den Standards in Behörden und Unternehmen. TeilnehmerInnen lernen hier die Basics – von Benutzer- ĂŒber Dateimanagement bis hin zu SSH und Netzwerkkonfiguration – und erwerben so das Praxiswissen fĂŒr ihre beruflichen Herausforderungen.

Übersicht ĂŒber alle Termine

Ingesamt umfasst unser Trainingsangebot derzeit 16 verschiedene Schulungen und Workshops zu verschiedensten Open Source Anwendungen. In unserer SchulungsĂŒbersicht 2019 haben wir alle NETWAYS Trainings mit Terminen fĂŒr Sie zusammengestellt.
Außerdem neu: Unsere Trainer kommen in 2019 auch nach Berlin, MĂŒnchen und Köln! Alle weiteren Infos und Details zu einzelnen Trainings finden Sie auf
Die komplette Verpflegung, Unterlagen, ein Leih-Notebook und WLAN sind im Schulungspreis enthalten. Bei der Buchung eines Hotels ist unser Trainingsmanager Stefan gerne behilflich, der außerdem auch alle Fragen rund um unsere Trainings gerne beantwortet – per E-Mail oder telefonisch unter 0911 92885-0.

OSDC 2017: Community connects

After a fully packed and entertaining first day at OSDC, we really enjoyed the evening event at Umspannwerk Ost. Warm weather, tasty food and lots of interesting discussions, just relaxing a bit and preparing for day 2 🙂

Warming up

Grabbed a coffee and started with Julien Pivotto on Automating Jenkins. Continuous integration matters these days and there’s not only Jenkins but also GitLab CI and more. Julien told us why automation for Jenkins is needed. Likewise, „XML Everywhere“ makes configuration a bit tad hard. Same thing goes for plugins, you literally can’t run Jenkins without. Julien also told us „don’t edit XML“, but go for example for Groovy and the Jenkins /script API endpoint. The Jenkins pipeline plugin even allows to use YAML as config files. In terms of managing the daemon, I learned about „init.groovy.d“ to manage and fire additional Groovy scripts. You can use the Job DSL Groovy plugin to define jobs in a declarative manner.
Julien’s talk really was an impressive deep dive leading to Jenkins running Docker and more production hints. After all an amazing presentation, like James said 🙂

At #OSDC @roidelapluie is giving an amazing comprehensive presentation on how to automate @jenkinsci

— James Just James (@purpleidea) May 18, 2017

I decided to stay in MOA5 for the upcoming talks and will happily await the conference archive once videos are uploaded in the next couple of days.
Casey Calendrello from CoreOS led us into the evolution of the container network interface. I’m still a beginner with containers, Kubernetes and also how networks are managed with it, so I learned quite a lot. CNI originates from rkt and is now built as separate project and library for Go-built software. Casey provided an impressive introduction and deep dive on how to connect your containers to the network – bridged, NAT, overlay networks and their pros and cons. CNI also provides many plugins to create and manage specific interfaces on your machine. It’s magic, and lots of mentioned tool names certainly mean I need to look them up and start to play to fully understand the capabilities 😉

Energetic delivery by @squeed at #OSDC

— Felix Frank ? ‏ (@felis_rex) May 18, 2017

Yesterday Seth Vargo from HashiCorp had 164 slides and promised to just have 18 today, us moving to lunch soon. Haha, no – it is live demo time with modern secrets management with Vault. We’ve also learned that Vault was developed and run at HashiCorp internally for over a year. It received a security review by the NCC group before actually releasing it as open source. Generally speaking it is „just“ an encrypted key value store for secrets. Seth told us „our“ story – create a database password once, write it down and never change it for years. And the process to ask the DBA to gain access is so complicated, you just save the plain-text password somewhere in your home directory 😉
Live demo time – status checks and work with key creation. Manage PostgreSQL users and credentials with vault – wow, that simple? That’s now on the TODO list to play with too. Seth also released the magic Vault demo as open source on GitHub right after, awesome!

Wow. Manage #postgresql users and credentials with #vault – it just works 🙂 @sethvargo #osdc /mif

— netways (@netways) May 18, 2017


Enjoying the afternoon

We had tasty lunch and were glad to see Felix Frank following up with „Is that an Ansible? Stop holding it like a Puppet!“ – hilarious talk title already. He provided an overview on the different architecture and naming schemas, community modules (PuppetForge, Ansible Galaxy) and also compared the configuration syntax (Hash-Like DSL, YAML). Both tools have their advantages, but you certainly shouldn’t enforce one’s mode onto the other.

OH @felis_rex "That's a thing which gets me a little wild." #namingthingsishard #ansible #puppetize #osdc

— Michael Friedrich (@dnsmichi) May 18, 2017

Puh, I learned so many things today already. I’ve unfortunately missed Sebastian giving an introduction about our very own NETWAYS Web Services platform managed with Mesos and Marathon (I rest assured it was just awesome).
After a short coffee break we continued to make decisions – previously Puppet vs. Ansible, now VMware vs. Rudder, location-wise. I decided to listen to Dr. Udo Seidel diving into „VMware’s (Open Source) way of Container„. VMWare is traditionally not very open source friendly, but things are changing. Most likely you’ve heard about Photon OS serving as minimal container host. It was an interesting talk about possibilities with VmWare, but still, I left the talk with the „yet another platform“ feeling.
Last talk for a hilarious day about so many learnt things is about containerized DBs by Claus Matzinger from CrateDB provides shared nothing architecture and includes partitioning, auto-sharing, replication. It event supports structured and unstructured data plus SQL language. Sounds promising after all.
Dirk talked about Foreman as lifecycle management tool in MOA4, too bad I missed it.

"The usual intro applies: we are @netways, we are hiring, you know…all that jazz" – Dirk Götz at #OSDC

— Felix Frank ? ‏ (@felis_rex) May 18, 2017



Coffee breaks and lunch unveiled so many interesting discussions. Food was really tasty and I’m sure everyone had a great time, so did I. My personal highlights this year: Follow-up Seth’s talk and try Consul and Vault and do a deep dive into mgmt and tell James about it. Learn more about Ansible and put it into context with Puppet, like Felix has shown in his talk. As always, I’m in love with Elastic beats and will follow closely how to log management evolves, also on the Graylog side of life (2.3 is coming soon, Jan and Bernd promised).
Many thanks to our sponsor Thomas Krenn AG for being with so long. And also for the tasty Linzer Torte – feels like home 🙂

Thank you @netways for the exciting #OSDC conference and for (OPEN)powering open source /wf

— Thomas-Krenn.AG (@ThomasKrennAG) May 18, 2017

Thanks for a great conference, safe travels home and see you all next year!
Save the date for OSDC 2018: 12. – 14.6.2018!

Monthly Snap June: Icinga2, Training, Foreman, GitLab, Icinga director, OpenNebula

Martin presented in June our new book about Icinga 2 written by our very own Lennart Betz and Thomas Widhalm.
Julia announced the official Foreman training material and Michael recommended the new DEV-Trainings: Git and Jenkins.weekly snap
Tim explained how to use OpenNebula ACLs and Foreman in Part 1 and Part 2 while Florian showed us how to animate vector graphics with CSS.
Julia gave us a nice update of our new training facility – the „Kesselhaus“.
Dirk announced that the Foreman Project will be 7 years at the 21st of July – so safe the date and visit us at the German Foreman birthday event that will take place in our event room „Kesselhaus“.
Enrico shared some tips and tricks about how to work with GitLab web hooks and Thomas Gelf showed us the new and shiny Icinga director 1.10.

Vanessa Erk
Vanessa Erk
Head of Finance & Administration

Vanessa ist unsere Leiterin des Finanzbereichs. Zusammen mit ihrem Team verantwortet sie das Controlling, den Cashflow sowie die Personalangelegenheiten in der Unternehmensgruppe. Abseits des BĂŒros taucht sie leidenschaftlich gerne in die Welt des Yogas ein – vor allem im Bereich Frauen und Kinder. Durch zahlreiche Weiterbildungen hat sie ihr Fachwissen dazu vertieft und ist Expertin in ihrem Gebiet. Als Mutter von 2 Kindern kĂŒmmert sie sich liebevoll um ihre Tochter und ihren Sohn. In ihrer Freizeit liebt sie es, mit ihrer Familie zu reisen und neue Orte zu erkunden. Dabei genießt sie besonders die Zeit in der Natur und unternimmt...

DEV-Trainings: Git und Jenkins

training_jenkinstraining_gitWir starten 2016 voll durch mit einem erweiterten Schulungsportfolio – neben Foreman und Ceph fokussieren wir uns im Development auf Git und Jenkins.
Die ersten Schulungen mit frisch erstellten Unterlagen fanden letzte Woche In-House bei einem unserer Kunden statt, sozusagen die „Feuertaufe“ fĂŒr die kommenden Schulungen.
git_introduction_basics_03_three_statesNach einer kurzen EinfĂŒhrung in die Geschichte von VCS und der Entstehungsgeschichte von Git haben wir anhand von praktischen Beispielen erste Schritte mit Git gemacht – wie initialisiere ich ein Repository, was bedeutet „modified“, „staged“, „committed“, was passiert bei „git add“ und „git commit“? Bevor wir uns in die Tiefe mit Remote Repositories gestĂŒrzt haben, kam auch noch das Arbeiten mit Branches und unterschiedlicher Commit-Historie und – natĂŒrlich absichtlich provozierten – Fehlern beim Merge und Rebase dran.
Um das Gelernte auch in der Praxis weiterhin verwenden zu können, wurde die Arbeit mit einem lokalen Git-Server und fetch, pull, push und Branches vertieft. Das ganze kombiniert mit den unterschiedlichen Workflows (Feature-Branch, Gitflow, Forking) und praktischen Beispielen und nachgehender Analyse.
Die BrĂŒcke zur Jenkins-Schulung haben wir mit einem Git-Hook geschlagen, der fĂŒr einen Git-Commit einen Jenkins-Job ansteuert.
jenkins_job_chuck_norrisNach der Installation des Jenkins-Installationspakets haben wir uns sogleich in die Konfiguration gestĂŒrzt – und natĂŒrlich in den ersten gemeinsamen Job. Ein Python-Script will gebaut werden, und spĂ€ter dann auch paketiert. In erster Linie haben wir uns Code Coverage und QualitĂ€t fĂŒr CI und Test-Frameworks angesehen. Mit verschiedenen Build-Schritten und der Hilfe des Trainers gings dann auch gleich weiter mit der Einbindung an einen Jenkins-Agenten, der dediziert die Jenkins-Jobs ausfĂŒhren sollte. Hierbei gibts einige Fallstricke zu beachten, gerade was SSH-Keys und shared Workspaces betrifft. Die Köpfe haben geraucht – aber spĂ€testens dann als der frisch installierte Git-Hook den Jenkins-Paket-Bau angestossen hat, gabs fĂŒr jeden das persönliche Erfolgserlebnis.
Neben den praktischen Beispielen haben wir uns auch Zeit genommen, gezielt Fragen zur eigenen Umgebung zu diskutieren, oder auch aus dem NĂ€hkĂ€stchen zu plaudern. Git und Jenkins ist Teil unserer tĂ€glichen Arbeit an Icinga & Co und da gibts schon ein bissl Best Practice zu erzĂ€hlen 😉
FĂŒr kurz entschlossene wissbegierige Anwender und jene die ihr Wissen auffrischen wollen – es gibt noch PlĂ€tze in unserer Git-Schulung am 28.6.2016 und Jenkins-Schulung am 30.8.2016 🙂
Und fĂŒr all jene, die das Git-Fachwissen schon in sich aufgesaugt haben – wir hosten auch die eigene GitLab CE Instanz in unserer Cloud. Lust auf mehr? Kommt einfach auf uns zu!
PS: Trainings machen mir Spass – darum werd ich auch den diesjĂ€hrigen Git-Workshop auf der OSMC halten 🙂

OSDC 2016 – 8th year of glory

Time flies – 8 years Open Source Datacenter Conference (OSDC) already and now the 3rd time in lovely Berlin.
Kicking off with Dawn Foster’s keynote on Open Source – A job and an adventure gave an interesting insight into Open Source careers and living the spirit. As we do at NETWAYS since 1995 inviting everyone onto our journey and happily organising conferences for talks, chats & some drinks together.
And remember …

"be nice" #opensource @geekygirldawn #osdc

— Michael Friedrich (@dnsmichi) April 27, 2016

Next up was Kris talking about Another 7 tools for your #devops stack which is always fun to watch. I couldn’t decide whether to join him or go for Mike Elsmore on NoSQL is a lie … though Daniela approached me and said „go for Mike, it is funny“. And so it was in combination with the interesting technical questions asked.

Pikachu 😀 #osdc #awesome @ukmadlz

— Michael Friedrich (@dnsmichi) April 27, 2016

Tough decisions already in the morning – we’re using CoreOS at NETWAYS too and so I could join Jonathan Bulle on rkt and Kubernetes: What’s new with Container Runtimes and Orchestration … or learning something new, moving away from Puppet and learn about Salt – A Scalable Systems Management Solution for Datacenters by Sebastian Meyer.
A pretty hard one also for the presenters as these talks ended right before lunch break – and as you might know already, food is always so delicious at OSDC.

@mjg59 your work featured at the rkt/kubernetes talk at #osdc

— mika (@mikagrml) April 27, 2016

Finding a place to chill after lunch (oh, it was delicious) should it now be What’s wrong with my Puppet? by Felix Frank or would I go for learning about some monitoring tasks with Hello Redfish, Goodbye IPMI – The Future of System Management in the Data Center with Werner Fischer. I guess I’m more with Puppet these days, less monitoring admin – and the live demo stuff somehow failed but nice to see David Schmitt helping out.

#osdc trolling the demo gods, @felis_rex starts to live-code ruby in the shell

— David Schmitt (@dev_el_ops) April 27, 2016

Ever since Elastic announced their Beats toolstack I wanted to learn more about it. I was pretty sad that I couldn’t join Elasticon earlier this year. So I was eagerly waiting for Monica Sarbu telling me more about Unifying Log Management and Metrics Monitoring with the Elastic Beats.

.@elastic #filebeat successor of #logstash forwarder @monicasarbu #osdc /mif

— netways (@Netways) April 27, 2016

Having the Icinga stack in mind with open APIs and such, this shed interesting insights on how to further push integration with Elastic forward. Oh and I definitely need to learn Golang to hack my own beats based on the libbeat library.

I need to learn golang for @elastic #libbeat – sounds awesome thx @monicasarbu #monitoring #osdc

— Michael Friedrich (@dnsmichi) April 27, 2016

Continuous Integration in Data Centers – Further 3 Years Later with Michael Prokop sounded interesting as well, especially when it comes to Jenkins and Docker integration. Luckily all talks are recorded and made available later in the conference archive so I decided to go for Elastic Beats this time.

Now @mikagrml w/ continuous delivery #osdc 🙂 /mif

— netways (@Netways) April 27, 2016

Martin SchĂŒtte gave interesting insights into Terraform: Config Management for Cloud Services. This tool fits into the devops stack HashiCorp has been building over the last years, including Vagrant, Atlas and Otto. MySQL clusters are overly complicated in my (developer) opinion so I didn’t go for MySQL-Server in Teamwork – Replication and Galera Cluster presented by Jörg BrĂŒhe. Again one for the archive watchers 🙂

Now Martin SchĂŒtte is talking about @hashicorp #Terraform here at #osdc /be

— netways (@Netways) April 27, 2016

ChatOps is becoming more important these days. I’ve already seen Martin’s great talk at Icinga Camp Berlin earlier this year – especially his live demo talking to the Icinga 2 API which makes me a proud developer. ChatOps – Collaborative Communication (or: You cannot not communicate) is definitely something everyone needs to consider and play around with. Especially when it is Open Source.

Keep calm and love APIs #osdc

— Christoph Mitasch (@CMitasch) April 27, 2016

Heading over from Austria left behind my DNS related past though I’m trying to keep with it. Especially since Jan-Piet is talking about DNS for Developers aka „Everything is a freaky DNS problem“ 😉

.@jpmens with #dns for developers #osdc /mif

— netways (@Netways) April 27, 2016

Evening event

Now that we’ve learnt and discussed so much on the first day we are ready for the evening event. This time it located at Umspannwerk Ost which looks nice indeed. Looking forward to delicious food again and later on, some G&T with the OSDC gang 🙂