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NETWAYS sponsors The OpenNebula TechDay on June 2, 2016

Basic CMYKThe Event
The OpenNebula TechDay is a full day event to learn about OpenNebula with a hands-on cloud installation and operation workshop, as well as presentations from community members and users. The event is targeted at cloud architects, data center admins, systems admins, systems integrators, DevOps architects, and solutions architects. The emphasis is to find local speakers and users to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences using OpenNebula.
The number of seats is limited to ensure there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to interact. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible.
Call for Papers
You would like to give a talk and you are interested in

  • Sharing cloud use cases and deployment experiences,
  • Introducing new integrations and ecosystem developments,
  • Describing other related cloud open-source projects and tools?

Then send your proposal at or
Participation is free of charge! Please sign up for attendance since the number of seats is limited.
Sponsor and Location
NETWAYS will host the event and take care of the organization on-site.
The TechDay will be held at
Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
90429 Nuremberg

Further Information
To learn more about OpenNebula TechDays, get detailed information on agenda, speakers, workshops, etc., visit:

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!

OpenNebula Conf 2014: Thank you!

OpenNebula_430_101_res150We already prepared an Oscar-worthy speech to thank a whole bunch of people, but somewhere between eating tons of Currywurst and buying a bazillon Donuts for the way back to Nuremberg, we must have lost the notes we prepared.
So let’s improvise a bit: This year we would like to thank the Linux Magazine again, for supporting us with media coverage. And OF COURSE… *drum roll*… OpenNebula Systems (formaly known as C12G Labs) for being our partner in crime 🙂
And yes, we would like also to thank everybody who was there! 🙂
The plans for next years Conf are in development and we will come back to you with more information as soon as possible.

First day of OpenNebula Conf

…or the day before the Conf – depending on how you count.
We started the day early to get from the NETWAYS headquater in Nuremberg to the conference hotel Berlin. Our friends from OpenNebula were already there and we could make all preparations for the workshops very smoothly. There was even enough time to take a snack.
Exactly at 2:00 pm (just like expected when dealing with pettifogging Germans) the workshops started. Now the next thing we are looking forward to is dinner. 🙂
Tomorrow the actual conference will start and will officially be opened with Ignacio M. Llorentes kick off “State and Future of OpenNebula”. We can also look forward to David Lutterkort talking about what an enchanting match Puppet and OpenNebula are.
The early afternoon will then be filled with enlightening talks by Carlo Daffara and Daniel Molina until it’s time for dinner again. 🙂
Late afternoon (or pre evening event time slot, as we call it) will start with another highlight: Armin Deliomini will tell us how Runtastic switched from commercial products to Open Source only. Now, about one year later, he will give us an insight to the Status Quo where the private infrastructure for more than 40 000 000 registered users for Runtastic is implemented.
Also the talks of Jose Angel Diaz (CENATIC), Jordi Guijarro (CSUC) Tino Vazquez (OpenNebula) and many more will sweeten the time until the evening event finally starts. This year we will be at the restaurant “Alte Meierei”.
And then we just have to wake up once again, until the next Conf day, with even more highlights starts. 🙂

Weekly Snap: OpenNebula Conf Speakers, PHP SPL Queues & Throttling VMs

weekly snap4 – 8 August started as it ended, with event announcements from OSMC and OpenNebula Conf, complemented by tips on Puppet, virtualisation and PHP.
Eva counted 113 days to the OSMC with Andreas Ericsson’s announcement of his Nagios fork, Naemon.
Sebastian looked at throttling resources on virtual machines as Alexander gave a quick example of how to use PHP SPL Queue.
Lennart followed with a little Puppet tip in the lead up to the Puppet Camp on 16 October in Dusseldorf.
Finally, Eva ended the week by announcing the OpenNebula Conf 2014 program featuring keynote speakers David Lutterkort from Puppet Labs, Armin Deliomini of Runtastic and a host of engineers and developers from the OpenNebula project itself.

OpenNebula Conf 2014: Das schönste Programm das man nur haben kann

Eigenlob stinkt natürlich, aber das Programm für die OpenNebula Conf ist eines der schönsten, die man so haben kann. Diesmal wird uns David Lutterkort, von unserem Partner Puppet Labs, beehren und vom äußerst fruchtbaren Zusammenspiel von Puppet und OpenNebula berichten.
Außerdem gibt es mit Armin Deliomini von Runtastic auch den richtigen Referenten zur Feier unserer unlängst errungenen sportlichen Erfolge. Selbstverständlich werden aber auch die Jungs von OpenNebula selbst Teil unserer illustren Runde sein und uns an ihrem wertvollen Insiderwissen teilhaben lassen.
Und nu?
Ticket sichern, würd‘ ich sagen 🙂