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Chrome, certificates and missing_subjectAltNames

by | May 24, 2017 | Windows, Betriebssysteme, Security

Google has been actively trying to ensure certificate security especially in the last months.
Sometimes this created quite some buzz in the IT World, e.g. when Symantecs policies came into the focus.
Current version 58 of Google Chrome has again adjusted the certificate policy.
Certificates provide two ways to store hostnames: CommonName and SubjectAltName (SAN). RFC 2818 specified in 2000 that CommonName should be deprecated, which Chrome now complies to.
Other browsers are currently still accepting the CommonName, which is mostly used by selfsigned certificates, as in our case :/
Users who wanted to access our internal sites encountered error messages and were forced to use quick and dirty workarounds, such as using a Windows registry “hack”:
Open a cmd-Shell as Administrator and enter:
reg add \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome /v EnableCommonNameFallbackForLocalAnchors /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
which reactivates the fallback to CommonName
As this is just a temporary “solution”, you should issue an RFC 2818 conform certificate. This can be realized by using a complete and compliant certificate signing request (CSR).
You can either use a specially designed *.conf File for this or simply adapt the following shell command:

openssl req -new-key -sha256 -nodes  -subj '/C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/O=End Point/OU=Hosting Team/,,' >
The created csr can be fed e.g. into your local CA to issue new certificates which can be rolled out in your environment.
Live long and prosper and be RFC compliant 🙂
Tim Albert
Tim Albert
Senior Systems Engineer

Tim kommt aus einem kleinen Ort zwischen Nürnberg und Ansbach, an der malerischen B14 gelegen. Er hat in Erlangen Lehramt und in Koblenz Informationsmanagement studiert. Seit Anfang 2016 ist er bei uns tätig. Zuerst im Managed Services Team, dort kümmerte Tim sich um Infrastrukturthemen und den internen Support, um dann 2019 - zusammen mit Marius - Gründungsmitglied der ITSM Abteilung zu werden. In seiner Freizeit engagiert sich Tim in der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr – als Maschinist und Atemschutzgeräteträger -, spielt im Laientheater Bauernschwänke und ist auch handwerklich ein absolutes Allroundtalent. Angefangen von Mauern hochziehen bis hin zur KNX-Verkabelung ist er jederzeit...


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