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stackconf 2023 | Cooking up o11y w/ Feature Flagging

von | Mai 17, 2024 | stackconf

Let’s reflect together on the highlights of stackconf 2023. In this blog series, we present our featured speakers and their presentations, which provided us with first-class expert knowledge and inspiring ideas. Today we remember Alayshia Nighten with her presentation “Cooking up o11y w/ Feature Flagging”.



Alayshia explains how feature flags provide the ability to flexibly enable or disable code without having to make source code changes.
Feature flags provide the ability to flexibly enable or disable code without having to change the source code. In combination with Observability (o11y), the result is an extremely powerful combination.
Alayshia shows not only the technical aspects, but also the business implications. The combination of o11y and feature flags enables teams to understand in real time.
This provides unprecedented transparency and understanding of complex systems.



Alayshia’s Talk

Take advantage of the presentation video along with her slides. This presents a fantastic opportunity to revisit key points of the discussed topic.

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Stay in Loop

Mark the date for stackconf 2024 in your calendar on June 18 & 19. Tickets are already available. Grab yours now and stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter! The program with fantastic speakers is already online, take a look and secure your ticket.

Sebastian Zwing
Sebastian Zwing
Marketing Specialist

Sebastian verstärkt seit November 2023 unser Marketingteam. Als Marketing Specialist wird er die Kommunikation der NETWAYS GmbH weiter mit ausbauen und neue Ideen einbringen. Seine Freizeit verbringt Sebastian gerne auf Reisen, als Hobbykoch in der Küche oder am Grill, an der frischen Luft, an und auf dem Wasser, oder auf dem Zweirad.

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