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Grafana Loki

Efficiency and scalability in log aggregation

Grafana Loki is a powerful and efficient log management solution, ideal for quick queries and easy data visualization. Perfect for troubleshooting, system monitoring and gaining a comprehensive insight into your data.

Grafana Loki

Open Source log analysis for an efficient data evaluation

Convince yourself of the power of Grafana Loki, the innovative log management solution. With its combination of flexibility, efficiency and seamless integration, Loki sets new standards in log analysis.
Discover the benefits of Loki now.

Visualize. Analyze. Optimize.


Loki’s innovative indexing reduces memory requirements and speeds up query times. This efficiency is particularly advantageous when analyzing extensive log data and supports fast and precise error detection.


Integration with Grafana Dashboards enables intuitive and effective visualization of log data. This allows you to quickly identify patterns and establish correlations between different data sources, making diagnosis and monitoring easier.


Loki supports a variety of data sources and formats, making it a versatile solution for different logging requirements. This flexibility simplifies the centralized management and analysis of logs across different systems and applications.


Grafana Loki scales effortlessly as your data grows, without compromising on performance. This feature makes it the ideal log management tool for dynamic and growing environments where data volumes are constantly increasing.


Modern log analysis

Grafana can generate a holistic data view from over 30 different data sources. It is not limited to simple graphs, but also supports different display formats. With Grafana Loki, log data can be displayed as individually as you need it.

Whether it’s a special view for your alerts, requests or error codes, Loki offers a variety of ways to filter and visualize your content.

Seamless Grafana integration

Loki has been developed for a seamless integration into Grafana. This gives you the ability to visualize and analyze log data directly. Together with advanced dashboard and visualization options in Grafana, log analysis and monitoring has never been easier.

Label-based indexing

Grafana Loki uses label-based indexing to store logs efficiently and search log data quickly. The focus on key metadata enables faster queries and more accurate error analysis without data loss and is ideal for large amounts of data.

Optimized requests

Loki’s efficiency in processing complex queries is crucial for analyzing large data sets that require fast and accurate results. The focus on fast queries allows you to get a quick and detailed insight into your log data.


The key to efficient log collection

Promtail is the essential agent for Grafana Loki. Promtail is responsible for collecting log data and forwarding it to Grafana. It enables the precise and flexible definition of labels, which are essential for efficient indexing in Loki.

By collecting and labeling log data, Promtail contributes significantly to Loki’s ability to perform fast and accurate log analysis. As a bridge between the data sources and the log management system, it ensures that Loki can collect and process logs effectively.


Grafana Loki Consulting

We are happy to help you with the conception, installation and integration of your environment – for more power, know-how and peace of mind!


Years of experience

We have been supporting our customers in the operation of their IT infrastructures for many years. Industries, tools, operating systems – we have seen, operated and built all kinds of things. We know the best practices with Grafana, Prometheus, InfluxDB & Co. and many topics around Open Source and Linux.


Full understanding

We not only understand your IT systems and services, but also the big picture and the countless aspects of operating complex IT infrastructures. With increasing complexity and a rapidly changing IT world, there is often a lack of time and personnel.

Peace of Mind

Targeted reinforcement

As Linux generalists and open source experts, we have a broad base and are well integrated into the open source communities. You are never alone with us! Whether as an IT consultant, engineer, support or architect – we strengthen your team and take work off your hands.

Everything from a single source

The holistic portfolio of NETWAYS

You need support with the planning, implementation and operation of your Grafana Loki environment. NETWAYS supports you in all matters relating to consulting, outsourcing and, of course, training.

IT Outsourcing

As an external IT department, we take over the complete operation of entire environments. We take care of all the necessary systems from the open source world and work with you.


With us, you get fast help from your personal systems engineer. Whether by phone, chat, e-mail or ticket: we are always there for you! Loki not doing what it should? Get in touch with us!


We are happy to pass on our extensive and profound practical knowledge to you in our training courses and workshops. Of course, as face-to-face and of course online training.

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