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Modern Lifecycle Management

Foreman is a full server lifecycle management tool that empowers system administrators to easily automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications quickly, and proactively manage servers on-premises or in the cloud.


Open Source Lifecycle Management

Foreman is the lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. The “Vorarbeiter” is an open source project that supports administrators in managing their systems throughout their lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring.


Using Puppet or Ansible and Foreman’s Smart Proxy architecture, regular tasks can be automated and applications can be rolled out at the push of a button.



Foreman offers a web frontend, a CLI and a RESTful API. In addition, a large number of plugins are available to adapt Foreman to individual needs.


Foreman is an excellent front end for the open source versions of Puppet and Ansible – both for controlling and for analyzing the configuration management.


Adapts to your needs

With Foreman, applications can be quickly provided and servers provisioned (Bare Metal (MaaS), Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, OpenStack, Libvirt, oVirt, VMware and many other providers).


Provide complete systems from the ground up – controlled from one interface for bare metal systems as well as for private and public cloud systems.

Configuration Management

A complete solution for configuration management – with Puppet as well as Ansible and Ansible Tower / AWX.


Inventory and Activity Monitoring of Puppet, Ansible and Chef Reports and Facts – including all configuration states and trends.

Software Management

Local repositories for content management

Through the Katello project, Foreman also becomes a solution for software management, often referred to as content management. So if you choose the Katello installation variant, you get a local mirror for software repositories and the option of filtering their content in content views and testing updates in a test environment using lifecycle environments before they are imported into production.

Provided that they have the appropriate subscription, Red Hat and SUSE customers also receive integration for the Enterprise Linux derivatives. Katello also forms the basis for enterprise solutions such as the Red Hat Network Satellite 6 and orcharhino.


Task management and templates

With the remote execution plug-in, jobs can be executed ad-hoc or recurring at set times. If you want, you can use simple shell commands or Ansible playbooks. If the ready-made jobs are not enough, new templates can also be created. With live output and overviews of the status of the individual jobs, nothing stands in the way of even the most critical tasks.


Foreman with Puppet or Ansible


Foreman Consulting

We help you with the conception, installation and integration of your environment – for more power, know-how, peace of mind!

Everything from a single source

The holistic portfolio of NETWAYS

You need support with the planning, implementation and operation of your Foreman environment. NETWAYS supports you in all matters relating to consulting, outsourcing and, of course, training.

Know How

Full Understanding

We not only understand your IT systems and services, but the big picture and the countless aspects of operating complex IT infrastructures. There is often a lack of time and personnel with increasing complexity and a rapidly changing IT world.

Peace of Mind

Targeted Reinforcement

As Linux generalists and open source experts, we have a broad base and are well integrated into the open source communities. With us you are never alone! Whether as an IT consultant, engineer, support or architect – we strengthen your team and relieve you of work.

Everything from a Single Source

The holistic portfolio of NETWAYS

You need support in planning, implementing and operating your Foreman environment. NETWAYS supports you in all matters relating to consulting, outsourcing and, of course, training.

IT Outsourcing

As an external IT department, we take over the complete operation of entire environments. We take care of all the necessary systems from the open source world and work with you.


With us you get quick help from your personal systems engineer. Whether by phone, chat, email or ticket: we are always there for you! Foreman not doing what it’s supposed to? Get it contact with us!


We are happy to pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge to you in our training courses and workshops. Of course, as face-to-face and of course online training.


Posts from our Blog

Foreman Birthday Event 2024 – Recap

Foreman Birthday Event 2024 – Recap

On Monday, 15.07.2024, I met early with my colleagues Lennart and Matthias to travel to Garching for the Foreman Birthday Event. This year it was again hosted by ATIX at a conference room next to their office, so thanks to all of them for having as there, especially...

Foreman Birthday Event 2023 – Recap

Foreman Birthday Event 2023 – Recap

Two years ago I started my recap of the event with "Last week on Thursday we had the Foreman Birthday event and I can proudly say it was a big success." and I can do the same for this one. At the beginning of the year planning for the event started in the background...


Our webinar archive for Foreman

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