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Get your RadosGW metrics into Ceilometer

von | Nov 21, 2018 | OpenStack, Web Services

With OpenStack it is an ease to provide an object store backed up from your Ceph RadosGW. But getting the usage metrics from Ceph into Ceilometer and Gnocchi is a little bit tricky. At least if you use OpenStack Pike. Following the official Pike documentation we need a RadosGW user with the correct credentials, usage logging enabled and a little bit of Ceilometer configuration:

$ radosgw-admin user create --uid ceilometer --display-name "ceilometer" --caps "usage=read;metadata=read;users=read;buckets=read"
# ceilometer.conf
radosgw = object-store
access_key = access
secret_key = secret

Additionally we need to add the radosgw.* metrics to your ceilometer polling.yaml. At this point the official documentation lets you down with inconsistent metric names. In Pike, there are no entry points for radosgw.* metrics, only for the old rgw.* metrics. This is described in the bug #1726458. But following the defined entry points into the code, we see that these creates the new radosgw.* metrics. Well, adding the old metric names to your polling.yaml delivers you the new metric names… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

# polling.yaml
- name: radosgw_pollsters
    interval: 1200
    -  rgw.containers.objects
    -  rgw.containers.objects.size
    -  rgw.objects
    -  rgw.objects.size
    -  rgw.objects.containers
    -  rgw.usage

To bring it to an end, restarting „ceilometer central“ will deliver your RadwosGW metrics to Gnocchi.

Achim Ledermüller
Achim Ledermüller
Senior Manager Cloud

Der Exil Regensburger kam 2012 zu NETWAYS, nachdem er dort sein Wirtschaftsinformatik Studium beendet hatte. In der Managed Services Abteilung ist er für den Betrieb und die Weiterentwicklung unserer Cloud-Plattform verantwortlich.

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  1. Monthly Snap November › NETWAYS Blog - […] tell you to Get your RadosGW metrics into Ceilometer. Loei explains the use and functionality of RFID & NFC.…

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