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Monthly Snap June: NetApp FAS 3140; News about OSMC and OSBConf; Katello; Open-Stack-Tage

June started with Georg looking for a new home for a used NetApp FAS 3140 we received from a client. The beautiful device is in good condition and can be fetched at our office, if you make a camerasmall donation.
My humble self, told you all you need to know about the Hackathon at OSMC and started the OSMC countdown with the presentation “OSMC 2014: From monitoringsucks to monitoringlove, and back” by Kris Buytaert. I also introduced the complete speaker lineup of Open Source Backup Conference to you.
Dirk introduced you all to Katello, the Foreman Plugin for Softwaremanagement and reported on why you should have a look at it, if you don’t have a provisioning and Configuration Management yet.
And Bernd wrote about what happed at his visit of Open-Stack-Tage in Frakfurt.

Monthly Snap February: FOSDEM and CfgMgmtCamp, Icinga 2.3., apprenticechip at Netways, Icinga Config

In February some of our guys took part in FOSDEM and CfgMgmtCamp in Belgium. Dirk was one of them and wrote about camerawhat happened there (in English).
Gunnar gave a preview of the new version of Icinga 2, coming on the 10th of March. He explained some general improvements of the version 2.3.
Our apprentice Marius gave insight to all the things he could learn so far – including setting up the Managed Service Dashboards and the First-Level-Support for our costomers.
Tobias explained three things, every Icinga Config user wants to do with it. Which are: “Naming hosts with paragraphs”, “Using speaking names for Templates” and “Using Unicode characters for services”.