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stackconf online recap: from deep dive to offbeat and back

stackconf: in-person or online? In the beginning of the year, this was the most talked about question in the NETWAYS Events Team. In March it became quite clear. We have not really had a choice in this one: If we wanted stackconf 2020 to happen, we had to hold it online. Soon we realized though that what was born from necessity also carried a big chance. The chance to try something new, to leave the comfort zone.

Really overwhelming and convincing us that we were on the right path, was the support of the many of our speakers. Having handed in their talks when stackconf was still planned as taking place in Berlin, they sticked to their contribution for the online event too. Even though we extended stackconf with one more day.

Which path to take? Take them all!

Three days was the amount we needed to make sure to be able to show all presentations in just one track.

In this way we have freed our participants from extremely difficult decisions: Should I watch this or that talk? What interests me more: The Path to a Serverless-native era with Kubernetes? Or: The Path to OpenSource DBaaS with Kubernetes? No, you could just stay wherever you were and follow the first path first and the second path later. You could watch all talks in one row over the course of our three conference days. And during talks, which were pre-recorded and streamed, you could even get your questions directly answered by the speaker in the live chat.

What happened in between the presentations was surely worth to follow. The breaks were partly as enlightening as the talks, and for long stretches it was very exhilarating too.

From deep dive to offbeat and back

In charge of the break program: Our CEO Bernd Erk and Christian Stein, responsible for our NETWAYS webinars. The two made a wonderful team of moderators that brought us to and through discussions about challenges in our own industry, announced talks, welcomed speakers, and entertained us with wonderfully offbeat topics in best webcast manner. From favourite movies, to sustainability, to technical matters. The attendees had fun participating in the „Hallway Chat“ – being it hardest question or random stuff. Another fun part was the community evening playing Mario Kart.

This or that? That was the question in the small polls in our Twitter channel @NetwaysEvents. And the winners are awesome (88.9%), Kubernetes (90%), Remote Work (100%), YouTube (75%), Building (75%), Meeting in-person (62.5%), Cloud ( 71.4%), VxLAN & VLAN (50/50), Elastic (81.8%), Batman (55%) and DevOps (80%).

Thanks to all who joined our small survey. And of course and above all: Thanks to all of you who joined stackconf online! It was a blast! See you in 2021 for stackconf, this time hopefully in-person again in Berlin. Save the date: June 14 & 15, 2021.

If you are interested in reading about the talks and seeing some pictures, read more here:

stackconf online – Recap of Day 01

stackconf online – Recap of Day 02

stackconf online – Recap of Day 03

Countdown challenge | Prepare for stackconf in 7 steps

Only one more week until stackconf online starts! We have prepared a 7 steps day-by-day guide to help you get perfectly ready for the event. Here are our challenges for you:

07: Buy Ticket

It’s 7 days till stackconf online. Welcome to day one of our preparation challenge! The first thing you wanna do, to make sure not to miss anything, is register for the event! After your registration you will receive your conference pass and all important information about how the event works from our Events Team.

06: Study Schedule

Now that you have your ticket, you might want to dive a little deeper into the program. Take a look at the schedule, figure out which talks and topics meet your interests best, and which speaker you definetely have to have on your personal agenda. Define your personal stackconf highlights!

05: Prepare Questions

You’ve defined your highlights now. What is it that interests you most about these topics? Is it just a general curiosity about something new to you? Or have you been struggling with specific issues? Write your thoughts and questions down! You will get a chance to chat with the experts. Be prepared! Make notes on what you’ve always wanted to know, but never dared to ask!

04: Invite Colleagues

Where do your questions come from? Is it all issues that you alone have to deal with? Or do they affect the work of your whole team? Is it even something that you’ve been discussing with certain colleagues over and over again? You should definitely invite your fellows to join stackconf too! Send them an invitation!

03: Set Your Stage

stackconf is online. Means you will sit at home or at your desk at work. Prepare your own stage. Get nice light, banish what might distract you. You want to have it comfi: Get your favourite chair, delicious snacks… You might wanna do a video chat: Position a nice plant in the background, or impress other attendees with the newest edition of current IT literature. Set your own stage!

02: Share with Friends

Now you have access, you have an overview, you’ve your questions and your friends, you are mentally and physically prepared. Let your followers know on your social media channels: “I attend #stackconf online! This week, June 16 – 18, 2020. Who else is there? Hope to see you!”

01: Meditate

And now, you are perfectly good to go! Time to sit back, relax and clear your mind. There is nothing more to do today. See you soon!

Get posted on the latest expert knowledge on open source infrastructure solutions! We look forward to seeing you online at stackconf, June 16 – 18, 2020.
More information, tickets and FAQ at

Your Benefits. Or: How you make the most out of stackconf 2020

The core of stackconf is of course the line-up of speakers and the talks & topics in the schedule. I have given you some hints on main topics & highlights on our agenda in my last blogpost. But equally important for a conference is the surrounding festivities and chances to network and interact. We’ve got it all! Here is what’s in for you at stackconf:

Stream and Learn

You are the binge watching kind of person? Voilà! One stream, three days. All stackconf talks have been recorded in advance and will be presented in a single track over the course of three days from June 16 – 18, 2020. And you don’t even have to have a guilty conscience. It’s all education!

  • Learn how to deploy and automate your infrastructure
  • Learn about cutting-edge solutions in the spectrum of container, hybrid and cloud technologies
  • Learn about bridging the gap between development, testing and operations
  • Gain a deeper understanding of open source infrastructure solutions

Chat and Network

In various chat channels you have the opportunity to join discussions or meet someone in private. Exchange with like-minded people! Stay connected!

  • Chat with the experts. They answer your questions live during their talk.
  • Get ready to mingle. Join the conversation in the hallway channel.
  • Spice up open & moderated discussions with your thoughts. The topic-related channels thrive with your comments.
  • Meet friends and fellow infrastructure experts in private chats. Video calls are possible.

Play and Have Fun

A community evening will take place at the second conference day – Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

  • Meet the community and network with new and old friends.
  • Continue conversations from before.
  • Play one of our community games and set the highscore.
  • Enjoy for the sake of enjoying.

I hope, I could convince you to take part! 😉 If you have any questions don’t hestitate to contact our Events Team:
We are happy to see you online at stackconf, June 16 – 18, 2020.

More information:

stackconf online: stream, chat, network

stackconf is coming! We have crafted an inspiring agenda for you! Here are some highlights that you surely don’t wanna miss.

Hybrid cloud environments

Hybrid cloud environments were never easy and mostly just an idea. With Kubernetes though it is easy to deploy your infrastructure on premise and to a cloud provider.

This is where you learn more about hybrid cloud environments:


Increased portability makes containers so powerful. A big plus is that it can prevent a vendor lock-in. Applications running in containers can be deployed easily to multiple different operating systems and hardware platforms.

Learn more about containers in these talks:

Agile methods & continuous integration

Good IT is not possible with just the right tool. It is important that you have your communication and processes in shape. DevOps, agile, you name it always comes down to communication and transparency. Tear down silos to make your IT infrastructure and business as fast and efficient as possible.

Get to know agile methods and continuous integration practices in these talks:

And we have even more for you: Find the full schedule at

This is how it works: stream, chat, network

All the recorded talks will be presented in a single track over the course of three days from June 16 – 18, 2020. You can easily attend and watch!

Just watching, or what? Of course not! stackconf is a highly interactive online event – if you want it to be! Chat with the experts. Spice up open discussions with your thoughts in the hallway channel and in various topic-related channels. Meet friends and fellow infrastructure experts in private chats. Plus, there might be one or another challenge or gaming opportunity.

Short: There is plenty of opportunity to learn and have fun!

Fruitful discussions and hardest questions

While you watch a talk in the stream the speaker will be present in a parallel live chat to answer your questions. Feel free to comment the presentation, add your thoughts to it and ask your hardest questions! We are looking forward to a fruitful and inspiring exchange of ideas.

During lunch break a moderated discussion will take place. Join in and contribute to it. There will be additional room for networking and informal get-together during the community evening at the second conference day – Wednesday, June 17, 2020. We’ll continue the topic-related discussions, and open the gaming arena, where you can compare your gaming skills.

Stay up to date

Get posted on the latest expert knowledge on open source infrastructure solutions! We look forward to seeing you online at stackconf.

stackconf online takes place June 16 – 18, 2020. More:

Alles neu macht der Mai: NETWAYS Trainings – Online und vor Ort

Alles neu macht der Mai. Und nicht nur der! Wir haben in den kommenden Monaten jede Menge neuen Input in spannenden NETWAYS Trainings für Dich. Online oder vor Ort: Das entscheidest Du. Wir haben aktuell beide Varianten im Portfolio. So kannst Du Dir das Wissen zu Deinem Open Source-Tool entweder ganz bequem und auf dem schnellen Weg zu Hause im Online Training aneignen. Oder Du kommst nach Nürnberg, Hamburg, München oder Berlin, um Dir gemeinsam mit anderen vor Ort neuen Input abzuholen.

Wir bringen Dir das state-of-the-art Praxiswissen bei!


Ein leistungsstarkes Tool zur Überwachung der Verfügbarkeit und Leistung aller Teile Deines Systems: Icinga zeigt Dir alle relevanten Daten an und gibt Warnmeldungen aus, um Dich auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Lerne Icinga von der Pike auf in unseren Schulungen und setze mit unseren Icinga Workshops noch eine Portion Profiwissen drauf!

Icinga Schulung (Fundamentals)
Online | 7.–10. Juli 2020
Nürnberg | 22.–25. September 2020
Icinga 2 Advanced
Online | 21.–23. Juli 2020
Berlin | 6.–8. Oktober 2020
Icinga & Puppet Workshop
Nürnberg | 22.–23. September 2020
Icinga Director Workshop
Nürnberg | 20.–21. Oktober 2020


Der Trend zur Virtualisierung nahezu aller IT-Plattformen und Umgebungen erhöht den Bedarf an flexibler und vor allem schneller Verwendung der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Wir helfen Dir dabei, mit dieser Geschwindigkeit nicht nur Schritt zu halten, sondern ihr sogar einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Ansible Schulung
Nürnberg | 21.–23. Juli 2020
Hamburg | 13.–15.Oktober 2020
Ansible AWX (Tower)
Nürnberg | 24. Juli 2020
Hamburg | 16. Oktober 2020
Icinga & Puppet Workshop
Nürnberg | 22.–23. September 2020
Puppet Schulung (Fundamentals)
Online | 30. Juni – 2. Juli 2020
Nürnberg | 20.–22. Oktober 2020
Foreman Schulung
Nürnberg | 8.–9. September 2020


Für Sammler und Sondierer: Hier erfährst Du, wie Du Log-Daten von Anwendungen, Betriebssystemen oder Netzwerkinfrastrukturen zentral sammelst, verarbeitest, verwaltest, analysierst und visualisierst. Mehrwertgenerierung garantiert!

Elastic Stack Schulung
Online | 23.–25. Juni 2020
München | 15.–17. September 2020
Graphite & Grafana
Online | 26.–27. Mai 2020

Berlin | 29.–30. September 2020
Graylog SchulungNürnberg | 30. Juni – 1. Juli 2020
Nürnberg | 27. – 28. Oktober 2020


Geballte Admin-Power: Hier lernst Du ein unabhängiges Linux-System zu administrieren und wiederkehrende Aufgaben zu automatisieren oder die Vorzüge unserer liebsten, flexiblen und erweiterbaren relationalen Datenbank kennen. Das und noch viel mehr. Jetzt anmelden!

Linux Schulung (Basics)
Nürnberg | 27.–29. Oktober 2020

PostgreSQL Schulung (Fundamentals)
Nürnberg | 14.–16. Juli 2020
PostgreSQL Advanced Schulung
Nürnberg | 8.–11. September 2020


Softwareentwicklung bedarf heute mehr denn je einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung des DevOps-Lifecycles. Reine Source Code-Verwaltung wird dem nicht mehr gerecht und der gesamte Prozess von Planung bis hin zu Continuous Integration und Deployment benötigt eine technische Abbildung. GitLab ist das Tool dafür!

GitLab Schulung
Online | 14.–15. Juli 2020
Nürnberg | 15.–16. Dezember 2020

Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer*innen

“Man hat auf jeden Fall gemerkt, dass der Trainer sehr viel praktische Erfahrung mit der Software hat und weiß, wo er ansetzen muss.” – Feedback Ansible Online Training

“Eine neue Erfahrung, etwas anstrengender als in einer Präsenzschulung, aber mit viel technischem Hintergrund. Hat Spaß gemacht.” – Feedback Ansible Online Training

“Sehr gute Umsetzung einer neuen Schulungsmöglichkeit, auf jeden Fall für die Zukunft sehr interessant.” – Feedback GitLab Online Training

“Sehr gut organisiertes Online-Training, kompetenter und sympathischer Trainer. Alle Fragen wurden beantwortet. Absolut zu empfehlen!” – Feedback GitLab Online Training

Und was sagst Du? Wir freuen uns, Dich bald bei uns zu begrüßen! Virtuell oder vor Ort.