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stackconf online 2021 | Setup and Open Policy Agent for a multi purpose scientific platform

This entry is part 7 of 27 in the series stackconf online 2021

This year’s stackconf is over and was a big success. The three-day conference last summer was all about open source infrastructures where trendsetting concepts, state-of-the-art technical expertise, top-level discussions and new perspectives have shaped the event.

Besides our 30 amazing experts sessions we were also excited about the large amount of participants from all over the world. Our audience included renowned infrastructure spezialists, industry leaders, experienced administrators and IT architects as well as a wild bunch of open source community enthusiasts.

For all of you who couldn’t join the Open Source Infrastructure Conference I’ve something awesome today.

Diego Ciangottini has inspired us with his talk focussing on the adopted storage platform that is based on with a fine grained authorization model obtained by the combination of the AWS STS authentication flow and the native integration with the OpenPolicyAgent. Enjoy his lecture!


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stackconf 2022 will take place from May 16-17 in Berlin. Early Bird Tickets are already on sale and available until January 31, 2022. Grab yours now!

We are already looking forward to meeting you all again in person this year.

If you want to learn more about infrastructure solutions in advance always keep in mind that there’s our archive where you can find all slides and videos of every stackconf speaker.

Stay tuned!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf online 2021 | Autoscaling with HashiCorp Nomad

This entry is part 2 of 27 in the series stackconf online 2021

This year’s stackconf is over and was a big success. The three-day conference this summer was all about open source infrastructures where trendsetting concepts, state-of-the-art technical expertise, top-level discussions and new perspectives have shaped the event.

Besides our 30 amazing experts sessions we were also excited about the large amount of participants from all over the world. Our audience included renowned infrastructure spezialists, industry leaders, experienced administrators and IT architects as well as a wild bunch of open source community enthusiasts.

For all of you who couldn’t join the Open Source Infrastructure Conference I’ve something awesome today. Bram Vogelaar has inspired us with his talk “Autoscaling with HashiCorp Nomad”. He tols us how to setup nomad cluster that can automatically scale the infrastructure both horizontally as vertically to be able to cope with increased demand by users. Enjoy his lecture!


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stackconf 2022 will take place from May 16-17 in Berlin. We are already looking forward to meeting you all again in person next year.

If you want to learn more about infrastructure solutions in advance always keep in mind that there’s our archive where you can find all slides and videos of every stackconf speaker.

Stay tuned!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf online 2021 | GitOps: yea or nay?

This entry is part 7 of 27 in the series stackconf online 2021

This year’s stackconf is over and was a big success. The three-day conference this summer was all about open source infrastructures where trendsetting concepts, state-of-the-art technical expertise, top-level discussions and new perspectives have shaped the event.

Besides our 30 amazing experts sessions we were also excited about the large amount of participants from all over the world. Our audience included renowned infrastructure spezialists, industry leaders, experienced administrators and IT architects as well as a wild bunch of open source community enthusiasts.

For all of you who couldn’t join the Open Source Infrastructure Conference I’ve something awesome today. It’s all about Ricardo Castro’s talk “GitOps: yea or nay?”. It includes a demo of ArgoCD/Flux/Jenkins X on how to configure and use it to accelerate and simplify application deployments. Enjoy!


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stackconf 2022 will take place from May 16-17 in Berlin. We are already looking forward to meeting you all again in person next year.

If you want to learn more about infrastructure solutions in advance always keep in mind that there’s our archive where you can find all slides and videos of every stackconf speaker.

Stay tuned!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf online 2021 | The Importance of Visuals in Teaching Code and Reducing Bias

This entry is part 8 of 27 in the series stackconf online 2021

This year’s stackconf is over and was a big success. The three-day conference this summer was all about open source infrastructures where trendsetting concepts, state-of-the-art technical expertise, top-level discussions and new perspectives have shaped the event.

Besides our 30 amazing experts sessions we were also excited about the large amount of participants from all over the world. Our audience included renowned infrastructure spezialists, industry leaders, experienced administrators and IT architects as well as a wild bunch of open source community enthusiasts.

For all of you who couldn’t join the Open Source Infrastructure Conference I’ve something awesome today. Can you imagine to communicate the code concepts with images? Me neither. Tadeh Hakopian’s talk shows you how using geometry and modeling can acclimate novices to coding concepts using visual-spatial examples reinforced by coding concepts applicable anywhere. Enjoy!


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stackconf 2022 will take place in Berlin. We are already looking forward to meeting you all again in person next year. The exact date of the event will be announced soon.

If you want to learn more about infrastructure solutions in advance always keep in mind that there’s our archive where you can find all slides and videos of every stackconf speaker.

Stay tuned!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

stackconf online 2021 | Enabling multi-cloud and breaking vendor lock-in with Cloud Sidecar

This entry is part 9 of 27 in the series stackconf online 2021

This year’s stackconf is over and was a big success. The three-day conference this summer was all about open source infrastructures where trendsetting concepts, state-of-the-art technical expertise, top-level discussions and new perspectives have shaped the event.

Besides our 30 amazing experts sessions we were also excited about the large amount of participants from all over the world. Our audience included renowned infrastructure spezialists, industry leaders, experienced administrators and IT architects as well as a wild bunch of open source community enthusiasts.

For all of you who couldn’t join the Open Source Infrastructure Conference I’ve something awesome today. Lawrence Finn gave us an introduction into Cloud Sidecar, how it works, how easy it is to modify your software to use it and how you can deploy it. Enjoy his talk: “Enabling multi-cloud and breaking vendor lock-in with Cloud Sidecar”!


YouTube player


stackconf 2022 will take place in Berlin from May 16 – 17. We are already looking forward to meeting you all again in person next year.

If you want to learn more about infrastructure solutions in advance always keep in mind that there’s our archive where you can find all slides and videos of every stackconf speaker.

Stay tuned!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.