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stackconf 2023 | Excitement is in the Air!

von | Sep 12, 2023 | stackconf

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the world of cutting-edge cloud native infrastructure solutions? The wait is finally over as the highly anticipated stackconf 2023 is set to begin tomorrow!

Hello Berlin!

Yesterday, Katja and Lukas took their packed car and drove to the venue of stackconf 2023. After a long, sunny and safe journey they arrived in Berlin. Their excitement is at its peak as they can’t wait for the event to finally start. So, they relaxed and enjoyed the summer evening before starting to set up the conference tomorrow.



Don’t be shy and say Hi!

The first step to an amazing stackconf experience is checking in. We’ve opened our counter in the afternoon and were thrilled about the big amount of attendees that have already checked-in and said “Hello”. We also look forward to welcoming the rest of our participants tomorrow morning from 8 – 9 AM! So, make sure to check-in and grab your badge before the welcoming session starts at 9 AM! PS: You can visit our booth at any time in case you have any questions – or want some sweets. 😉



The Welcome Dinner

Some of our attendees are already enjoying our wonderful Welcome Dinner at the conference venue. It’s time for good food and even better conversations before the conference will start tomorrow. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded attendees, network and socialize.

In case you will arrive tomorrow, you can look forward to our Evening Event where you can wind down the evening of the first conference day in a relaxed atmosphere after a day full of interesting talks and discussions.



Last Chance for Tickets!

You don’t live far away or even come from Berlin and you’d like to also join us at stackconf from tomorrow on? Great! Our tickets are still on sale and you can grab yours today and attend the event spontaneously. Just check out our ticket website. The price includes attendance at all presentations, refreshments during the morning and afternoon breaks, lunch on both conference days incl. softdrinks, dinner & drinks event on the first conference day.



Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC, die DevOpsDays Berlin, Open Source Camps, sowie unsere Trainings. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

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