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Reflecting on DevOpsDays Berlin 2024

von | Mai 14, 2024 | Events

A week ago, we kicked off this year’s DevOpsDays Berlin. Today we want to reflect on the event, which was a great success.


An Insightful Agenda

The conference began with insightful keynote sessions, followed by our Open Spaces in the afternoon. The speakers at DevOpsDays Berlin 2024 covered a wide range of topics that were interesting and important for the DevOps community. They talked about things like how power structures affect teams, the problems with using static credentials, and what we can learn from failed attempts at GitOps. They also discussed product management in DevOps and how to mentor junior engineers. Some speakers even gave quick talks about different subjects, like cyber laws and how to monitor your well-being using technology. The Open Space sessions let everyone discuss these topics more deeply and share their own ideas and experiences. From transitioning to microservices to building new platforms, the speakers gave valuable insights into the world of DevOps.


Networking & Socializing

The networking at DevOpsDays Berlin 2024 was lively and helpful. DevOps enthusiasts were talking and sharing, making connections and exchanging ideas during breaks, lunches, and the evening event. These conversations were a big part of the event, making it a great place to meet new people and learn from each other.


Thanks to our Sponsors

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our sponsors whose generous support made DevOpsDays Berlin 2024 possible. Their contributions helped create an enriching and memorable experience for all attendees. We deeply appreciate their commitment to cloudsmith, snyk, Thomas Krenn, B1Systems, Regio, JFrog, Tigera, splunk, ManageEngine, and doit! Thank you for your invaluable support and dedication to advancing the principles and practices of DevOps.


Enjoy the Conference Pictures

Take a glimpse into the dynamic atmosphere of DevOpsDays Berlin 2024 through our collection of event photos, capturing the spirit of collaboration and excitement shared by all attendees.


Stay tuned for next year’s edition of DevOpsDays Berlin. The date will be announced soon!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

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