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Weekly Snap: OSDC 2014 Program, Coverity & Webinject

von | Feb 17, 2014 | WeeklySnap

weekly snap10 – 14 February covered code analysis, git management and Logstash basics, while announcing the OSDC speaker line up.
Eva started the week by counting 57 days to the OSDC, sharing Andrew Ford’s talk, ‘Software Packaging with RPM Demystified’ and announcing the final OSDC program for 2014.
Thomas then continued his Logstash series, explaining how Logstash works as a framework as Achim showed how to delete files from Git history using ‘git filter-branch’.
Finally, Gunnar shared another tool for static code analysis called Coverity while Markus offered a short guide to end-to-end monitoring with Webinject.

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