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Why We’re Excited About DevOps Camp 2023!

von | Sep 29, 2023 | NETWAYS, Web Services

This year, our NETWAYS Web Services Team is highly motivated to participate in DevOps Camp in Nuremberg! After a short break since stackconf in Berlin, we are back at a conference. We are delighted to be able to support DevOps Camp once again. In this article, we would like to explain a few reasons why we are so excited to participate in DevOps Camp.


DevOps Camp: A Treasure Trove of Knowledge and Networking Opportunities

DevOps Camp is not your typical conference format; it’s a BarCamp with focuses on administration, development, and DevOps, and it is already in its 14th edition. We view DevOps as a culture that enables people, regardless of their technical background or job title, to collaborate effectively and constructively. We believe that DevOps is inherently tied to the goal of working together on the development and operation of systems. DevOps is a concept originating in the IT field that bridges the gap between development and operations. At DevOps Camp, enthusiasts and experts come together to exchange ideas, solve problems, and shape the future of the industry. For us, this means invaluable access to knowledge and experience from industry leaders.

Furthermore, local and regional engagement is of particular importance to us. We understand thesignificance of DevOps not only on a global level but also within the regional IT community. DevOps Camp provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences at the local and regional levels.



Exciting Topics Impacting Our Business

This year, we can expect fascinating topics such as “13 cloudy years,” “Cloud, Container & Confusion,” and many more. These topics are closely related to our business. For our employees, this is not only professionally relevant but also personally interesting. We are all committed to staying informed about current methods and technologies and engaging with like-minded individuals. Moreover, we want to give both established DevOps professionals and beginners the opportunity to get to know us better.



Our NWS Booth with a Star Wars Giveaway

But that’s not all! Similar to stackconf, we will also have our NETWAYS Web Services booth at DevOps Camp. And, of course, we have prepared an exciting giveaway. Last time, you could win a Darth Vader helmet, and this time, we have a new Star Wars surprise for participants – especially for the Tech Jedis in our community! We look forward to making connections, expanding our networks, and having fun at our booth. At our booth, you can learn everything about what we do, from Kubernetes, public Cloud based on OpenStack to open-source apps. We’ve selected the most charming team members for this! 😀



See You in Nuremberg!

We are convinced that DevOps Camp 2023 in Nuremberg will provide valuable insights and inspiration not only for us but also for anyone interested in the subject. Tickets should still be available – it’s definitely worth checking and taking the opportunity to win our Star Wars surprise! We look forward to being there on October 6th and 7th in Nuremberg!



Ingrida Leskova
Ingrida Leskova
Marketing Specialist

Ingrida ist seit Mai 2023 im NETWAYS Marketingteam tätig. Sie hat vor kurzem ihr Masterstudium in Marketing Management abgeschlossen und unterstützt uns als Marketing-Spezialistin mit ihrem Wissen in den Bereichen Marketing-Konzeption, Online-Marketing und Branding. Ingrida kann sich fließend in vier Sprachen unterhalten und in zwei weiteren Sprachen auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau. In ihrer Freizeit geht sie gerne schwimmen und bei schönem Wetter wandern oder Inline-Skates fahren. Sie liebt internationale Küche und probiert gern neue Rezepte aus.

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