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Cachet now available at NETWAYS Web Services

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Web Services, Container, Apps, Cachet

We think communication is crucial. Especially during downtimes. That’s why we release a new app today. An app, which allows you to share all necessary information about your services and servers with your users. Cachet is software that improves downtime.

Cachet is a status page, which is very simple to use, yet it offers many opportunities, to better communicate downtime and system outages to customers, teams and shareholders. You can display the status of your services, websites and servers. You can create and show metrics, plan maintenances or inform your users about current issues.



Cachet comes with a powerfull API. In the detailed documentation you can generate your calls for whatever you want to create or change. All information which can be created and edited in the admin panel, can also be created and changed with an API call. The interesting part about Cachet is that administrators have the opportunity to automate the updates. For example with data of your monitoring or some scripts on your hosts which check some services.

In the following command, you would create a new incident with the name “Down” and the message “A server went down“.

  • It will be in the state “1“, which means “investigating
  • The component which is affected by this incident has the id 2, which is in this case “My Login
  • The component will be in state “4“, which means “Major Outage
  • Notify: true – so your user would receive an email with about this incident.

mgebert@MacBook-Pro ~ $ curl --request POST --url -H "Content-Type: application/json;" -H "X-Cachet-Token: j5t0mNvvh57ubO84TxJq" --data '{"name":"Down","message":"A server went down.","status":1,"visible":1,"component_id":2,"component_status":4,"notify":"true"}'

If you want to notify your users as soon as an incident was reported, you will have to configure the credentials for your mailserver and enable the “Subscribe” button, which can be done in the settings quite simple.

But if you don’t want to use the API, you can create and manage your information just by changing the states of your components and incidents, as you can see in the screenshots below.


You can start your own Cachet app at the NWS platform now on our platform. First 30 days are for free and the app will be ready within 5 minutes – so what are you waiting for?

Last but not least, I want to share with you the link to a temporary available demo installation, so you can have a look at it right now. Check it out!


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