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Weekly Snap: PRIMERGY Solutions & New Noma, BP-Cronk and LConf Releases

von | Dez 13, 2010 | WeeklySnap

6 – 10 December handed out a few monitoring addon gifts for Christmas and promised one more for the Fujitsu server family.
Bernd reported from his visit to the PRIMERGY Solution Briefing in Augsberg which gathered server specialists from across Germany. Thanks to a long-standing partnership with Fujitsu Technology Services, NETWAYS had the opportunity to contribute a presentation introducing the current plugin check_fujitsu_primergy and the integration of iRMC cards. Both can be found in our demo system, open to all. To top it off, he promised a new plugin in progress for the Eternus series which will be released at the year’s end.
In the same spirit of giving, Jannis laid out a bunch of new monitoring tool releases under the NETWAYS Christmas tree: NoMa 1.0.6, LConf for Icinga 1.0.1 and BP-Cronk 1.0.1. Alongside bug fixes, the latest version of NoMa (Notification Manager) features new filter capabilities. So rules can now be set with host groups as well as hosts and services, saving time and sanity. LConf for Icinga brings an optimized directory information tree that automatically unfolds to show changes made and accepts common keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-C for copy) too. Finally, the latest Icinga Web cronk for Business Process Addons improved the configuration parser and made saving new configs more intuitive. All are available to download at or the Git with season’s greetings from the development team.

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