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OSMC 2022 | VictoriaMetrics: scaling to 100 million metrics per second

by | Jan 14, 2023 | NETWAYS, OSMC

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series OSMC 2022

OSMC 2022 has brought lots of insightful open source expert know-how. In this blog series we will together take a glance back into our archives and pick out some of our highly appreciated speaker talks. Today we will start with Aliaksandr’s talk “VictoriaMetrics: scaling to 100 million metrics per second”. His session will be very interesting for software engineers and DevOps familiar with observability and modern monitoring systems, or for those who’re interested in building scalable high performant databases for time series.


That’s what it’s all about

The growth of observability trends and Kubernetes adoption generates more demanding requirements for monitoring systems. Volumes of time series data increase exponentially, and old solutions just can’t keep up with the pace. In his talk Aliaksandr will cover how and why they created a new open source time series database from scratch. Which architectural decisions, which trade-offs we had to take in order to match the new expectations and handle 100 million metrics per second with VictoriaMetrics.


Get inspired by his Talk

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You like his content and want event more? Reason enough to join the next edition of the event. OSMC 2023 takes place from November 7 – 9, 2023 in Nuremberg.

Mark your calendars! We’re looking forward to meeting you there!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.


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