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Weekly Snap: GIT, Glühwein and Neckermann with Nagios

von | Dez 21, 2009 | NETWAYS

weekly snapDec 14-18 Heading into Christmas, NETWAYS got festive, into GIT and a new project sensation.
From the development team, Marius announced NETWAYS move to GIT for versioning offering a few convincing arguments to support.  The decentralised architecture and possibility to merge and discard branches makes the times of changes less important, encouraging clean coding instead. On the flipside GIT takes some time getting used to, carrying barely any commands or options on from the older SVN. The need for a separate authentication layer is also a drawback, though easily remedied through SSH or WebDav. Ultimately however, the greater flexibility and freedom it offers developers makes it a winner, which indeed takes priority here.
From the consulting team, Michael shared a timely new customer project at “Sensation of the Day” is the online retailer’s daily Christmas special, currently being monitored by Nagios via HTTP queries on the minute. In the event an article may be sold out, a new ‘sensation’ can be switched to immediately, keeping the Christmas cheer during last minute shopping.
Carrying on with the festivities, Manuela shared a few impressions of the NETWAYS mulled wine trek through the famous Nuremberg Christmas market. With many degrees below zero and the first signs of snow, the team drank to a good year past wishing all a good one to come.

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