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This was stackconf 2024 | Recap & Pictures

stackconf 2024 has come and gone, leaving a lasting impression on its community. This year’s conference, held in Berlin, was absolutely amazing. From inspiring talks on cloud native & IT infrastructure solutions to lively networking sessions and a fantastic evening event, stackconf 2024 was a hub of innovation and collaboration. Here’s a quick recap of the event and a behind-the-scenes look, along with some memorable images.

The Conference Program

The program at stackconf 2024 featured many expert speakers who gave inspiring talks on cloud-native and IT infrastructure solutions. They covered topics like cloud infrastructure and disaster recovery, AI and security, DevOps and automation, and software development and deployment. The sessions were informative and engaging, offering valuable insights for both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Thanks to our outstanding speakers! It was an absolute pleasure to have you here!

Our Sponsors

Big thank you to our sponsors of stackconf 2024! Eliatra and NETWAYS Web Services were supporting the conference as silver sponsors, and Xyntion and STACKIT contributed as bronze sponsors. We also value the support of our media partners GermanTechJobs, Linux Magazin and Kube Events. We’re really happy about your contribution and love to hear your amazing feedback about this sponsorship opportunity. Your support helped make stackconf 2024 a success, enabling us to bring together industry experts and enthusiasts for an enriching experience. Thank you for being a vital part of our event!

The stackconf Team

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible team for their hard work and dedication in making stackconf 2024 a success. From capturing great pictures, managing social media, coordinating the camerawork, and moderating sessions, to organizing the entire event and creating engaging blog posts, your efforts were invaluable. Your commitment ensured everything ran smoothly and made the conference an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

The Evening Event

The evening event at stackconf 2024 was also unforgettable, mainly because most attendees arrived drenched from a sudden heavy rain. Despite the weather, it was a great atmosphere. There was a roulette table, and Andreas Hering won a Lego DeLorean set as the clear winner. The food was delicious, and overall, it was a fantastic opportunity for networking and enjoying good company.


Stay Tuned!

The date for stackconf 2025 will be announced shortly. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn to get the latest news, submission, and ticket deadlines.
In addition, the archives including recordings and speaker slides will be online soon!


Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf 2024 | Highlights from Day 2

Yesterday’s evening event was full of great food, drinks, and conversation. I have to admit the gambling had no appeal to me, but many seemed to enjoy it as most socializing happened around the roulette table. Of course, the attendees could not play for real money, but the one who won the most chips will get handed over a big Lego kit today as a prize. So while most were gambling, smaller groups found them to talk. I had a great conversation with Sebastian from our Marketing team who attended his first NETWAYS conference, actually his first tech conference, and he seemed to really enjoy it.


The Morning

Openssf Security LogoToday we started directly with the talks and the first one I attended was “How to hack and defend (your) open source” by Roman Zhukov. He illustrated by numbers from surveys and science articles how important Open Source is for our industry, but also how vulnerable it is. A nice compact lecture he pointed to is Endorlabs’ Top 10 Risks for Open Source, but he included much more. So if the topic is also of interest for you make sure to grab his slides, bring some time (and perhaps coffee) with you and follow all the links included. To defend against his first recommendation was OpenSSF Scorecard. But he recommended also other important best practices and tools which should help to verify if a project follows a secure development lifecycle.

Second talk for today was one I was very interested, so an additional detailed blogpost in the future is planned. “Confidential Containers – Sensitive Data and Privacy in Cloud Native Environments” by Magnus Kulke was another one about security, and I am very happy about increased awareness and coverage of this topic. He nicely and slowly introduced the topic to the audience to get everyone engaged. Then he focused on the key concepts, trust, integrity and remote attestation, and the implications of those on a cloud environment and confidential computing. After he showed this on the example of virtual machines, he covered why this is not so easily ported over to containers. But he also showed the initial ideas how the CoCo project wants to solve this as cloud native is an interesting platform for this.
Unfortunately because of technical difficulties he could not do the demo. But he made the best out of it and talked us through what would be shown and the takeaways.

Next Daniel Hiller told us “Squash the Flakes! – How to Minimize the Impact of Flaky Tests”. He nicely introduced the topic and the importance to the audience which was not completely aware of it. Flakes are failing tests in your CI/CD pipeline which are mostly false positives slowing down development, waste resources and have other negative impacts you are trying to solve with CI/CD initially. Lost trust into testing is also a serious issue. For minimizing the negative impacts, he recommended taking out the flaky test as early as possible in quarantine, but only as long as possible for fixing the test. But there were also some tool recommendations with ci-health, ci-search and testgrid, and others. The talk concluded with a nice summary, the main sources of falkiness Daniel experienced, and the key takeaways from it and future plans based on it.

“The challenges of Platform teams” by Marco Pierobon was the last one before lunch. First challenge to tackle is DevEX (Developer Experience) which includes not only the simplicity to use but also lack of feedback. Second one is Business because they do lack insights, face missing trust and assumptions. Third is Technology and fourth the Platform teams who need to handle a rapidly changing landscape which can lack maturity and has the risk of vendor lock-ins. For all of those, he tried to provide tips and tricks to overcome them. For example establishing a developer portal empowering them do what they need themself and allows for easily and continuous feedback. A roadmap can improve business experience and align expectations. Evaluation of techniques and product lifecycle management can help tackle technological challenges. And vendor agnostics technologies provide vendor lock-in. Investing in the right tools and technologies and cultivating relationships will help the platform teams. From this he had gone further into details which was a nice deep dive.


The Ignites

After grabbing some food, ok some may say to much food, attendees were back for the ignites. But before they started the winner of the evening event gambling was announced and the Lego DeLorean was handed over.

“Distributed Tracing using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger” by AJ Jester was the opening one. The ignite showed a comprehensive introduction on how to implement traces using OpenTelemetry and then how to use Jaeger for analyses.

Second one was “Swiss knife for Go debugging with VSCode” by Ivan Pesenti. From debugging in general over the Go debugger, Delve to the detailed integration in VSCode in 5 minutes! Well done, Ivan, well done!

Roman Zhukov with “Security of Open-Source AI: is there any difference?” finished the ignites. He gave a good sneak peek into the topic, but I think the topic would be worth to be covered in a full talk.


The Afternoon

“Orchestrating Resilient Data: Harnessing the Strength of Kubernetes with Operators” by Gregor Bauer opened the sessions of the afternoon. After a short introducing to Kubernetes and the challenges databases facing in this world designed to be stateless, he started, to dive deep into the extensions allowing databases to run nicely on the platform.
As example he of course used the NoSQL database Couchbase as he is working for it. But it was interesting to hear where we all use tools which utilize the database like he showed all the customers he came in touch while travelling for stackconf. Couchbase was designed to be could native and from all the details and the demo shown it seems to do a good job.

To stick with the topic databases I stayed in the room for “From a database in container to DBaaS on Kubernetes” by Peter Zaitsev. He tackled the same topic differently as he showed why Docker is not a good solution for databases and Kubernetes is not for stateful workflows. But also when taking a different way the goal and the solution were the same. In his case, Helm charts for the day 1 operations and Operators for the day 2 tasks in general. And for example those provided by Percona for MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
He also criticized the current state at which major cloud providers, database vendors and multi databases provide proprietary solutions but Open Source ones are missing. And license changes which made the situation worse! Or the “Hotel California” Compatibility, a term he used as persiflage for the Open Source Compatibility promised by many which allow migrating from Open Source to their solution, but hard to check out. That Percona’s vision is to change this, is good to hear.

stackconf concluded for me with Philip Miglinci and “Rethinking Package Management in Kubernetes with Helm and Glasskube”. He introduced the topic of Package Management shortly before showing the different solutions and their advantages and disadvantages. With Glasskube he wants to solve the disadvantages of other solutions.
With his demo, he bravely trusted the Wi-Fi and showed from a freshly started Minikube over bootstraping Glasskube to installing some packages in a graphical way and via CLI. What we have seen looks very promising, so I recommend having a look into it even if it still in Beta.


Save Travels

So thank you to all the speakers and sponsors, our Event team, but also all attendees who made the conference a huge success. Save travels to all of them and see you on the next conference again. For all the other readers I hope you enjoyed my conference coverage, and perhaps I sparked interest to join also a conference in the future. I am very happy that conferences are establishing themselves again after pandemic.


Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

stackconf 2024 | Highlights from Day 1

When our Event team asked for some to join stackconf this year, I happily volunteered and so it is me again writing our conference blog. I think the last time when I joined our conference in Berlin it was still its predecessor, so it’s my first stackconf. But if you know our Event team you can expect a well organized conference and great talks. And the talks were what made me excited already in advance as they are not on my typical topics, so I can widen my horizon.


The Morning

The conference started as always with a warm welcome from Bernd and with some minutes to crab a coffee and find the talk you wanted to hear. For me the first talk I was interested in was “Why is there no new Release? Nobody pays for the basics :-(“ by Schlomo Schapiro who I know as a great speaker and nice guy already for many years. His talk was not only about ReaR (Relax and Recover), but also about recovery of Linux servers in general and the importance of it, especially of having a plan and workflow for the worst case. ReaR is more a backup and recovery automation and workflow improvement than a backup software and from my experience using it I can agree to this. If you have not done yet have a look at the tool and when the talk is online watch it for some nice insights.

Second one was “Buzzing across the eBPF Landscape and into the Hive” by Bill Mulligan. He told us that eBPF makes the Linux Kernel programmable in a secure and efficient way. Why this is needed he showed in a nice pair of comic strips showing the process from an application developer requiring a new feature in the kernel and its landing in Distribution Kernels which can be reduced from several years to a much shorter time span.
With the basics explained, he jumped to the benefits for the Kubernetes world and then to real world examples. One example was Cilium what is becoming the network and networking security solution for Kubernetes. Another example was observability with Hubble and Tetragon which are based on Cilium. But he did not only tell us use cases, he also outlined what is not the use case. For example, a customer facing interface will never care about eBPF.
Finally, he gave a wider overview on projects, evenly mentioning eBPF on Windows, and more about the community.

AI is everywhere nowadays, so are talks about it. But I think “Generative AI Security — A Practical Guide to Securing Your AI Application” by Manuel Heinkel and Puria Izady was the first one I have seen focusing on Security. Manuel introduced us into the topic by explaining how AWS defines a responsible AI and that Security is one of the required values. The insights he gave to scope, lifecycle, dataflow, and top security risks of generative AIs were very interesting. While waiting on the recording to be available you can already talk a look on his recommendations the OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications and Mitre Atlas.
Puria jumped in for the more complex examples of vulnerabilities and mitigations. One library to help you choose a LLM for your own use case he introduced to the audience was fmeval. This is of course AWS focused, but can be extended to other LLMs which sounds interesting.
Overall a very amazing talk which I could only cover in a very basic way because of the many details mentioned, but one I can really recommend to watch from the conference archive.

The last one before lunch was Vishwa Krishnakumar with “Scaling Up, Not Out: Managing Enterprise Demands in a Growing SaaS Startup”. The talk was different as he shared his experience as a founder of a successful company. He took us from day 0 where you make the first decisions to product market fit where you are an established company. He focused on engineering and the events which can you make stumble. Furthermore, he gave tips on which things you should tackle already from day 1 as it will pave your way. This included when to say No to specific features, something not all have learned!


The Ignite Talks

Having the ignites after lunch is always great. The small talks offer the option to include different topics, but the first one “Practical AI with Machine Learning for Observability” by Costa Tsaousis was adding great details to two topics covered by other talks: AI and Observability. Automatically having Anomaly rates is a great thing if you analyze data. So now I have even a harder time to decide between talks tomorrow as it was a good preview on his full talk on Netdata.

Next one was Natalie Serebryakova with “Is Rust good for Kubernetes?”. She compared Go which is used for most parts of the Kubernetes ecosystem with Rust and made good points for using it.

Last one for today was “The DevOps Driving School: What comes after DevOps?” by Schlomo Schapiro as he explained every conference needs a DevOps talk. He made a point for learning DevOps in production as it should be normal for all and gave also some capabilities you need to achieve for getting to this state.


The Afternoon

Dotan Horovits I already know for several years as he is also a frequent speaker at Cfgmgmtcamp. He always does great talks on topics that matter, so my expectation were high on “Metadata: The Secret Sauce for Full Observability”. His definition of metadata is data about data which give your data (in his case telemetry data) context. He also made a great point about structured log events, which provide included metadata and consistency. Those can then be enhanced by custom metadata to create meaningful events.
Next telemetry data he focused on were traces which show the flow of a request and really require context. Followed by metrics, which are by default just numbers without much context. So this kind of data really needs enrichment. Having metadata on all this different telemetry data enables correlation, and this is what we need to break down data silos. OpenTelemetry is a project that can help here by standardization.
So a good look into a topic which is not solved in many environments based on hand signs in the audience which seemed to enjoy his talks, too.

Our own Daniel Bodky gave a talk “Towards Standardized Platforms: How the CNOE Project Can Help” I did not want to miss. After some questions to know his audience Daniel started by defining a platform, so what his talk is about. Afterwards he draws parallels between DevOps and Plattform Engineering and I liked his message of tiring down walls between teams. But his talk was not only about culture but also by tooling which brings in the CNOE Project.
Into detail, he went on idpbuilder, a tool which combines many from Kubernetes ecosystem tpin up a complete internal developer platform. It easily created a nice looking, featureful platform. And making a completely scratch-build kubernetes based setup looking easy is a well-done job! Based on the existing example Daniel added a custom one which he created in about half an hour making it look even more easy.
This showcase can really be helpful to convince managers that having your own platform is not so complicated and cost-incentive as they may think, and can improve productivity in your engineering team.

I could not decide between the next two talks, so I simply stayed in the room to see Alayshia Knighten talk about “Unleashing Potential Across Teams: The Power of Infrastructure as Code”. First she asked why we should care about IaC and answered the question by showing the benefits for different teams. Then she showed a democase as a practical example of the power of IaC.
If I had not been convinced already, I would be it now after her talk.

And last but not least I was listening to “Insights into Managed Service Provision: A STACKIT Retrospective” by Patrick Koss. Patrick started his talk with the motivation to provide a managed service and followed with how the decision was made for Kubernetes. After this he had gone into details about for example Kubernetes operators. Hearing which challenges they faced and how they solved them was quite interesting, especially as I would call STACKIT a German success story where it often feels like US company dominate the market.


The Evening

But stackconf is not only about the great talks, but also about socializing. While this happens during breaks, lunch and even before during breakfast, it reaches its high in the evening event. So I will leave you now, going to Umspannwerk Ost to enjoy the evening, but will be back tomorrow with the recap of day 2! And of course, I will make sure to include a paragraph about the evening event!


Dirk Götz
Dirk Götz
Principal Consultant

Dirk ist Red Hat Spezialist und arbeitet bei NETWAYS im Bereich Consulting für Icinga, Puppet, Ansible, Foreman und andere Systems-Management-Lösungen. Früher war er bei einem Träger der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung als Senior Administrator beschäftigt und auch für die Ausbildung der Azubis verantwortlich wie nun bei NETWAYS.

stackconf 2024 | Here We Go!

After many weeks of intense planning, meticulous organization, and countless meetings, all preparations are now complete. Tomorrow, we will finally open the doors to stackconf 2024!


Welcome to Berlin

As every year, many of you have already arrived today to start the next day relaxed and to get into the unique atmosphere of stackconf. We are looking forward to welcoming you now at our Welcome Dinner starting at 7 PM! It’s the perfect opportunity to network in a relaxed setting, catch up with old friends, and make new connections. Enjoy delicious food and refreshing drinks as you gear up for the exciting talks in the coming days.

We at NETWAYS have arrived today with two buses, and our team is here to ensure everything runs smoothly over the next two conference days. Lukas and Markus have already set up the conference and opened the check-in counter. For those of you who prefer to arrive at the last minute, our registration desk will be open from 8 AM on the first day of the event. Please remember to collect your badge in time for the official start at 9 AM.

Furthermore, we encourage everyone to download the event app. This will allow you to network with other attendees, chat, create your own schedule and have the venue map at your fingertips. You will also receive push notifications for the most important information.


Last Chance for Tickets

You don’t have a ticket yet and would like to spontaneously join the inspiring talks about innovative cloud native technologies and solutions? There are still some last tickets available – get yours now!
We have also planned a great evening event for tomorrow, providing the perfect setting for engaging conversations and networking.


Sebastian Zwing
Sebastian Zwing
Marketing Specialist

Sebastian verstärkt seit November 2023 unser Marketingteam. Als Marketing Specialist wird er die Kommunikation der NETWAYS GmbH weiter mit ausbauen und neue Ideen einbringen. Seine Freizeit verbringt Sebastian gerne auf Reisen, als Hobbykoch in der Küche oder am Grill, an der frischen Luft, an und auf dem Wasser, oder auf dem Zweirad.

OSMC 2023 – Making your Kubernetes-based log collection reliable & durable with Vector

Last year’s OSMC offered a great program of talks. It was a pleasure to see old and new people and hear some new things about monitoring and the surrounding ecosystem. Maksim Nabokikh gave the talk “Making your Kubernetes-based log collection reliable & durable with Vector”, which we will have a closer look at today. Many thanks to Maksim for this insight and his talk.


Why is a reliable and permanent Logging Solution important?

Nowadays, more and more digital processes need to be tracked. Not only in the event of an error, but often also for legal reasons. A solution for implementing permanent and reliable log management is therefore becoming increasingly important. This challenge can be solved with Vector in Kubernetes.


What is it all about?

Vector is an efficient open source tool to build log collection pipelines. It collects the logs, transforms them and can then send them.
In his talk, Maksim showed how Vector can be used to collect and process pod logs and node service logs.

LOGS IN KUBERNETES What we can collect? Source Pod logs Files Node services logs Files Events Kubernetes API

The data can be collected from various sources such as files, K8s, sockets and many more. They are then transformed using remap, filter and aggregation. Permanent storage is then possible in over 50 different applications.

VECTOR’S ARCHITECTURE Remap Filter Aggregate Collect Transform Send File K8s Socket 9 in total 40 in total 52 in total …


Maksim gave many insights into everyday problems and how they can be solved with Vector.
Real life examples are included with possible solutions.

Just in case I’ve piqued your interest, be sure to watch his great talk in full length on YouTube.

Stay tuned for this year’s edition of OSMC. Mark your calendars for November 19 – 21 and join us in Nuremberg. The Call for Papers is already open. Be sure to submit your proposal until August 15.

Marc Zimmermann
Marc Zimmermann
Manager SaaS

Marc ist bei NETWAYS 2021 vorbeigekommen und wurde eingezogen. Sein Einstieg in die Welt der EDV begann schon in seiner Jugend. Anfangs noch mehr mit Windows und DOS bis er von einen Freund von diesen "Linux" hörte. Wie sollen wir sagen, Marc beschäftigt sich heute mit Linux und allerlei anderen Sachen aus der IT Welt beruflich als auch Privat. Nebenbei werkelt er an Modellflugzeugen und versucht diese auch nach dem fliegen wieder ganz mit nach Hause zu nehmen.