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stackconf 2024 | Announcing our First Speakers

The Wait is Over!

We’re super excited to finally announce our first confirmed speakers for stackconf 2024. It’s a diverse group of international experts who specialize in cloud-native infrastructure solutions. Have a look and see which topics interest you the most. There are more to come in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!


Spoiler Alert!

Here’s a small insight into our great line-up:


Step-by-step algorithm for building CI/CD as an automated quality control system

Alex’s presentation delves into CI/CD from a tester’s perspective, highlighting the importance of leveraging automated metrics for decision-making and adopting a fail-first approach in pipeline design. Throughout the talk, she explores different pipeline types and triggers for efficient testing, emphasizing key criteria for effectiveness. The role of Quality Gates and automated control systems in enforcing standards is also discussed, underscoring Alex’s focus on ensuring reliability and quality in software delivery.



Building large-scale Internal Developer Platforms: Core Principles

Arnold’s talk navigates the complexities of cloud computing, transcending its enigmatic allure. He highlights RTL Data’s internal developer platform, serving 30+ teams with diverse technologies. Arnold underscores RTL’s decentralized infrastructure, which has rapidly produced over 400 GCP projects and 100 GKE clusters in 2-3 years, showcasing its commitment to scalable and efficient software delivery.



Looking into the Closet from Code to Cloud with Bills of Material

Anaïs talks about Bills of Material (BOM) and how they are changing. In her presentation, she shows how to deal with differences in tool and BOM outputs. Using easy-to-understand demos, she explains how to make BOMs with Trivy, Syft, and Microsoft SBOM. Anais focuses on checking security and quality with Lockheed Martin’s sbom-comparator. She also shows how to use BOMs in security scans and reduce vulnerability scan noise with VEX documents.



Scaling Up, Not Out: Managing Enterprise Demands in a Growing SaaS Startup

Every founder reaches a crucial point when their product gains traction. They attract big clients, like software leaders, banks, and retail giants, who pay generously for niche solutions. While exciting, catering to these clients‘ demands can veer the product away from its original vision. Vishwa’s talk advises founders on balancing enterprise customer needs while staying true to their company’s vision.


Save your Ticket!

Curious about the event program and excited to join stackconf 2024 on June 18 & 19 in Berlin? Act now and reserve your spot! Make sure you don’t miss any important stackconf updates and sign up for our mailing list. Stay connected for upcoming announcements!


Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf 2023 | It´s time to rebuild DevOps

Let’s dive into the memories of stackconf 2023 together, which provided us with numerous insights and first-class expert knowledge. As part of this blog series, we would like to introduce you to the featured speakers and their presentations. Today – Paul Stack and his talk „It’s time to rebuild DevOps“ on how to inspire new tool development.


A short Summary

Paul’s approach emphasizes the need to redefine DevOps tools to meet the original goals of the movement by breaking down existing silos and improving communication. The featured systems initiative presents a modern, simulation-based workflow that enables real-time, multiplayer and multimodal collaboration to increase productivity in infrastructure management.




Watch Paul’s Talk

Take a deep dive into Paul’s reflection from his long journey through DevOps-lessons. Explore his presentation video and his slides.

YouTube player

Stay tuned

Save the date for stackconf 2024, the first speakers are already online. Mark June 18 and 19 in your calendar. Secure your ticket and stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter!

Sebastian Zwing
Sebastian Zwing
Marketing Specialist

Sebastian verstärkt seit November 2023 unser Marketingteam. Als Marketing Specialist wird er die Kommunikation der NETWAYS GmbH weiter mit ausbauen und neue Ideen einbringen. Seine Freizeit verbringt Sebastian gerne auf Reisen, als Hobbykoch in der Küche oder am Grill, an der frischen Luft, an und auf dem Wasser, oder auf dem Zweirad.

stackconf 2023 | Climbing high — getting started with cloud native security through open source

Let us once again immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of the past stackconf 2023, where we were able to experience numerous exciting insights into expert knowledge. In our blog series, we would like to introduce you to the keynote speakers and their captivating presentations. Today we would like to remember Anaïs Urlichs and her inspiring talk on „Climbing high – getting started with cloud native security through open source“.


Take a Glimpse inside:

Anaïs points out that security-specific tools often only come into focus when they are urgently needed or when something bad has happened. While larger companies establish safety teams, many smaller organizations and individuals are left without this resource. The first part of her presentation discusses the parallels between climbing and the need for a safety mindset. Without safety specialists on the team, it could be risky for most cluster administrators, similar to free climbing, which is more suited to experienced experts. In the second part, Anais shows how cloud native security tools such as Trivy can be integrated into existing processes and monitoring systems. The goal is to equip Kubernetes cluster administrators and engineers with the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure the security of their resources without having to be experts in the field themselves.


Let’s have a Look at her Talk:

Get insider knowledge through Anais and watch her presentation.

YouTube player


Go Get Connected:

The date for stackconf 2024 is already fixed! Make a note of June 18 & 19. Early Bird Tickets are on sale and available until February 29. Secure yours now and don’t miss out. Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date!


Sebastian Zwing
Sebastian Zwing
Marketing Specialist

Sebastian verstärkt seit November 2023 unser Marketingteam. Als Marketing Specialist wird er die Kommunikation der NETWAYS GmbH weiter mit ausbauen und neue Ideen einbringen. Seine Freizeit verbringt Sebastian gerne auf Reisen, als Hobbykoch in der Küche oder am Grill, an der frischen Luft, an und auf dem Wasser, oder auf dem Zweirad.

OSMC 2023 | Journey to Observability: Tracking every Function Execution in Production

In his talk at OSMC 2023 Lucas Copi, Kubernetes Expert at IBM Cloud, tells us about their journey to observability in their modern cloud environment based on RedHat Openshift.

First of all, let’s look at the differences between observability and monitoring.

  • Monitoring means tracking things happening on your infrastructure. It helps you to detect issues as they occur and to take action in order to counter them.
  • Observability, on the other hand, involves the collection of data. By analyzing them, it allows you to get insights about the system’s overall state.

As Lucas and his team at IBM Cloud faced issues with their old infrastructure as a big monolithic, they decided to separate it into many smaller parts – you could call them microservices. They integrated tons of tests, like about 50k of regression cases, and refactored many parts of their infrastructure’s code for better unit tests. All of that made them learn one lesson: Testing in pre production environments is not always enough.

Not testing in prod is like not practicing with the full orchestra because your solo sounded fine at home.

Usually, even the best pre-prod environment is much smaller than the actual prod environment and therefore not suitable for certain tests. Testing in production does not mean only testing in production.
Another lesson they learned: It’s not always possible to fix issues in your environment, due to not having enough metrics and logs. There are 4 golden pillars for every operation: Latency, Throughput, Errors and Saturation. There are some existing solutions that are great at adding observability to the interactions between services. They include Grafana, OpenTelemetry, istio and honeycomb. But all these were not able to satisfy all needs of Lucas‘ Team. As a solution, they made a custom tool in golang, called „The Observability context“. Basically, it provides consistency throughout execution flows and across the observability pillars. They are using the new tool for measuring code performance.

Observability changed their mindset. Now, it’s not only about features and „Runs everything?“, but more „How good is it working?“. Introducing observability actually decreased the number of problems customers are facing. This shift not only overcomes testing limitations but also minimizes customer-facing issues. Observability emerges as a key catalyst for continuous improvement and reliability in modern cloud environments.

Björn Berg
Björn Berg
Junior Consultant

Björn hat nach seinem Abitur 2019 Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit in Ansbach studiert. Nach einigen Semestern entschied er sich auf eine Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration umzusteigen und fing im September 2021 bei NETWAYS Professional Services an. Auch in seiner Freizeit sitzt er viel vor seinem PC und hat Spaß mit diversen Spielen, experimentiert auch mit verschiedenen Linux-Distributionen herum und geht im Sommer gerne mal campen.

stackconf 2023 | Scaling a Collaboration Service like Nextcloud to 20 Million users

Let’s reminisce about stackconf 2023, which brought many insights, first-hand expert knowledge and inspiring ideas. In this blog series, we introduce you to our keynote speakers and their presentations at stackconf.
The next suggestion by Frank Karlitschek, „Scaling a Collaboration Service like Nextcloud to 20 Million users“ deals with the scaling of Nextcloud instances across different hosting centers.


A Short Summary of the Topic

Frank highlights the increasing centralization of user data by large US companies and advocates retaining control over personal data, protecting privacy and avoiding dependence on a few providers. To achieve these goals, open source, self-hosted and federated alternatives are recommended. He emphasizes that the internet and web are based on a distributed architecture and cloud services should follow this model. The talk presents an example of how a Nextcloud instance with 20 million users can be scaled across different hosting centers and continents. Both conceptual approaches and concrete implementations of Kubernetes, Ceph and MariaDB Clustering will be presented.


Watch Frank´s Talk

Check out his presentation video and his slides. It is a good opportunity to review key points and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic covered.

YouTube player


Stay in the Loop

Save the date for stackconf 2024 on June 18 and 19 in your calendar! We´re currently looking for speakers that help us shape the next conference program. Talk proposals can be submitted until March 31. Our Early Bird tickets are available until February 29. Secure yours now, stay up to date and sign up for our newsletter!

Sebastian Zwing
Sebastian Zwing
Marketing Specialist

Sebastian verstärkt seit November 2023 unser Marketingteam. Als Marketing Specialist wird er die Kommunikation der NETWAYS GmbH weiter mit ausbauen und neue Ideen einbringen. Seine Freizeit verbringt Sebastian gerne auf Reisen, als Hobbykoch in der Küche oder am Grill, an der frischen Luft, an und auf dem Wasser, oder auf dem Zweirad.