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OSCamp on Bareos: Let’s talk about backups!

von | Feb 25, 2020 | Bareos, OSCAMP, Events

Heterogeneous server landscapes are more the rule than the exception in many companies today. The technical requirements for software systems for data backup, archiving and recovery are increasing accordingly. What are the challenges coming with these changes? Let’s talk about it!

Let’s talk about backups at OSCamp!

CFP until end of march

The Call for Papers for the Open Source Camp (OSCamp) on Bareos is still open. Until March 31, 2020 you got the chance to submit your paper. Ideally you give a comprehensive technical insight into Bareos and offer administrators new impulses for data backup, archiving and recovery. Each presentation is scheduled for 45 minutes, including a 5 to 10-minute Q&A session. All software presented must be freely available for download and therefore meet open source standards such as GPL.

OSCamp – the series

The OSCamp on Bareos is where the community, users and developers meet – it’s an opportunity to talk to like-minded people and share expertise – as a speaker on stage, or as attendee during discussions and breaks.

Open Source Camp is a conference format dedicated to different Open Source projects and products and of course their communities. Get in touch with the Open Source enthusiasts behind the presented project. Learn new features and techniques, benefit from their extensive know-how and get up-dated on the latest developments. Backup your seat!

Join stackconf too

OSCamp #5 on Bareos takes place directly after stackconf, on June 19, 2020 in Berlin. Conference and camp venue is the same. More about stackconf at! This is your chance to join two outstanding Open Source events in one week!

More info and tickets at

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