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OSCamp took a close look at Puppet

by | Nov 13, 2018 | Events, OSCAMP

If you want to meet the masterminds behind a certain project, one of the best things to do is join OSCamp. Each event in the OSCamp-series throws a spotlight on another Open Source tool. OSCamp‘s second edition was on Puppet – one of the leading configuration management tools, that has been used in many productive environments for years.
Taking place in the same venue as OSMC, the Puppet users among the OSMC attendees took the chance to join the Camp and get in touch with a lot of experienced Puppet people.
From NETWAYS my colleague Dirk Götz took part in the OSCamp as a speaker. Here is his what he experienced that day:
With Walter Gildersleeve being ill we had a changed agenda, so Martin Alfke (picture) started with a great talk on how you should handle Puppet modules. It was one of the best explanaitions of the Roles and Profiles pattern you can get including many pitfalls you should avoid handling the upstream modules.
Tim Meusel‘s first talk was on scaling and monitoring Puppetserver full of practical tipps for configuring Puppetserver, Foreman, PostgreSQL, and PuppetDB.
Bram Vogelaar talked about bootstraping a cloud infrastructure with Puppet and the Hashicorp stack based on his experience from doing so at a costumer.

Containers, de-mystified

Martin volunteered to give his great “Ops hates containers. Why?” talk as a second one which shows a good example for what Devops should not look like. But then he de-mystified containers and explained how to combine container and configuration management in a good way.
After lunch I tried to squeeze all my tipps on deploying Foreman into an already existing Puppet environment into 30 minutes and to convince attendees to do so with a demo.
Kris Buytaert and Lander Van den Bulcke explained why it is so complicated to get on newer versions of Puppet in an enterprise environment and shared helpful information on how to get this done successfully.

Introduction into Vox Pupuli

Tim finished the round of talks with an introduction into Vox Pupuli the biggest community maintaining Puppet modules. It is always fascinating and inspiring to see how much work some Open Source communities do to get the tool of their choice into its best shape.
Afterwards a platform for open discussion was provided so people could share more knowledge, learn from each other and get new ideas and optimization hints for their own environment. Stay tuned to get to know what Open Source project the our next OSCamp will focus on!


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