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Ansible – Use Blocks and Rescue Errors

by | Jun 26, 2020 | Perl, Ansible, Linux, DevOps

Ansible is a widely used and powerful open-source configuration and deployment management tool. It can be used for simple repetitive daily tasks or complex application deployments, therefore Ansible is able to cover mostly any situation.

Since version 2.0.0 Ansible introduced the usage of blocks, they provide the possibility to group or rescue failed tasks.
On blocks we can assign most directives which are available for any other task at block level, only loops aren’t available.

- name: Update Systems
  hosts: all
    - name: execute this block only for rhel family hosts
        - name: install epel repository
            name: epel-release
            state: present

        - name: install updates
            name: '*'
            state: latest
            exclude: kernel*

      when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
      become: true

When we try to deploy applications, sometimes we need to test connections or if requirements are met. When those tasks fail caused by the negative test result, the playbook by default fails and therefore stops.
To force Ansible to execute all other tasks, we could use the directive ignore_failed: true and checking the return value for any other depending task.

With blocks this is easily solved, by using rescue to catch the error and force a particular tasks to run.
The always will make sure that the listed tasks get executed.

- name: rescue my errors
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Try to reach host
        - name: "[Try reach DNS] Check Connection over DNS"
          command: ping client01.demo.local -c 2
          register: output
        - name: "[Rescue failed DNS] Check Connection over IP"
          command: ping -c 2
          register: output
        - debug:
            var: output

To handle more than one rescue statement, the block can be simply used in the rescue section, like in the following example.

  - name: Try to execute skript
      - name: Check Connection over DNS
        command: ping nclient01.demo.local -c 2
        register: output
      - name: "this will fail"
          - name: it will be false
            command: /bin/false
            register: output
          - name: "this works"
            command: ping -c 2
            register: output

Try to reduce ignored tasks in failed state with rescue blocks, this reduces the confusion of users when inspecting the output.
As second advice try to reduce code duplication by grouping tasks with similar directives.

Check out our Blog for more awesome posts and if you need help with Ansible send us a message or sign up for one of our trainings!

Thilo Wening
Thilo Wening
Manager Consulting

Thilo hat bei NETWAYS mit der Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker, Schwerpunkt Systemadministration begonnen und unterstützt nun nach erfolgreich bestandener Prüfung tatkräftig die Kollegen im Consulting. In seiner Freizeit ist er athletisch in der Senkrechten unterwegs und stählt seine Muskeln beim Bouldern. Als richtiger Profi macht er das natürlich am liebsten in der Natur und geht nur noch in Ausnahmefällen in die Kletterhalle.


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