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NWS goes stackconf

About stackconf 2022

This year’s stackconf takes place in the beautiful Meliá Berlin. After a long draught, the conference can finally take place in person! We can finally meet other developers, users and people interested in the same topics again.
The conference features talks about a wide variety of topics related to cloud native technologies, infrastructure automation and lessions learned.


Who is going?

Being a silver sponsor most of the NWS team is present at the conference. We would love to get in touch with you and talk tech! in addition our CEO, Bernd Erk, is going to give the opening speech and Sebastian Saemann will show us how to use Vitess on Kubernetes with an intriguing demo.


What am I personally looking forward to?

I personally can’t wait to get insights into the big Spotify outage in March, which I was effected by as well. It’s always great to hear from other companies how they handle failures of any kind. Another talk I can’t wait to see is the Metal³ talk about provisioning infrastructure directly with Kubernetes. Since many workloads seem to shift to Kubernetes it’s a natural progression to manage everything with it. Unfortunately that means that I will miss the equally interesting talk about Nomad, an alternative to Kubernetes, and Waypoint. But since every talk will be recorded and uploaded onto the NETWAYS YouTube Channel, I’ll definitely catch up on it!


What to expect?

There will be people from all over the world joining the conference. It will be an opportunity to meet like-minded, interesting people and to exchange opinions, discuss experiences or just enjoy a chat with them.
The schedule already reveals that there will be many top engineers, CTOs and developers from all sorts of companies giving insights into their business, as well as experiences, best practices and invaluable knowledge learned by doing the wrong thing. A lot of interesting topics will be covered – there is surely something for everyone!


Are you going?

I’m already excited to go there and can’t wait to learn many new things regarding Kubernetes, CI/CD and much more.
Me and my colleagues are also thrilled that we can join the conference in person! Having the chance to meet other people face to face is just something different and also watching keynotes and demos (fail) live on site is always exciting. Will you be there, too? We sure hope so – otherwise, you can still get your ticket(s) for the on-site event in Berlin!

Follow us on twitter to get some first hand impressions of our experience at the stackconf 2022!

Justin Lamp
Justin Lamp
Systems Engineer

Justin hat 2022 die Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration im "echten" Norden abgeschlossen. Durch seine große Verbundundenheit zu Open Source hat er aber schnell gemerkt, dass ihm Themen im Kubernetes und OpenStack Bereich mehr liegen als im propreritären Microsoft/ VMWare Umfeld. So hat er beschlossen den Schritt zu wagen und andere Teile Deutschlands zu erkunden, um NETWAYS im Team Web Services tatkräftig zu unterstützen. Wenn er nicht in den Untiefen des Linux-Universum unterwegs ist, macht er leidenschaftlich Leichtathletik, geht Wandern und Mountainbiking.

Jitsi VP9 Feature

What is VP9?

After a lot of preperations we are finally ready to offer our customers the possibility to activate VP9 as an option. After many setbacks due to bugs and other problems, we have managed to integrate VP9 into our Jitsi environment. VP9 is a videocodec such as H.246 or VP8 the main differences between those codecs are the CPU and bandwidth usage. VP9 uses about 50% less of your bandwidth compared to H.246, which is an enormous improvement. That makes it a great choice if you’re working with video at different sizes, or if you’re focusing specifically on HD. VP9 can use hardware decoding on Intel and ARM devices. Thanks to widespread hardware support, it gives you smoother playback on PCs in most scenarios. That makes it ideal for general use. It’s also the best codec choice for high-quality YouTube videos. If you want to watch 4K on YouTube, you need VP9.
There are still issues with browsers that are not chrome based, but with that said, VP9 is a feature that was much needed. The efficiency that comes with it takes video conferencing in Jitsi to the next level. However, it‘s also important to note that this works best if the device you’re using has VP9 hardware acceleration enabled. If not, your device may also quickly reach its limits. The best thing to do is to look on the Internet to see if your built-in CPU or GPU supports this acceleration. Also, this is not always enabled directly and may need to be enabled first.

Enable VP9 feature

To use VP9 you have to enable it in the NWS web interface. First select your Jitsi, then go to Settings in the optional Features section. There you will already see the VP9 option, click on the small dropdown window and check the box. After that you have to click on “Save customization” and after a short time your Jitsi is activated with VP9.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Chrome or your Chrome based browser, otherwise VP9 may not be available yet. If you join with another browser that does not support VP9, the session will automatically be reset to VP8. However, this can cause problems again, so we recommend using only Chrome or Chrome-based browsers in the latest version.

Apart from the VP9 feature, our Jitsi has also been updated to the latest version and here are a few of the new features.

Select background

You now have the possibility to cut out your video background and insert any image.
To do this you have to click on the three dots in the menu bar and then click on Select Background. Now you see different images, which are already available by default. However, if you then press “Add background“ you can search locally for your own image and select it. It is even possible to choose your screensharing as background.

Live reactions

Another feature is the possibility to react live with an emote. To do this, navigate back to the menu bar and select the arrow on the raise hand function. You will then see some new emotes which you can select. If one of these emotes is pressed, this emote will be shown to everyone in the session and will also be played with an audio playback. However, this audio playback can also be very annoying. If you want to deactivate it, you have to go to the settings. To do this, go back to the menu bar, on the three points, then settings and select sounds and uncheck Interactions.

Framerate for screen sharing

If you have a low frame rate for your screen sharing, you can also set it higher in the settings. To do so, navigate back to the settings and then select more. Now you will see the option Frame rate for screen sharing, this should be set to 5 FPS by default, but you can also select 15 or 30 FPS. Note that this setting will not be applied if you are already sharing your screen. You will need to start sharing again for these settings to be applied.

Joshua Hartmann
Joshua Hartmann
Systems Engineer

Joshua hat im Sommer 2023 seine Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration bei den NETWAYS Web Services erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Heute ist er ein wichtiger Teil des Teams, das sich mit großer Hingabe um die Kundenbetreuung und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der SaaS-Apps kümmert. Neben seinem musikalischen Talent am Klavier hat Joshua eine Leidenschaft für Wintersport und findet auch Freude im Gaming. Doch am allerliebsten verbringt er seine Zeit mit seiner besseren Hälfte, denn sie ist für ihn das größte Glück.