weekly snapOct 12-16 offered Jasper reporting and J2EE monitoring tips on the NETWAYS Blog for a chill week in both tone and temperature.
On monitoring J2EE with Nagios, we briefly touched on two methods- the standard check_jmx and the less known, though noteworthy check_jmx4perl.
On the Jasper front Bernd steadfastly ploughed on, sharing his tips on business process reporting and report distribution. Because service availability often involves various components working in harmony, Bernd showed how to monitor and report on complex business process with aggregated host and services according to definable rules.
Building on his prior post on Jasper server for the dispatch of reports, Bernd delved deeper into the configuration of the integrated Quartz Scheduler, alongside report parameters, recurrence and storage over the web interface.
For those who may have lost track of Bernd’s Jasper musings, next week he’ll round up his record long series which we became so fond of.