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3 Compelling Reasons to Join stackonf 2023!

von | Jul 25, 2023 | stackconf

Are you ready to take your IT knowledge to new heights? Look no further as stackconf is the must-attend conference for IT open source enthusiasts and professionals! stackconf promises to be an unforgettable event filled with cutting-edge insights, engaging discussions, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Unlock a world of possibilities on September 13 – 14 as we bring together an exceptional lineup of open source experts from industry-leading companies! Craft your personalized conference schedule from our exciting agenda, tailored to your interests and goals. With a set of over 30 top-class speakers, including open source infrastructure specialists, CTOs, CIOs, SREs, and pioneers of the industry you will learn from the best!
Here is a sneak peek of what awaits you – innovation, insights, and connections that will take you to new horizons!

But wait, there is even more about stackconf

Here are the three most compelling reasons why you should secure your ticket for stackconf today:

  • Embrace Cutting-Edge Trends
    Get ready for stackconf! This mind-blowing conference is the ultimate front row seat to the coolest trends and innovations in the IT industry. Whether it’s Kubernetes, GitLab, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Calico or Victoria Metrics – learn all about the best technologies in Cloud Native Infrastructure Solutions. Put yourself at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field!
  • Unite in a Bubbly Community
    Connect, network, and rub shoulders with a vibrant community of open source gurus and tech aficionados! Whether you’re an experienced pro or a tech rookie, stackconf offers the perfect stage to build lasting relationships and ignite future collaborations. The welcome dinner, interactive sessions, and the evening event will make forging connections an absolute blast!
  • Power Up Your Skills
    stackconf isn’t just another conference – it’s a turbo-charged opportunity for personal and professional growth! With industry experts from Google, Honeycomb, LinkedIn, SUSE, VMware, and more, prepare to elevate your knowledge to new heights. You will leave with a head buzzing with fresh insights and solutions for tomorrow’s challenges.

With an exceptional lineup of speakers, a diverse range of topics, and unparalleled networking opportunities, stackconf is the ultimate event to fuel your IT passion and accelerate your professional growth!

Access the full spectrum of cloud native infrastructure solutions with a single, all-inclusive ticket! Don’t miss out – secure your tickets today and join us on September 13 & 14 in Berlin for an unforgettable experience filled with learning, collaboration, and inspiration.

Let’s unleash the full potential of open source power together at stackconf!

Ingrida Leskova
Ingrida Leskova
Marketing Specialist

Ingrida ist seit Mai 2023 im NETWAYS Marketingteam tätig. Sie hat vor kurzem ihr Masterstudium in Marketing Management abgeschlossen und unterstützt uns als Marketing-Spezialistin mit ihrem Wissen in den Bereichen Marketing-Konzeption, Online-Marketing und Branding. Ingrida kann sich fließend in vier Sprachen unterhalten und in zwei weiteren Sprachen auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau. In ihrer Freizeit geht sie gerne schwimmen und bei schönem Wetter wandern oder Inline-Skates fahren. Sie liebt internationale Küche und probiert gern neue Rezepte aus.

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