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OSMC 2023 | Join us as a Speaker!

von | Jun 13, 2023 | OSMC

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 17th edition of the renowned Open Source Monitoring Conference, the foremost professional event dedicated to open source monitoring solutions. Mark your calendars for November 7 – 9, 2023, as we gather in the vibrant city of Nuremberg, Germany, for three days of insightful discussions, networking, and knowledge sharing.


Last Call for Submissions

We are excited to invite experts and enthusiasts in the field of open source monitoring to submit their proposals for speaking engagements at OSMC. The Call for Papers is open until July 31, 2023. This is your chance to share your expertise and experiences with a global audience of like-minded professionals.


Why Become a Speaker?

By joining our esteemed roster of speakers, you will have the opportunity to showcase your knowledge, contribute to the open source monitoring community, and make a lasting impact on attendees from around the world. Here are some compelling reasons to consider becoming a speaker at OSMC:

  • Share Your Expertise: Present your innovative ideas, and best practices in open source monitoring. Educate and inspire fellow professionals with your unique insights and experiences.
  • Expand Your Network: Forge valuable connections that can lead to collaborations, career advancements, and long-lasting relationships.
  • Gain Visibility: Increase your professional visibility and establish yourself as a thought leader in the open source monitoring field.
  • Contribute to the Community: OSMC is the ideal platform to contribute back to the open source monitoring community. By sharing your knowledge, you empower others to learn and grow, fostering the overall development of the field.


How to Submit

We welcome a broad range of topics related to open source monitoring solutions. To submit your proposal, please visit our website and follow the instructions provided.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the premier worldwide event in open source monitoring. Submit your talk before the July 31 deadline and join us in Nuremberg for an unforgettable conference experience.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming you to the Open Source Monitoring Conference 2023!

For more information and updates about the conference, please visit our website or subscribe to our newsletter. ℹ️

Ingrida Leskova
Ingrida Leskova
Marketing Specialist

Ingrida ist seit Mai 2023 im NETWAYS Marketingteam tätig. Sie hat vor kurzem ihr Masterstudium in Marketing Management abgeschlossen und unterstützt uns als Marketing-Spezialistin mit ihrem Wissen in den Bereichen Marketing-Konzeption, Online-Marketing und Branding. Ingrida kann sich fließend in vier Sprachen unterhalten und in zwei weiteren Sprachen auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau. In ihrer Freizeit geht sie gerne schwimmen und bei schönem Wetter wandern oder Inline-Skates fahren. Sie liebt internationale Küche und probiert gern neue Rezepte aus.

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